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Installer 2.4 Release Notes

Release 2.4.1

Issues Fixed

  • IN-224 System boots to incorrect kernel for SSR release on rollback

  • IN-227 Rollback fails when system starts from a non SSR based kernel

Release 2.4.0

Issues Fixed

  • IN-199 System boots to old kernel after upgrade from a previous SSR release

  • IN-167 Installer sends error event after installation was successful if it cannot initially send the success event.


  • IN-126 - Installation does not fully complete but returns Success Symptom: When performing an upgrade, the installer will complete however not all packages will be updated.

    Cause: The router node could not resolve the SSR software repository

    Corrective Action: When performing the upgrade ensure internet or Conductor access (where Conducted hosted services are enabled)

  • IN-141 - Unsupported installed rpms result in Canceled upgrade Symptom: GUI presents a failure on upgrade with the following text provided:

    Error: transaction check vs depsolve:


    Cancelling upgrade of the second node on the router due to failure on this node:
    Failed to install 128T-manifest-0:
    Error: transaction check vs depsolve:
    iptables = 1.4.21-28.el7 is needed by iptables-services-1.4.21-28.el7.x86_64

    To diagnose the problem, try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest. If this is a corrupted RPMDB, running rpm --rebuilddb may address the issue.

    Cause: Installed version of the RPM's come from a later version of the Supported SSR OS version.

    Corrective Action: For the offending RPM that comes from a different version of the OS than is installed and running, perform either operation:

    1. Remove the offending rpm (in the example above "iptables-services-1.4.21-28.el7.x86_64" would be removed
    2. Setup a new repo pointing to the support SSR-OS vault version and downgrade the related rpms
  • IN-157 - Installer fails with DNF -11 SIGSEGV failure

    Symptom: Install fails with the following error: "Error executing DNF command (code: -11)"

    Cause: DNF uses the curl functions, in earlier versions of SSR-OS the curl libraries may exhibit this issue.

    Corrective Action: When installing supported versions of the SSR software this is not an issue.