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Service Templates Overview


Service Templates provides a powerful mechanism to configure advanced service-related options that are not exposed via the service order creation workflow. Create and attach one or more service templates to a service definition to define any provisioning-related configuration option beyond the current coverage of Network Services. Using a single template, the same parameter values can be pushed to all service instances. Use multiple templates to push different sets of parameters to different endpoints in the same service order.

The service specific values in service templates enable configuration values to be automatically resolved at the time of deployment, without the intervention of the service provisioner. The template designer can also enable the service provisioner to edit parameters in the template.


Service templates usually contain “Service Specific Values.” These cannot and should not be edited by service provisioners. The service specific values are resolved by Network Services and the device.

As an extension to Device Templates, Service Templates is designed exclusively for the purpose of service configuration. Configuration of all other options is available through Device Templates. See Device Templates Overview. The Service Templates workspace is located under Service Design in Network Services.