示例:VPLS 配置(BGP 信令)

在图 1 中,在路由器 PE1 和 PE2 之间启用了简单的 VPLS 拓扑。客户边缘路由器 CE1 和 CE2 使用基于以太网的接口将 VLAN 600 连接到其本地 PE 路由器 。PE 路由器 PE1 和 PE2 通过运行 MPLS、BGP、RSVP 和 OSPF 的服务提供商骨干网中启用的 LSP 相互连接。
在名为 green
的 VPLS 路由实例中,PE1 具有本地接口fe-0/1/0
配置 VPLS 时,虚拟端口将在隧道服务 PIC 上动态创建)。PE2 在同一实例中green
端口。因此,路由器 CE1 和 CE2 相互发送以太网流量,就像它们在 LAN 上物理连接一样。
在路由器 CE1 上,您唯一需要配置的是连接到 PE1 的快速以太网接口。请务必记下 VLAN 标识符和 IP 地址,以便稍后在 CE2 上匹配它们。
路由器 CE1
[edit] interfaces { fe-0/1/0 { vlan-tagging; # Configure VLAN tagging for VLAN VPLS or extended VLAN VPLS. unit 0 { vlan-id 600; # The Ethernet interface on CE2 must use the same VLAN ID. family inet { address; # The interface on CE2 must use the same prefix. } } } }
如果路由器 PE1 是 MX 系列设备,则需要配置隧道服务接口。
要在 MX 系列路由器上创建隧道接口,请在 [edit chassis fpc slot-number pic number
] 层次结构级别包含tunnel-services
语句。要配置隧道接口的带宽,请在 [edit chassis fpc slot-number pic number tunnel services
] 层次结构级别包含bandwidth
以下示例显示了在 MX 系列路由器插槽 0 中安装的 DPC 的 PFE 3 上配置了 1 Gbps 带宽的隧道接口:
[edit chassis] fpc 0 { pic 3 { tunnel services { bandwidth 1g; } } }
在路由器 PE1 上,通过配置 BGP、MPLS、OSPF 和 RSVP 为 VPLS 准备路由器。(这些协议是大多数第 2 层 VPN 相关应用程序(包括 VPLS)的基础。在层次结构级别包含语句signaling
[edit protocols bgp group group-name family l2vpn]
,因为 VPLS 对内部 BGP 使用与第 2 层 VPN 相同的基础架构。
在 Junos OS 7.3 版及更高版本中,该 signaling
语句将替换 unicast
层次结构级别的语句 [edit protocols bgp group group-name family l2vpn]
。如果您希望同时配置 VPLS 域和第 2 层 VPN,则必须使用该 signaling
接下来,在连接到路由器 CE1 的快速以太网接口上配置 VLAN 标记。在物理和逻辑接口级别包括 VLAN VPLS 封装。请务必对属于单个 VPLS 实例的所有以太网接口使用相同的 VLAN ID。最后,将快速以太网接口添加到 VPLS 路由实例中,并指定站点范围、站点 ID 号和站点名称。
路由器 PE1
[edit] interfaces { fe-0/1/0 { vlan-tagging;# Configure VLAN tagging for VLAN VPLS or extended VLAN VPLS. encapsulation vlan-vpls; # Configure VPLS encapsulation on both the unit 0 { # physical interface and the logical interface. encapsulation vlan-vpls; vlan-id 600;# The VLAN ID is the same one used by the CE routers. } } so-1/1/0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } family mpls; } } lo0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } } } } routing-options { autonomous-system 69; forwarding-table { export exp-to-fwd; # Apply a policy that selects an LSP for the VPLS instance. } } protocols { rsvp { interface all { aggregate; } } mpls { label-switched-path pe1-to-pe2 { # Configure an LSP to reach other VPLS PEs. to; } interface all; } bgp { group vpls-pe { type internal; local-address; family l2vpn { # VPLS uses the same infrastructure as Layer 2 VPNs signaling; # for internal BGP. } neighbor; neighbor; } } ospf { traffic-engineering; area { interface so-1/1/0.0 { metric 11; } interface lo0.0 { passive; } } } } policy-options { policy-statement exp-to-fwd { term a { from community grn-com; # Matches the community in the VPLS instance. then { install-nexthop lsp pe1-to-pe2; # If there are multiple LSPs that exist accept; # between VPLS PE routers, this statement sends VPLS traffic } # over a specific LSP. } } community grn-com members target:11111:1; # Adds the instance to a BGP } # community. routing-instances { green { instance-type vpls; # Configure a VPLS routing instance. interface fe-0/1/0.0; route-distinguisher; vrf-target target:11111:1; # This value is important to the BGP community. protocols { vpls { # Configure a VPLS site range, site name, and site identifier. site-range 10; site greenPE1 { site-identifier 1; } } } } }
在路由器 P0 上,配置 BGP、MPLS、OSPF 和 RSVP 以互连 PE1 和 PE2。
路由器 P0
[edit] interfaces { so-0/0/0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } family mpls; } } so-1/1/0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } family mpls; } } lo0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } } } } routing-options { autonomous-system 69; } protocols { rsvp { interface all { aggregate; } } mpls { interface all; } bgp { group vpls-pe { type internal; local-address; family l2vpn { # VPLS uses the same infrastructure as Layer 2 VPNs signaling; # for internal BGP. } neighbor; neighbor; } } ospf { traffic-engineering; area { interface so-1/1/0.0 { metric 11; } interface so-0/0/0.0 { metric 15; } interface lo0.0 { passive; } } } }
如果路由器 PE2 是 MX 系列设备,则需要配置隧道服务接口。
要在 MX 系列路由器上创建隧道接口,请在 [edit chassis fpc slot-number pic number
] 层次结构级别包含tunnel-services
语句。要配置隧道接口的带宽,请在 [edit chassis fpc slot-number pic number
] 层次结构级别包含bandwidth
以下示例显示了在 MX 系列路由器插槽 0 中安装的 DPC 的 PFE 3 上配置了 1 Gbps 带宽的隧道接口:
[edit chassis] fpc 0 { pic 3 { tunnel services { bandwidth 1g; } } }
在路由器 PE2 上,配置 BGP、MPLS、OSPF 和 RSVP 以补充 PE1 上的配置。接下来,在连接到路由器 CE2 的快速以太网接口上配置 VLAN 标记。在物理和逻辑接口级别包括 VLAN VPLS 封装。请务必对属于单个 VPLS 实例的所有以太网接口使用相同的 VLAN ID。最后,将快速以太网接口添加到 VPLS 路由实例中,并指定站点范围、站点 ID 号和站点名称。
路由器 PE2
[edit] interfaces { fe-0/1/0 { vlan-tagging; # Configure VLAN tagging for VLAN VPLS or extended VLAN VPLS. encapsulation vlan-vpls; # Configure VPLS encapsulation on both the unit 0 { # physical interface and logical interface. encapsulation vlan-vpls; vlan-id 600;# The VLAN ID is the same one used by the CE routers. } } so-0/0/0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } family mpls; } } lo0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } } } } routing-options { autonomous-system 69; forwarding-table { export exp-to-fwd; # Apply a policy that selects an LSP for the VPLS instance. } } protocols { rsvp { interface all { aggregate; } } mpls { label-switched-path pe2-to-pe1 { # Configure an LSP to other VPLS PE routers. to; } interface all; } bgp { group vpls-pe { type internal; local-address; family l2vpn { # VPLS uses the same infrastructure as Layer 2 VPNs signaling; # for internal BGP. } neighbor; neighbor; } } ospf { traffic-engineering; area { interface so-0/0/0.0 { metric 15; } interface lo0.0 { passive; } } } } policy-options { policy-statement exp-to-fwd { term a { from community grn-com; # Matches the community with the VPLS instance. then { install-nexthop lsp pe2-to-pe1; # If there are multiple LSPs that exist accept; # between VPLS PE routers, this statement sends VPLS traffic } # over a specific LSP. } } community grn-com members target:11111:1; # This adds the instance into a BGP community. } routing-instances { green { instance-type vpls; # Configure a VPLS routing instance. interface fe-0/1/0.0; route-distinguisher; vrf-target target:11111:1; # This value is important for the BGP community. protocols { vpls { # Configure a VPLS site range, site name, and site identifier. site-range 10; site greenPE2 { site-identifier 2; } } } } }
在路由器 CE2 上,通过配置连接到 PE2 的快速以太网接口来完成您的 VPLS 网络。使用路由器 CE1 上使用的相同 VLAN 标识符和 IP 地址前缀。
路由器 CE2
[edit] interfaces { fe-0/1/0 { vlan-tagging; # Configure VLAN tagging for VLAN VPLS or extended VLAN VPLS. unit 0 { vlan-id 600; # The Ethernet interface on CE1 must use the same VLAN ID. family inet { address; # The interface on CE1 must use the same prefix. } } } }
要验证 VPLS 的正常运行,请使用以下命令:
clear vpls mac-address instance instance-name
show interfaces terse
show route forwarding-table family mpls
show route forwarding-table family vpls (destination | extensive | matching | table)
show route instance (detail)
show system statistics vpls
show vpls connections
show vpls statistics
以下部分显示了作为配置示例结果的路由器 PE1 上这些命令的输出:
user@PE1> show interfaces terse Interface Admin Link Proto Local Remote so-1/1/0 up up so-1/1/0.0 up up inet mpls so-1/1/1 up up so-1/1/2 up up so-1/1/3 up up fe-0/1/0 up up fe-0/1/0.0 up up vpls # This is the local Fast Ethernet # interface. fe-0/1/1 up up fe-0/1/2 up up fe-0/1/3 up up gr-0/3/0 up up ip-0/3/0 up up mt-0/3/0 up up pd-0/3/0 up up pe-0/3/0 up up vt-0/3/0 up up vt-0/3/0.32770 up up # This is the dynamically generated virtual port. dsc up up fxp0 up up fxp0.0 up up inet fxp1 up up fxp1.0 up up tnp 4 gre up up ipip up up lo0 up up lo0.0 up up inet --> 0/0 --> 0/0 inet6 fe80::2a0:a5ff:fe28:13e0 feee::10:245:14:218 lsi up up mtun up up pimd up up pime up up tap up up user@PE1> show system statistics vpls vpls: 0 total packets received 0 with size smaller than minimum 0 with incorrect version number 0 packets for this host 0 packets with no logical interface 0 packets with no family 0 packets with no route table 0 packets with no auxiliary table 0 packets with no corefacing entry 0 packets with no CE-facing entry 6 mac route learning requests # This indicates that VPLS is working. 6 mac routes learnt 0 mac routes aged 0 mac routes moved
要显示 VPLS 源和目标 MAC 地址记帐信息,请通过命令使用 destination
show route forwarding-table family vpls
、 extensive
、 matching
或 table
VPLS MAC 地址计费基于每个 VPLS 实例的每个 MAC 地址进行处理。所有信息都从 MAC 地址表中的 MAC 地址条目中检索。VPLS MAC 地址记帐仅在本地客户边缘路由器上执行。
源和目标 MAC 地址的 VPLS 计数器会持续递增,直到从内存缓冲区中删除最早的 MAC 地址条目(当条目超时或重新启动 VPLS 实例时)。
user@PE1> show route forwarding-table family vpls extensive Routing table: green.vpls [Index 2] VPLS: Destination: default Route type: dynamic Route reference: 0 Flags: sent to PFE Next-hop type: flood Index: 353 Reference: 1 Destination: default Route type: permanent Route reference: 0 Flags: none Next-hop type: discard Index: 298 Reference: 1 Destination: fe-0/1/0.0 Route type: dynamic Route reference: 0 Flags: sent to PFE Next-hop type: flood Index: 355 Reference: 1 Destination: bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb/48 # This MAC address belongs to remote CE2. Route type: dynamic Route reference: 0 Flags: sent to PFE, prefix load balance Next-hop type: indirect Index: 351 Reference: 4 Next-hop type: Push 800000, Push 100002(top) Next-hop interface: so-1/1/0.0 Destination: aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa/48 # This MAC address belongs to local CE1. Route type: dynamic Route reference: 0 Flags: sent to PFE, prefix load balance Next-hop type: unicast Index: 354 Reference: 2 Next-hop interface: fe-0/1/0.0 user@PE1> show route forwarding-table family vpls Routing table: green.vpls VPLS: Destination Type RtRef Next hop Type Index NhRef Netif default dynm 0 flood 353 1 default perm 0 dscd 298 1 fe-0/1/0.0 dynm 0 flood 355 1 bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb/48 # This MAC address belongs to remote CE2. dynm 0 indr 351 4 Push 800000, Push 100002(top) so-1/1/0.0 aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa/48 # This MAC address belongs to local CE1. dynm 0 ucst 354 2 fe-0/1/0.0 user@PE1> show route forwarding-table family mpls Routing table: mpls MPLS: Destination Type RtRef Next hop Type Index NhRef Netif default perm 0 dscd 19 1 0 user 0 recv 18 3 1 user 0 recv 18 3 2 user 0 recv 18 3 100000 user 0 swap 100001 so-1/1/0.0 800002 user 0 Pop vt-0/3/0.32770 vt-0/3/0.32770 (VPLS) user 0 indr 351 4 Push 800000, Push 100002(top) so-1/1/0.0 user@PE1> show route instance green detail green: Router ID: Type: vpls State: Active Interfaces: fe-0/1/0.0 # This is the local Fast Ethernet interface. vt-0/3/0.32770 # This is the dynamically generated VPLS virtual port. Route-distinguisher: Vrf-import: [ __vrf-import-green-internal__ ] Vrf-export: [ __vrf-export-green-internal__ ] Vrf-import-target: [ target:11111:1 ] Vrf-export-target: [ target:11111:1 ] Tables: green.l2vpn.0 : 2 routes (2 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) user@PE1> show vpls connections L2VPN Connections: Legend for connection status (St) OR -- out of range WE -- intf encaps != instance encaps EI -- encapsulation invalid Dn -- down EM -- encapsulation mismatch VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit down CM -- control-word mismatch -> -- only outbound conn is up CN -- circuit not present <- -- only inbound conn is up OL -- no outgoing label Up -- operational NC -- intf encaps not CCC/TCC XX -- unknown NP -- interface not present Legend for interface status Up -- operational Dn -- down Instance: green Local site: greenPE1 (1) connection-site Type St Time last up # Up trans 2 rmt Up Jan 24 06:26:49 2003 1 Local interface: vt-0/3/0.32770, Status: Up, Encapsulation: VPLS Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: No Incoming label: 800002, Outgoing label: 800000 user@PE1> show system statistics vpls vpls: 0 total packets received 0 with size smaller than minimum 0 with incorrect version number 0 packets for this host 0 packets with no logical interface 0 packets with no family 0 packets with no route table 0 packets with no auxiliary table 0 packets with no corefacing entry 0 packets with no CE-facing entry 7 mac route learning requests 7 mac routes learnt 0 mac routes aged 0 mac routes moved user@PE1> show route instance green detail green: Router ID: Type: vpls State: Active Interfaces: fe-0/1/0.0 vt-0/3/0.32770 Route-distinguisher: Vrf-import: [ __vrf-import-green-internal__ ] Vrf-export: [ __vrf-export-green-internal__ ] Vrf-import-target: [ target:11111:1 ] Vrf-export-target: [ target:11111:1 ] Tables: green.l2vpn.0 : 2 routes (2 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) user@PE1> show vpls statistics Layer-2 VPN Statistics: Instance: green Local interface: fe-0/1/0.0, Index: 351 Remote provider edge router: Multicast packets: 363 Multicast bytes : 30956 Flood packets : 0 Flood bytes : 0 Local interface: vt-0/3/0.32770, Index: 354 Remote provider edge router: Multicast packets: 135 Multicast bytes : 12014 Flood packets : 135 Flood bytes : 12014
要从 VPLS 表中清除 VPLS 实例的所有 MAC 地址条目,请发出 clear vpls mac-address instance instance-name
命令。 logical-system logical-system-name
添加用于清除逻辑系统中 VPLS 实例中条目的选项。使用该 mac-address
选项删除单个 MAC 地址。