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Juniper Mist™アセットの可視化サブスクリプションでは、機器などのアセットを、その場所に応じた詳細な分析とともに簡単に見つけることができます。


So what you can see on the screen right now is you can see the ability for the infrastructure, the Mist AP41 or the Mist BT11. Working in conjunction with the machine Learning cloud delivered not only location for the mobile devices that you see roaming around on our floor plan, but also those green Bluetooth icons that you see are actually assets which could be employee badges such as this right here that I have in my hand or these could be asset tags on any of the office equipment that is around the office. And that's exactly what you're seeing on the screen right now.

And so that's maybe a good lead in. So what are some of the use cases we're seeing? So I know asset visibility really kind of started off in healthcare, maybe retail, maybe warehousing. Do we see that changing? Is it more the same in those same environments or where do we see the most common use cases? We are definitely seeing a lot of interest across all verticals. Now healthcare of course has been the poster child for RTLS. I mean they were the first ones to adopt RTLS technology. They've been very adventurous in terms of the varied use of various technologies as well. But we are seeing use of BLE as a foundational asset visibility technology across various verticals.

You have healthcare of course for asset visibility, but then you also have retail. For locating forklifts and pallets and even mobile devices, you have warehouses that are trying to track material as it goes through different workflows. And then you have education where they want to now track students, especially in the elementary school where you give them a BLE wristband. And you know if a student is on campus or off campus. As well as the enterprise space where we're getting into a lot of use cases around smart spaces, smart buildings and how we're able to, again from the same Mist infrastructure, deliver location for both mobile phones with an application or non mobile device based employee batch maybe a future. We bring IoT into the equation there which we're not even talking about here. Absolutely that makes it exciting as well, very cool.

So in last December we had announced our BLE ecosystem, the Mist BLE Alliance where it was primarily focused on the engagement service, so mapping software application vendors, the resource scheduling, marketing vendors. What have we done now with the asset Visibility to kind of expand that? No, absolutely. So just like engagement for engagement use cases to come alive it took a village of ecosystem partners to bring the use case to life where we had signed up Fun Where and Conexient and Swirl and Jibestream and some of our other partners. The same way for the asset Visibility solution, we have brought to the market a full stack solution where on the tech side we are working very closely and we have full interoperability with Beacon vendors such as Arista, Blue Vision and and Contact IO. This is a Contact IO asset tag. This is an Arista tag and then you have a Blue Vision employee batch compactor and we can work with these tags in any protocol, at least on or iBeacon and then on the business application logic layer, which is where workflow optimizations come into play. We're working with Satani and Arista.


このシナリオでは、ヘルスケアの例を考えてみましょう。人々はしばしばロビーや廊下で車椅子を放棄します。患者が車椅子を必要とするとき、あなたはすぐにそれを見つける必要があります。以下に示すように、 ライブビュー の間取り図に移動して、ロビーに残された車椅子をすばやく見つけることができます。

Live View page showing the floorplan and an icon labeled Wheelchair



  • Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE)ビーコンタグ - BLEタグが一定の間隔でBLE信号をブロードキャストします. BLEビーコンタグのガイドラインを満たす任意のタグを使用できます.

  • アクセスポイント(AP)—APはBLEタグからの信号を検出します。

  • Juniper Mist位置情報エンジン:Juniper Mist Cloudの位置情報エンジンは、利用可能な情報を処理してアセットの位置を特定します。


    BLEビーコンタグ付き, 利用可能な情報はBLE信号自体のみです.この限られた情報で、Juniper Mistはゾーン精度を提供し、3〜5メートル以内の場所を特定できます。

  • Juniper Mistポータル:ポータルで、サブスクリプションをアクティブ化し、アセットの名前を入力し、 ライブビュー を使用してアセットを追跡します。



表 1: セットアップ プロセス
ステップ アクション 詳細情報
1 Juniper Mistアセットの可視化サブスクリプションを購入し、Mistポータルでアクティベートします。

[組織] > [サイトの構成] に移動し、次の両方のタスクを実行します。

  • アセットの可視化が有効になっていることを確認します。



  • アセット追跡のパフォーマンスを最適化するには、 vBLEエンゲージメントを無効にします。両方の機能が有効になっている場合、APは送受信する必要があります。APに余分なタスクを与えると、BLEタグからの信号をスキャンする時間が短縮されます。

3 APが「ラバーバンドモデル」に従って配置されていることを確認します。 ラバーバンドモデル
4 フロアプランに AP の正確な位置、高さ、方向のデータが含まれていることを確認します。 フロアプランのセットアップ
5 互換性のあるBLEビーコンタグを取得し、追跡するアセットに取り付けます. BLEビーコンタグのガイドライン
6 アセットに名前を付けます。 名前付きアセットの作成
7 ライブビューでアセットを追跡します。 名前付きアセットの現在の場所を検索する