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Hot Patch Releases

This section describes the installation procedure and resolved issues in Network Director Release 6.2R1 hot patches.

During hot patch installation, the script performs the following operations:

  • Blocks the device communication.

  • Stops JBoss, JBoss-dc, and watchdog services.

  • Backs up existing configuration files and Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) files.

  • Updates the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) files.

  • Restarts the watchdog process, which restarts JBoss and JBoss-dc services.

  • Unblocks device communication after the watchdog process is restarted for device load balancing.


You must install the hot patch on Network Director 6.2R1, or on any previously installed hot patch. The hot patch installer backs up all the files that are modified or replaced during hot patch installation.

Installation Instructions

Perform the following steps in the CLI of the JBoss-VIP node only:

  1. Download the Network Director 6.2R1 Patch vX from the Downloads.

    X is the hot patch version. For example, v1, v2, and so on.

  2. Copy the ND-6.2R1-hotpatch-vX.tgz file to the /home/admin folder of the VIP node.

  3. Verify the checksum of the hot patch:

  4. Extract the ND-6.2R1-hotptach-vX.tgz file:

  5. Change the directory to ND-6.2R1-hotptach-vX:

  6. Execute the script from the ND-6.2R1-hotpatch-vX folder:

    The script detects whether the deployment is standalone deployment or a cluster deployment and installs the patch accordingly.

A marker file /etc/.ND-6.2R1-hotpatch-vX is created with the list of RPMs that are fixed in the hot patch.


We recommend that you install the latest available hot patch version, which is the cumulative patch.

Resolved Issues

Resolved Issues lists the resolved issues in Network Director Release 6.2R1 hot patch.

Table 1: Resolved Issues in Network Director Release 6.2R1 Hot Patch
PR Description Hot Patch Version
PR1749726 Junos image deployment fails on the EX3400 Series Ethernet Switch Virtual Chassis from Network Director v1

If the hot patch contains a user interface fix, you must clear the Web browser’s cache for the latest changes to take effect.