Extends: managedDevice
Namespace: (default namespace)

Wireless Controller management data.



name (type) min/max
mssVersion (string) 0/1 Indicates the version and release level of Mobility System Software running on the device.
cpuUsage (float) 1/1 Indicates the CPU usage of the controller.
memUsage (long) 1/1 Indicates the memory usage of the controller.
apStatus (managedDevice) 0/unbounded List of wireless access-points controlled by this controller.
portStatus (port) 0/unbounded List of interface status objects.
uptime (string) 0/1 Indicates the system uptime of this controller.


property type description
mssVersion mssVersion (string) Indicates the version and release level of Mobility System Software running on the device.
cpuUsage cpuUsage (float) Indicates the CPU usage of the controller.
memUsage memUsage (long) Indicates the memory usage of the controller.
apStatus array of apStatus (managedDevice) List of wireless access-points controlled by this controller.
portStatus array of portStatus (port) List of interface status objects.
uptime uptime (string) Indicates the system uptime of this controller.