Viewing Decommissioned E-Line, E-LAN, and IP Service Orders
In certain situations, you might decommission a service that a customer no longer needs. You cannot decommission a service if a service order requesting action on that service is in the Requested, Scheduled, In Progress, or Invalid state. You can view the decommissioned service orders in a separate page to determine whether you want to restore or delete it completely.
To view and determine the status of decommissioned service orders in a tabular form:
- Select Service View from the View Selector. The workspaces that are applicable to routing and tunnel services are displayed.
- From the Connectivity Services Director user interface, click the Deploy icon in the Connectivity Services Director banner. The functionalities that you can configure in this mode are displayed in the task pane.
- From the View pane, click the plus sign (+) to expand the Network Services tree, and select the Connectivity node.
- In the Network Services > Connectivity view pane, select Service Provisioning > Decommissioned Service Orders.
The Decommissioned Service Orders page is displayed on the right pane.
A table of service orders on the system appears in the main display area. The following fields are displayed on this page:
Name—Unique name assigned to the service.
Customer—Name of the customer for which the service is provided.
Completed—Service order has been successfully deployed.
Deploy failed—Device is down or the Connectivity Services Director application was unable to push the service configuration to a device configured for the service.
In-progress—Connectivity Services Director application is in the process of deploying the service.
Invalid—Service order contains invalid data.
Requested—Service provisioner has created the service order, but has not yet attempted to deploy it or schedule it for deployment.
Scheduled—Service provisioner has scheduled the service order for deployment.
Service Type:
E-Line pseudowire (LDP)
E-Line pseudowire (BGP)
E-LAN (MultiPoint-to-MultiPoint)
E-LAN (Point-to-MultiPoint)
IP (Full Mesh)
IP (Hub-Spoke 1 Interface)
Signaling Type:
Latest Job—Unique identifier assigned by the system for a deployment job. Click the link in the job ID to open the CSD Deployment Jobs. The table on that page lists configuration deployment jobs.
Created By—The screen name of the user who created the service order
Created Date—The date and when you created the service order.
From this page, you can do the following:
Delete a decommissioned service order
View the details of a decommissioned service order
Restore a decommissioned service order
To Delete a Decommissioned Service Order:
- Select the check box beside a decommissioned service order
that you want to delete, and click Delete above the table
of listed service orders.
You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
- Click OK to confirm the deletion.
The deleted service order is removed from the list of decommissioned service orders.
To View the Details of a Decommissioned Service Order:
- Select the check box beside a decommissioned service order that you want to view the details, and click Details above the table of listed service orders or double-click the table row that summarizes the service order.
To Restore a Decommissioned Service Order:
- Select the check box beside a decommissioned service order
that you want to restore, and click Restore above the table
of listed service orders.
The Restore Service Order page appears.
Note You can modify only those fields, which are editable in the service order.
- Click Done. The Confirmation dialogue box appears.
You can choose one of the following options:
Save and Validate—Select this option to save and validate the service order. If there are any errors during the validation process, they are displayed on the screen. You can fix the errors and validate the service order again.
Save and Deploy—Select this option to save and deploy the service order.
- Click OK to confirm the deployment option or Cancel to discard the changes.