
Extends: fmManagedElement
Namespace: (default namespace)

Client session summary



name (type) min/max
sessionId (string) 1/1 Session identification string.
macAddress (string) 1/1 MAC address of the device associated with this session.
userName (string) 0/1 Name of the user associated with this session.
ipv4 (string) 0/1 IPv4 address of the client associated with this session, if any.
ipv6 (string) 0/1 IPv6 address of the client associated with this session, if any.
linkLocal (string) 0/1 The link-local address of the session.


property type description
sessionId sessionId (string) Session identification string.
macAddress macAddress (string) MAC address of the device associated with this session.
userName userName (string) Name of the user associated with this session.
ipv4 ipv4 (string) IPv4 address of the client associated with this session, if any.
ipv6 ipv6 (string) IPv6 address of the client associated with this session, if any.
linkLocal linkLocal (string) The link-local address of the session.