Configuring No ATP Cloud (No Selection) (without Guided Setup) Overview
You would make no ATP Cloud selection to configure Juniper Connected Security using only custom feeds. Custom feeds are the only threat prevention type available if you make no selection for ATP Cloud Configuration Type in the Policy Enforcer Settings page.
Before you configure Policy Enforcer, you must enter the IP address and login credentials for the policy enforcer virtual machine. Go to Administration > Policy Enforcer > Settings. Once this information is entered, you can begin the setup process. See Policy Enforcer Settings. (Refer to Policy Enforcer Installation Overview for instructions on downloading Policy Enforcer and creating your policy enforcer virtual machine.)
There are some concepts you should understand before you begin the configuration. It is recommended you read about them here in advance.Policy Enforcer Configuration Concepts.
To configure Policy Enforcer with no ATP Cloud selection and without the guided setup:
- In the Secure Fabric page, create sites and add devices
to those sites.
In the UI, navigate to Devices >Secure Fabric. Click the + icon to create a new site.
See Creating Secure Fabric and Sites for details.
- Create a policy enforcement group.
In the UI, navigate to Configure>Shared Objects>Policy Enforcement Groups. Click the + icon to create a new policy enforcement group.
See Creating Policy Enforcement Groups for details.
- Create a custom feed and select one of the following custom
feeds as a threat prevention types:
Dynamic Address
Infected Hosts
In the UI, navigate to Configure>Threat Prevention> Feed Sources. Click Create to create a custom feed.
See Creating Custom Feeds for details.
- Add the threat prevention policy, including profiles for
one or more threat types: C&C server, infected host, malware.
In the UI, navigate to Configure> Threat Prevention > Policies. Click the + icon to create a new threat prevention policy.
See Creating Threat Prevention Policies for details.