Assigning Device Common Settings to Devices
Once a Device Common Settings profile is created or discovered (system-created profile), you must assign it to devices using the steps described in this topic. You can assign a Device profile to a either single device, a series of single devices, or a Custom Group of devices (see Creating Custom Device Groups ).
A device can have only one Device Common Settings profile assigned to it.
You must have one or more device profiles created or discovered before you can assign a device profile to a device. When you deploy an assigned device profile, the configuration is pushed onto the device.
This topic describes:
Assigning Device Common Settings
To assign device common settings to either a single device, a series of single devices, or members of a Custom Group:
An assigned Device profile has the Assignment State Pending Deployment in the Manage Device Common Settings list. Deploy any device profile in this state.
To view the details of a profile, select the profile from the Manage Device Common Settings page and then click Details.
Editing the Assignments of the Device Common Setting
Use the Edit Assignments page to change device common setting assignments. To edit an existing assignment: