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Disk Usage System Notifications

JSA disk sentry monitors the /, /store, /storetmp, /transient, and /var/log partitions before the partitions reach a pre-defined usage threshold.

The following table displays the host context system notifications that depend on the disk usage of each monitored partition.

Table 1: Disk Usage Notifications



Suggested action

Disk Sentry: Disk Usage exceeded warning threshold.

Disk usage is at 90% for a monitored partition. JSA is not affected when the partition reaches this threshold. Continue to monitor your partition levels.

See Disk usage exceeded threshold.

Disk Sentry: Disk Usage exceeded max threshold.

Disk usage is at 95% for a monitored partition. JSA data collection and search processes are shut down to protect the file system from reaching 100%.

See Disk usage warning.

Disk sentry: System disk usage back to normal levels.

After disk usage reaches a threshold of 95%, it must return to 92% before JSA automatically restarts data collection and search processes.

To lower the disk usage threshold, manually remove data from the affected partitions. See Disk usage returned to normal.