- accident, steps to take 1,
- agency approvals 1,
- approvals, agency 1,
- battery
- handling 1,
- cables
- reducing radio frequency interference (RFI) 1,
- Canada, compliance statement 1,
- case number, for JTAC 1,
- chassis
- component serial number labels 1,
- lifting guidelines 1,
- checklist for site preparation 1,
- compliance
- EMC requirements 1,
- general standards 1,
- lithium battery 1,
- components
- packing for shipping 1,
- serial number label 1,
- Configuring
- EX-series switch 1, 2,
- customer support
- contacting JTAC for hardware return 1,
- information required for hardware return 1,
- Declaration of Conformity 1,
- electricity
- wiring guidelines 1,
- electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) See EMC
- electromagnetic interference (EMI) See See EMI
- EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)
- compliance with requirements 1,
- preventing problems with 1,
- standards 1,
- EMI (electromagnetic interference)
- compliance with requirements 1,
- standards 1,
- suppressing 1,
- ESD wrist strap
- verifying resistance, for safety 1,
- European Union, compliance statement 1,
- EX 3200 LAN ports
- LEDs 1,
- EX 3200 network ports
- LEDs 1,
- EX 3200 rear panel 1,
- EX 4200 front panel 1,
- EX 4200 LAN ports
- LEDs 1,
- EX 4200 network ports
- LEDs 1,
- EX 4200 rear panel 1,
- EX-series switch
- packing for shipping 1,
- fan LEDs
- EX 3200 switch 1,
- EX 4200 switch 1,
- FCC Part 15 compliance statement 1,
- front panel
- EX 4200 switches 1,
- LCD 1,
- front panel LEDs
- EX 3200 switch 1,
- EX 4200 switch 1,
- grounding
- equipment warning 1,
- injury, steps to take 1,
- JTAC (Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center)
- information required for hardware return 1,
- contacting for hardware return 1,
- labels, serial number 1,
- lasers
- beam warning 1,
- Class 1 product warning 1,
- open aperture warning 1,
- safety guidelines 1,
- LCD 1,
- LEDs
- Class 1 product warning 1,
- EX 3200 network ports 1,
- EX 3200 switch front panel 1,
- EX 4200 network ports 1,
- EX 4200 switch front panel 1,
- safety warnings 1,
- SFP uplink module ports 1,
- XFP uplink module ports 1,
- lifting guidelines 1,
- lightening activity warning 1,
- maintenance
- warnings 1,
- network port LEDs
- EX 3200 switch 1,
- EX 4200 switch 1,
- packing materials
- packing an EX-series switch for shipping 1,
- packing components for shipping 1,
- personnel warning 1,
- port LEDs
- SFP uplink module 1,
- XFP uplink module 1,
- power LEDs
- EX 3200 switch 1,
- EX 4200 switch 1,
- power supplies, EX 3200
- serial number label 1,
- power supplies, EX 4200
- serial number label 1,
- product disposal 1,
- rack installation
- lifting guidelines 1,
- safety guidelines and warnings 1,
- radio frequency interference (RFI), reducing 1,
- ramp angle requirement 1,
- rear panel
- EX 3200 switches 1,
- EX 4200 switches 1,
- returning hardware
- packing an EX-series switch for shipping 1,
- packing components for shipping 1,
- procedure 1,
- tools and parts required 1,
- RMA (Return Materials Authorization) 1,
- number 1,
- packing an EX-series switch for shipping 1,
- packing components for shipping 1,
- procedure 1,
- tools and parts required 1,
- safety guidelines and warnings
- battery handling 1,
- electrical 1,
- general 1,
- grounded equipment 1,
- in case of electrical accident 1,
- jewelry removal 1,
- lasers and LEDs 1,
- levels 1,
- lightening activity 1,
- maintenance and operation 1,
- operating temperature 1,
- power disconnection 1,
- product disposal 1,
- rack-mounting 1,
- ramps 1,
- read installation instructions 1,
- telecommunications cord 1,
- TN power system 1,
- safety standards 1,
- serial number
- chassis components, label 1,
- power supply 1,
- SFP uplink module
- port LEDs 1,
- shipping carton
- packing an EX-series switch for shipping 1,
- packing components for shipping 1,
- show chassis hardware command
- locating component serial numbers 1,
- signaling limitations 1,
- site
- preparation
- checklist 1
- site preparation
- electrical wiring guidelines 1
- standards compliance 1,
- system LEDs
- EX 3200 switch 1
- EX 4200 switch 1
- technical support
- contacting JTAC for hardware return 1
- information required for hardware return 1
- telecommunications line wire gauge 1,
- temperature
- warning 1
- TN power system 1,
- tools and equipment
- for hardware return 1
- United States, compliance statements 1,
- URLs
- return and repair policies 1
- virtual chassis
- description 1
- overview 1
- understanding 1
- warnings
- battery handling 1
- earthed mains socket (Norway and Sweden only) 1
- general 1
- grounded equipment 1
- jewelry removal 1
- laser and LED 1
- levels defined 1
- lightening activity 1
- maintenance and operational 1
- operating temperature 1
- personnel 1
- power disconnection 1
- product disposal 1
- rack-mounting requirements 1
- ramp angle 1
- read installation instructions 1
- telecommunications lines 1
- TN power system 1
- wire gauge
- for telecommunications lines 1
- wiring guidelines
- radio frequency interference (RFI) 1
- suppressing electromagnetic interference (EMI) 1
- signaling limitations 1
- XFP uplink module
- port LEDs 1