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Create Named Assets

SUMMARY For asset visibility use cases, it's helpful to assign names to the assets.

Naming assets helps you to identify them in Live View and other areas of the Juniper Mist™ portal. Behind the scenes, Juniper Mist prioritizes named assets, compared to the unnamed BLE client devices in your environment. This prioritization results in even better location accuracy for the assets that you want to track.

You can use any of these methods to name assets:

Select BLE Clients to Name

You can select any Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) client and enter a name manually or use variables to generate a name that includes details such as the site name. Or select multiple clients and use a counter to assign similar names, such as Asset 1, Asset 2, and so on.

  1. From the left menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Clients > BLE Clients.
  2. Select the check box for each client that you want to name.
  3. At the top of the page, click Locate this as an asset (if you selected one client) or click Locate these as assets (if you selected multiple clients).

  4. In the pop-up window:
    1. Select the check box.
    2. In the Generate names with format box, enter characters, variables, or both.
      The asset name can include characters that you type, plus information that Juniper Mist generates from variables. Read the on-page information to learn more about the variables. To enter a variable, type it as shown, including the square brackets.

      If you selected multiple clients, you must use a counter variable, such as [ctr] or [ctr.3], to give each client a unique name.

      Example: Let's say that you've attached BLE beacon tags to three wheelchairs. You want to name them Wheelchair_1, Wheelchair_2, and Wheelchair_3. You'd enter the text, Wheelchair_, along with the [ctr] variable.

      Asset Visibility pop-up window showing Wheelchair_[ctr] in the format box

      If you have multiple sites, consider including the [site] variable. Then, when viewing the BLE Clients page, you can use the site name as a filter.

  5. Click Save.

Use a Filter to Generate a Common Name for Similar Assets

You can use a filter to identify and name assets that have a common attribute, such as the manufacturer or the iBeacon UUID. For example, let’s say that you attached BLE beacon tags to the inventory carts that your employees use in your retail store. You want to name all of these assets Inventory Cart so that you can easily identify them in Live View.

  1. From the left menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Clients > BLE Clients.
  2. In the Filter box, enter the value that you want to use for this filter.
    For this example, the tags on the inventory carts have a common UUID, so you'd enter the complete UUID in the Filter box.
  3. Click Create Label.
    BLE Clients page showing a UUID in the filter box, with highlighting on the Create Label button
  4. In the pop-up window, enter the name that you want to assign to these assets.
    For our example, you’d enter Inventory Cart as the name.
  5. To confirm that the label was added, you can look for the assets on the BLE Clients page and in the Live View.
    • On the BLE Clients page, enter the name in the Filter box, and press Enter. The table is filtered to show the assets with that name.

    • On the Live View page, click the Assets tab and then scroll through the list to see the assets with the new name.

Use a CSV File to Assign Names to Assets

With this approach, you enter the names and MAC addresses in a file, and then upload it on the BLE Clients page.
For instructions, see Import Assets.