
Namespace: (default namespace)

Management data for wireless access-point's radio.



name (type) min/max
radioId (string) 0/1 The system identification for the radio, composed of: The access point name, colon (:), and the radio number.
macaddr (string) 0/1 Indicates the radio MAC address
status (DeviceStatus) 0/1 Indicates the radio current status: Up (enabled), Down (disabled), or NA (unable to determine status).
radioType (RadioType) 0/1 Indicates the type of wireless clients that can connect to the access point..
channel (int) 0/1 Indicates the configured operating channel for AP communication.
txPower (int) 0/1 The transmit power level for a radio.
rfTrafficStats (RFTrafficCurrentStats) 0/1 Radio RF traffic statistics data.
rfSignalStats (RFSignalCurrentStats) 0/1 Radio RF signal statistics data.
collectionPeriod (string) 0/1 Indicates how often management data are collected.
lastCollection (string) 0/1 Indicates the most recent time the radio data were collected.
avgDot11PktErrors (double) 1/1 Indicates the average 802.11 packet error rate.
currentDot11PktErrors (double) 1/1 Indicates the current 802.11 packet error rate.


property type description
radioId radioId (string) The system identification for the radio, composed of: The access point name, colon (:), and the radio number.
macaddr macaddr (string) Indicates the radio MAC address
status status (DeviceStatus) Indicates the radio current status: Up (enabled), Down (disabled), or NA (unable to determine status).
radioType radioType (RadioType) Indicates the type of wireless clients that can connect to the access point..
channel channel (int) Indicates the configured operating channel for AP communication.
txPower txPower (int) The transmit power level for a radio.
rfTrafficStats rfTrafficStats (RFTrafficCurrentStats) Radio RF traffic statistics data.
rfSignalStats rfSignalStats (RFSignalCurrentStats) Radio RF signal statistics data.
collectionPeriod collectionPeriod (string) Indicates how often management data are collected.
lastCollection lastCollection (string) Indicates the most recent time the radio data were collected.
avgDot11PktErrors avgDot11PktErrors (double) Indicates the average 802.11 packet error rate.
currentDot11PktErrors currentDot11PktErrors (double) Indicates the current 802.11 packet error rate.