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Deleting a Customized Service Definition

You can delete a customized service definition only when it is in the unpublished state. You cannot delete an unpublished service definition if it has services or service orders associated with it.


You cannot delete a predefined service definition.

To delete a customized service definition:

  1. In the Connectivity Services Director application, select Service View from the Views selector.
  2. Click the Build tab on the Task Categories banner.

  3. From the Service View pane, select Network Services > Connectivity.
  4. From the Tasks pane, select Service Design > Manage Service Definitions.
  5. In the Manage Service Definitions page, select the customized service definition you want to delete.

    You must unpublish the service definition before you can delete it. To unpublish a service definition, see Unpublishing a Custom Service Definition.

  6. Click Delete.

    The Information window is displayed.

  7. Click Yes in the Information window to confirm deletion.

    The Manage Service Definition page refreshes with the selected service definition removed.