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Tunnel Services Overview


Transport or tunnel services allow you to design, provision, and deploy label-switched path (LSP) services that run from a specific ingress router to a specific egress router. You can configure end-to-end point-to-point and point-to-multiple-point LSPs.

A tunnel service automates and provides a user interface for LSP service deployment, including LSP-configured Juniper Networks device discovery from the Junos Space Platform database, LSP definition configuration design, and LSP service validation and deployment.

A tunnel service is integrated with and codependent upon network services, that provide Layer 2 and Layer 3 VPN service provisioning.

Provisioning an LSP service includes the following major tasks:

  • Discover Juniper Networks devices that have been configured for MPLS-Signaled LSP into Junos Space using the Devices workspace. See the MPLS-Signaled LSP Configuration Guidelines in the Junos OS MPLS Applications Configuration Guide.

  • Discover tunneling or transport devices from the Connectivity Services Director GUI in Service View of Build mode. In the Network Services > Connectivity task pane, select Prestage Devices > Prestage Devices. View the values displayed under the Roles column of the discovered devices.

    Click Manage Device Roles and from the drop-down list, select Discover Roles to retrieve the roles of the devices. A dialog box is displayed with the job ID of the discovery job that is created to obtain the latest roles of the devices.

  • Assign LSP roles to provide authorization for the LSP definition designer and service activator to provision LSP services. Select Platform > Users.

  • Create an LSP definition to use to create an LSP service. Select TA Design> Manage TA Definitions.

  • Create and validate LSP services. Select Service Provisioning> Manage LSPs. You can use LSP settings in the predefined LSP definition so that they are configurable in the LSP service order.