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Return Procedures for the MX10004 Chassis or Components

If you need to return a hardware component to Juniper Networks, you need a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and the equipment serial number. The Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC) can generate an RMA number. You may also need to locate chassis or component details using the CLI or by referring to equipment labels. You then pack and ship the return.

Return Procedure Overview

If you need to return an MX10004 chassis or an MX10004 component to Juniper Networks for repair or replacement, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the serial number of the component. For instructions, see Locate the Serial Number on an MX10004 Chassis or Component.
  2. Obtain a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number from the Juniper Technical Assistance Center (JTAC), as described in Contact Customer Support to Obtain a Return Materials Authorization for an MX10004 Router or Component.

    Obtain an RMA number before you attempt to return any component to Juniper Networks. Juniper Networks reserves the right to refuse shipments that do not have an RMA. Refused shipments are returned to the customer through collect freight.

  3. Pack the router or component for shipping, as described in How to Pack an MX10004 Router or Component for Shipping.

For more information about return and repair policies, see the customer support page at

Locate the Serial Number on an MX10004 Chassis or Component

If you want to return a router or component to Juniper Networks for repair or replacement, you must locate the serial number of the router or component. You must provide the serial number to the Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC) when you contact them to obtain an RMA. See Contact Customer Support to Obtain a Return Materials Authorization for an MX10004 Router or Component.

If the router is operational and you can access the CLI, you can list serial numbers for the router and for some components with a CLI command. If you don’t have access to the CLI, or if the serial number for the component doesn’t appear in the command output, you can locate the serial number ID label on the router or component.


If you want to find the serial number ID label on a component, you need to remove the component from the router chassis.

List the MX10004 Chassis and Component Details Using the CLI

To list the MX10004 router chassis and the components and their serial numbers, use the show chassis hardware CLI operational mode command.

Locate the Chassis Serial Number ID Label on an MX10004 Chassis

The serial number ID label is located on a label on the left side as you face the front of the router chassis. See Figure 1 for the location on an MX10004 router.

Figure 1: MX10004 Serial Number Label MX10004 Serial Number Label

Locate the Serial Number ID Label on an MX10004 Power Supply

The power supplies installed in an MX10004 routers are field-replaceable units (FRUs). For each FRU, you must remove the FRU from the router chassis to see the FRU serial number ID label.

  • JNP10K-PWR-AC2 power supply—The serial ID label is on the right side of the power supply. See Figure 2.

    Figure 2: JNP10K-PWR-AC2 Power Supply Serial Number Location JNP10K-PWR-AC2 Power Supply Serial Number Location
  • JNP10K-PWR-DC2 power supply—The serial number ID label is on the left side of the power supply. See Figure 3.

    Figure 3: JNP10K-PWR-DC2 Power Supply Serial Number Location JNP10K-PWR-DC2 Power Supply Serial Number Location

Locate the Serial Number ID Labels on MX10004 Fan Trays and Fan Tray Controllers

The two fan trays and their associated fan tray controllers installed in an MX10004 router are field-replaceable units (FRUs). For each FRU, you must remove the FRU from the router chassis to see the FRU serial number ID label.

  • Fan tray–The serial number ID label for the fan tray (JNP10004-FAN2) is located on the inside of the fan tray at the base of the fan tray Control Board (CB). See Figure 4.

    Figure 4: MX10004 Fan Tray Serial Number Location MX10004 Fan Tray Serial Number Location
  • Fan tray controller–The serial number ID label for the fan tray controller (JNP10004-FTC2) is located on the top of the fan tray controller. See Figure 5.

    Figure 5: MX10004 Fan Tray Controller Serial Number Location MX10004 Fan Tray Controller Serial Number Location

Locate the Serial Number ID Labels on MX10004 Routing and Control Boards

The serial number ID label for a Routing and Control Board (RCB) is located on the connector end of the unit. See Figure 6.

Figure 6: MX10004 Routing and Control Board Serial Number Location MX10004 Routing and Control Board Serial Number Location

Locate the Serial Number ID Labels on an MX10004 Line Card

The serial number ID label for an MX10004 line card is located on the connector end of the card (see Figure 7).

Figure 7: Line Card Serial Number Location Line Card Serial Number Location

Locate the Serial Number ID Labels on an MX10004 Switch Fabric Board

The serial number ID label for an MX10004 Switch Fabric Board (SFB) is located on the side of the board. See Figure 8.

Figure 8: MX10004 SFB Serial Number Location MX10004 SFB Serial Number Location

Contact Customer Support to Obtain a Return Materials Authorization for an MX10004 Router or Component

If you want to return an MX10004 router or component to Juniper Networks for repair or replacement, you must first obtain a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) from the Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC).

After locating the serial number of the device or component you want to return, open a service request with the Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC) on the Web or by telephone.

For instructions on locating the serial number of the device or component you want to return, see the following device instructions:

Before you request an RMA from JTAC, be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your existing service request number, if you have one

  • Serial number of the component

  • Your name, organization name, telephone number, fax number, and shipping address

  • Details of the failure or problem

  • Type of activity being performed on the device when the problem occurred

  • Configuration data displayed by one or more show commands

You can contact JTAC 24 hours a day, seven days a week on the Web or by telephone:


For international or direct-dial options in countries without toll-free numbers, see

If you are contacting JTAC by telephone, enter your 12-digit service request number followed by the pound or hash (#) key for an existing case, or press the star (*) key to be routed to the next available support engineer.

The support representative validates your request and issues an RMA number for return of the component.

How to Pack an MX10004 Router or Component for Shipping

Follow this procedure if you want to return an MX10004 chassis or router component to Juniper Networks for repair or replacement.

Before you pack an MX10004 router or router component:

  • Ensure that you have taken the necessary precautions to prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage. See Prevention of Electrostatic Discharge Damage.

  • Pack your chassis or component using one of these sets of materials:

    • Use the packing material from the replacement chassis or component.

    • Retrieve the original shipping carton and packing materials.

If you do not have either set of packing materials, contact your JTAC representative to learn about approved packing materials. See Contact Customer Support to Obtain a Return Materials Authorization for an MX10004 Router or Component.

Ensure that you have the following parts and tools available:

  • ESD grounding strap

  • Electrostatic bag for each component

  • If you want to return the chassis:

    • A 13/32-in. or 10-mm open-end or socket wrench to install the bracket bolts on the chassis and shipping pallet

    • An appropriate screwdriver for the mounting screws used on your rack

Pack an MX10004 Chassis for Shipping

The MX10004 router chassis is shipped in a cardboard box that has a two-layer wooden pallet base with foam cushioning between the layers. The router chassis is bolted to the pallet base with four pallet fasteners, two on each side of the chassis. See Figure 9 for the stacking configuration of the MX10004 chassis.

Figure 9: Stacking Configuration for Packing the MX10004 Chassis Stacking Configuration for Packing the MX10004 Chassis

To pack an MX10004 chassis for shipping:

  1. Power down the chassis and remove the power cables. See Remove an MX10004 Router.
  2. Remove the cables that connect the MX10004 chassis to all external devices.
  3. Remove all line cards and pack them in their original shipping containers. See Remove a Line Card from an MX10004 Router Chassis and Store a Line Card Properly.
  4. Install covers over blank slots.

    Leave components that came installed in the chassis, inside the chassis. These components may include RCBs or power supplies.

  5. Move the wooden pallet and packing material to a staging area as close to the router as possible. Make sure that there is enough space to move the router chassis from the rack to the wooden pallet.
  6. Position a mechanical lift under the router. If a mechanical lift is not available, have three people support the weight of the router while another person uses the screwdriver to remove the front mounting screws that attach the router chassis mounting brackets to the rack. For MX10004 removal, see Remove an MX10004 Router from a Four-Post Rack Using a Mechanical Lift or Manually Remove an MX10004 Router from a Four-Post Rack.
  7. Remove the router from the rack (see Chassis and Component Lifting Guidelines) and place the router on the shipping pallet. Position the router on the pallet so that the front of the router is facing the silkscreened “front” mark on the pallet. The pallet also has crop marks to guide you in positioning the router chassis.
  8. Use the 13/32-in. or 10-mm open-end or socket wrench to install the four sets of brackets and bolts that secure the router chassis to the wooden pallet.
  9. Slide the plastic cover over the router chassis. The plastic cover is part of the router’s original packing materials.
  10. Place the packing foam on top of and around the router.
  11. Place the power cords in the box.
  12. Remove the rack-mount kit from the rack and place the kit and the connecting screws in the accessory box.
  13. If you want to return accessories or FRUs with the router, pack them as instructed in Pack MX10004 Components for Shipping.
  14. Verify that all accessories are present. See Compare the MX10004 Router Order to the Packing List.
  15. Slide the cardboard box over the router chassis, making sure that the arrows on the box point up and the pallet fasteners to secure the cardboard box to the wooden pallet are near the bottom.
  16. Attach the cardboard box to the wooden pallet by screwing two screws into each of the four pallet fasteners. See Figure 10.
    Figure 10: Attach the MX10004 Router to the Pallet Attach the MX10004 Router to the Pallet
  17. Write the RMA number on the exterior of the box to ensure proper tracking.

Pack MX10004 Components for Shipping

Before you begin to pack a router component, ensure that you have the following parts and tools available:

  • Antistatic bag for each component

  • Electrostatic discharge (ESD) grounding strap


Do not stack router components. Return individual components in separate boxes if they do not fit together on one level in the shipping box.

To pack MX10004 components for shipping:

  1. Place individual FRUs in antistatic bags.
  2. Use the original packing materials if they are available. If the original packing materials are not available, ensure that the component is adequately packed to prevent damage during transit. The packing material you use must be able to support the weight of the component.
  3. Ensure that the components are adequately protected with packing materials and packed so that the pieces cannot move around inside the carton.
  4. Close the top of the cardboard shipping box and seal it with packing tape.
  5. Write the RMA number on the exterior of the box to ensure proper tracking.