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通过瞻博网络 Mist 资产可见性订阅,您可以找到资产和人员,并根据其位置进行详细分析。您可以在许多环境和行业(教育、能源、政府、医疗保健、娱乐、零售等)中使用资产跟踪。


这种情况发生在繁忙的医疗诊所。主要目标是跟踪医生对各种检查室的使用情况。另一个目标是,如果医生将笔记本电脑留在设施的任何地方,可以快速找到医生的笔记本电脑。您可以使用来自室内 BT11 接入点 (AP) 和在整个诊所提供无线的 AP 的位置数据。

So mission number one, provide excellent guest Wi-Fi. Second mission, in-room analytics for doctors and presence. And the secondary goal to show how easy it would be to find tagged employee laptops. So showing the Mist UI, you can see we placed the APs in real rooms on the third floor. We have room one, two, three, and four, and the fifth AP is the actual Wi-Fi AP providing for the space. And we did do testing on all corners of the room in that area and had excellent Wi-Fi coverage.

So the experience we wanted to create was, you know, a doctor checking his notes before entering the room or zone, going in, closing the door, and spending some time with the patient. And for the actual testing, here are a couple of photos of where we place the tags in the room. Obviously, these would be on a doctor and or nurse's lanyard. These are my notes from how we move tags around manually. This was just to keep track of who was in what room at what time. And at some point, we started putting multiple doctors together in different rooms, and at the end, we put all the tags in room one. And this was the result, graphed via using some Google software. This would be the type of thing that we built into a report at the end of the week to show him exactly how his resources were utilized.

This is behind the covers how our system really works. We're actually looking at the specifics for a individual tag where I'm gonna walk from room one over to room two. And this last piece of video we thought was kind of interesting because when doctor White was, quote, "on break", I just took the tag out and put it on the middle table and left it there for a bit. Behind the scenes, here's the Mist API in action, and this is behind the scenes of how we created that in room report. This shows how easy and how flexible using a programmable system such as Mist is.

All Mist APs have this powerful Bluetooth directional array. So the side benefit of this, not only could you get in-room analytics, but the units providing guest Wi Fi throughout the facility will be listening and able to detect those lost laptops anywhere in the hospital. So this is a video of how we actually set things up. We use the Cradlepoint to provide network access, and we picked four rooms to deploy our Bluetooth only units. We kept them, you know, on a tabletop, but they would be installed in a ceiling in a real configuration. Walking across, you can see we used a tripod for the AP41, which is riding guest Wi-Fi.



  • 蓝牙低功耗 (BLE) 信标标签 — 附加到医生徽章和笔记本电脑上的 BLE 标签。您可以使用任何符合瞻博网络 BLE 信标标签准则的标签。

  • 接入点 — 接入点检测来自 BLE 标签的信号。在您想要 BLE 覆盖但不需要无线覆盖的情况下,您可以使用 BT11 AP。为获得最佳效果,请将 AP 安装在房间正中央的天花板上。

  • 瞻博网络 Mist 定位引擎 — 瞻博网络 Mist 云中的定位引擎处理可用信息以确定 BLE 信标标签的位置。借助 BLE 信标标签,瞻博网络 Mist 可以提供区域精度,识别 3 到 5 米内的位置。

  • 瞻博网络 Mist 门户 - 在门户中,您将激活订阅,输入资产名称,并使用 实时视图 跟踪资产。

  • 瞻博网络 Mist API — 您可以使用可编程 API 收集业务目标所需的数据。

  • (可选)第三方软件 - 您可以将数据提取到自己喜欢的第三方软件中,然后创建彩色数据可视化和报告。


表 1:资产跟踪设置过程
步骤 操作 更多信息
1 购买瞻博网络 Mist 资产可见性订阅,并在 Mist 门户中激活它。


  • 确保已启用 资产可见性

  • 要优化资产跟踪的性能,请禁用 vBLE 参与。启用这两种功能后,AP 必须发送和接收。为 AP 提供额外的任务意味着它扫描来自 BLE 标签的信号的时间更少。

3 确保根据“橡皮筋模型”放置 AP。 橡皮筋型号
4 确保平面图包含接入点的准确位置、高度和方向数据。 平面图设置
5 购买 BLE 徽章并将其分配给您的员工。 BLE 信标标签指南
6 为徽章命名,以便您可以快速识别每个医生。 创建命名资产
7 使用瞻博网络 Mist API 收集所需数据。

API 文档可在瞻博网络 Mist 门户中找到。在瞻博网络 Mist 门户的右上角,选择问题图标,然后选择 API 文档