Understanding FIP Snooping, FBF, and MVR Filter Scalability
The VLAN filter processor (VFP) ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) stores the VLAN filter configuration for three filter types:
Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) Initialization Protocol (FIP) snooping—FIP snooping filters prevent an FCoE device from gaining unauthorized access to a Fibre Channel (FC) storage device or to another FCoE device.
VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters prevent an FCoE device from gaining unauthorized access to devices on an FC network.
VN2VN_Port FIP snooping filters prevent an FCoE device from gaining unauthorized access to another FCoE device directly through the standalone switch or QFabric system, without traversing the FC network.
The VFP TCAM stores the VN2VF_Port and VN2VN_Port FIP snooping filters that the switch automatically creates when you enable FIP snooping on a VLAN that carries FCoE traffic. See Understanding VN_Port to VF_Port FIP Snooping on an FCoE Transit Switch and Understanding VN_Port to VN_Port FIP Snooping on an FCoE Transit Switch for more information.
Filter-based forwarding (FBF)—FBF enables you to use firewall filters to direct packets to virtual routing instances. The switch then forwards the matching packets based on the configuration of the routing instances. The VFP TCAM stores the terms you configure for FBF filters. See Understanding Filter-Based Forwarding for more information.
Multicast VLAN registration (MVR)—MVR enables you to configure a multicast source VLAN (MVLAN) that is shared across a Layer 2 network. An MVLAN distributes IPTV multicast streams across different VLANs without having to create a separate multicast stream for each VLAN, and without compromising the security and separation of traffic in the different VLANs. The VFP TCAM stores the MVR rules you configure for MVLANs. See Understanding Multicast VLAN Registration for more information.
FIP snooping filters, FBF filters, and MVR rules share the VFP TCAM memory space. In most use cases, the VFP TCAM memory is sufficient to store filter terms and information for all three applications.
VFP TCAM Architecture and Allocation
When packets arrive at an ingress interface, the VFP TCAM is the first TCAM in the packet pipeline. The VFP TCAM stores a total of 1024 entries. The 1024 entries are partitioned into four equal slices of 256 entries.
The VFP TCAM allocates entries to three filter types (FIP snooping filters, FBF filter terms, and MVR rules) in 256-entry slices. The VFP TCAM dynamically allocates the minimum number of memory slices required to store the filters for a particular filter type, as needed.
The TCAM does not allocate partial slices to a filter type, and slices cannot be shared among filter types. At any given time, each slice contains entries for one and only one filter type.
For example, if you configure one MVR rule, the system allocates a whole slice to MVR rules, even if the MVR rule consumes only one TCAM entry. The remaining 256 entries in the slice allocated to MVR rules can store subsequently configured MVR rules, but not FIP snooping or FBF filters. Similarly, if FIP snooping filters consume 50 entries of a 256-entry slice, the remaining 206 entries in the FIP snooping slice are available only to store more FIP snooping filters, not to store FBF filter terms or MVR rules.
The VFP TCAM allocates slices to a filter type only if there is at least one configured filter or rule for that filter type. If no filters exist for a filter type, then the VFP TCAM does not allocate a slice to that filter type.
The VFP TCAM rejects partial filters. For example, if an FBF filter contains six terms, but there is only space in the TCAM for four of those terms, the whole filter is not committed.
Each filter type can use from zero slices to all four slices of VFP TCAM space. However, if one filter type uses three slices, then only one slice remains, so only one other filter type can use the remaining slice. In that situation, if you configure filters for all three filter types, the last filter type that you configure receives no TCAM space for its filter entries. Filters that receive no TCAM entry space are not implemented.
VFP TCAM Entry Consumption
Filters for VN2VF_Port and VN2VN_Port FIP snooping, FBF filters, and MVR rules consume VFP TCAM entry space in different ways.
One FCoE VLAN cannot support both VN2VF_Port traffic and VN2VN_Port traffic. Configure separate FCoE VLANs for VN2VF_Port traffic and for VN2VN_Port traffic.
- VN2VF_Port FIP Snooping Filter VFP TCAM Consumption
- VN2VN_Port FIP Snooping Filter VFP TCAM Consumption
- FBF Filter VFP TCAM Consumption
- MVR Filter VFP TCAM Consumption
- VFP TCAM Consumption Summary Table
VN2VF_Port FIP Snooping Filter VFP TCAM Consumption
The switch uses an algorithm that allows one 256-entry slice of the VFP TCAM to store the maximum possible number of VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters (2500 filters). VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters never consume more than one slice of the VFP TCAM.
Regardless of whether there is one VN2VF_Port FIP snooping session or there are 2500 VN2VF_Port FIP snooping sessions, VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters consume one slice of the VFP TCAM. (If there are no VN2VF_Port or VN2VN_Port FIP snooping sessions, the TCAM does not allocate a slice for FIP snooping filters.)
VN2VN_Port FIP Snooping Filter VFP TCAM Consumption
VN2VN_Port FIP snooping filters consume one VFP TCAM entry for each VN2VN_Port session. The maximum number of VN2VN_Port FIP snooping sessions is 376 sessions per switch. (If you configure an interface that carries VN2VN_Port FIP snooping traffic as a trusted interface, the switch does not apply filters on the trusted interface.)
Because the switch can have up to 376 VN2VN_Port sessions running simultaneously, with each session consuming one entry, VN2VN_Port FIP snooping filters consume VFP TCAM space as follows:
1–256 filters consume one slice
257–376 filters consume two slices
FBF Filter VFP TCAM Consumption
Each FBF filter term is double-wide, so each FBF filter term consumes two entries in the VFP TCAM. One 256-entry slice can contain up to 128 FBF filter terms. FBF filters consume VFP TCAM space as follows:
1–128 entries consume one slice
129–256 entries consume two slices
257–384 entries consume three slices
385–512 entries consume four slices
Note:In practice, FBF filters can consume only three slices of the VFP TCAM because FBF filters are also stored simultaneously in the ingress filter processor (IFP) TCAM, and the IFP TCAM can store only 384 FBF filter terms (768 entries, or 3 TCAM slices).
For example, if you configure FBF filters that contain 200 terms, then the FBF filters require 400 VFP TCAM entries and consume 2 slices.
FBF filter entries are simultaneously stored in the VFP TCAM and the IFP TCAM. The IFP TCAM can only contain up to 768 entries—256 fewer entries (1 slice) than the VFP TCAM. As with the VFP TCAM, FBF filters consume two IFP TCAM entries per filter term. In addition to FBF filter terms, the IFP TCAM stores filter entries for firewall filters.
There must be enough space in the VFP TCAM and the IFP TCAM for the FBF filter entries. If both TCAMs do not have enough space for the FBF filters, the switch rejects the portion of the configuration that it cannot store and sends a syslog message to notify you.
For example, if you configure FBF filters that have 400 terms, even though the VFP TCAM has enough space to store the resulting 800 entries, the switch rejects a portion of the configuration because the IFP TCAM can store a maximum of only 768 entries. If the IFP TCAM stores no other filter entries, the switch rejects 32 FBF filter entries.
In another example, if you configure firewall filters that have a total of 200 terms, which consume 200 entries in the IFP TCAM, and you then configure FBF filters that have a total of 300 terms, the switch rejects a portion of the configuration because the FBF filters require 600 entries. Combined with the 200 entries required for the firewall filters, the total number of 800 entries exceeds the maximum of 768 entries that the IFP TCAM can store. In this case, the switch accepts the first 768 entries and rejects the rest of the filter entries. The switch installs the filter entries in the order that they are committed; the rejected entries are the last entries the switch attempts to commit after the TCAM space is exhausted.
The IFP TCAM limit of 768 entries means that the true maximum number of FBF filter terms is 384 terms, even though the VFP TCAM can store up to 512 FBF terms.
For EX4400, FBF filters consume VFP TCAM space as follows:
VFP TCAM for FBF is of 4 slices.
VFP TCAM uni-dimensional scale limit for FBF is 1024 entries.
VFP TCAM uni-dimensional scale limit for FBF is represented by the following equation which can be up to a maximum of 1024 entries:
Total TCAM entries needed for filter × Number of L3 interface bindings = maximum of 1024 entries
MVR Filter VFP TCAM Consumption
Each MVR rule consumes one entry in the VFP TCAM, so MVR rules consume VFP TCAM space as follows:
1–256 rules consume one slice
257–512 rules consume two slices
513–758 rules consume three slices
759–1024 rules consume four slices
VFP TCAM Consumption Summary Table
Table 1 summarizes VFP TCAM consumption.
FBF filters are simultaneously stored in the VFP TCAM and in the IFP TCAM. Due to the IFP TCAM limit of 768 entries (384 FBF filters), which is 256 entries fewer than the VFP TCAM, the effective VFP TCAM consumption limit for FBF filters is lower than the total amount of VFP TCAM entry space, even when no other filters consume VFP TCAM space.
Filter Type |
VPF TCAM Entry Consumption |
Maximum VFP TCAM Slices Consumed |
Other Limitations |
VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters |
Never consumes more than one slice |
One slice (regardless of number of sessions) |
2500 session maximum |
VN2VN_Port FIP snooping filters |
One entry per session |
Two |
376 session maximum |
FBF filters |
Two entries per filter |
Three (due to IFP TCAM limitation) |
384 filters (due to IFP TCAM limitation) |
MVR rules |
One entry per rule |
Four |
1024 rule maximum |
Rejected Filter Configurations (No Available VFP TCAM Space)
If there is not enough space available in the VFP TCAM to store the FIP snooping filters, the configured FBF filters, and the MVR rules, the switch rejects only the portion of the configuration that it cannot store. Any portion of the filter configuration that the TCAM can store, is stored. In most cases, even if the switch rejects part of the configuration, part of the configuration is also stored.
If the switch rejects any portion of a configuration, the switch sends a syslog message to notify you of the failure. The switch does not generate a commit error, and the rejected portion of the configuration remains on the switch, even though the rejected configuration does not function. (The accepted portions of the configuration function as expected.) The syslog message shows you the filter configuration that the switch rejected.
We strongly recommend that you always delete rejected filter configurations from the switch. It is important to delete rejected filter configurations because:
Even though the rejected configuration remains on the switch, it does not function.
After a reboot, there is no guarantee that the same filters will be rejected. The previously rejected filters might be accepted, and other filters that had previously been accepted might be rejected. Therefore, the functioning filter configuration could be changed inadvertently and unexpectedly.
Even if a VFP TCAM slice becomes available, the switch does not automatically allocate the available slice to the rejected configuration. To use the available slice, you must delete and reconfigure the rejected configuration.
For example, you configure FBF filters and MVR rules on a switch, and that switch also transports FCoE traffic with VN2VF_Port FIP snooping (never consumes more than one slice) enabled on FCoE access interfaces. After you commit the configuration, you check the syslog. You find that the VN2VF_Port FIP snooping and FBF filters consume all four slices of the VFP TCAM, and the MVR configuration was rejected. Instead of deleting the MVR configuration, you leave it on the switch. Subsequently, all VN2VF_Port FIP snooping sessions end, the FIP snooping filters time out and are removed from the VFP TCAM, so the slice that was allocated to VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters becomes free. However, the MVR rules do not automatically receive the free slice.
To force the switch to allocate the free slice to the MVR rules, you should delete the MVR rules from the configuration and then reconfigure the MVR rules. When you commit the new configuration, check the syslog messages to ensure that the MVR rule configuration was accepted.
In this example, you could also choose to free a VFP TCAM slice for MVR rule storage by deleting some of the FBF filters. To do this, you delete both the unneeded FBF filters and the MVR rule configuration. Then you reconfigure the MVR rules, and check the syslog to ensure that the configuration was successful.
VFP TCAM Allocation and Consumption (Scaling) Examples
The following examples illustrate how FIP snooping entries, FBF filter entries, and MVR rule entries consume VFP TCAM slices:
- Example 1: Three Filter Types Consume Three Slices
- Example 2: Three Filter Types Consume Four Slices
- Example 3: Two Filter Types Consume Four Slices
- Example 4: Three Filter Types Oversubscribe the VFP TCAM
Example 1: Three Filter Types Consume Three Slices
Filters and rules are configured in the following sequence:
100 VN2VN_Port FIP snooping filters (1 slice)
2 MVR rules (1 slice, 2 entries)
60 FBF filter terms (1 slice, 120 entries)
One slice remains free. The slice allocated to VN2VN_Port FIP snooping filters can store 156 more filters before another slice is required. The slice allocated to MVR rules can store 254 more rules before another slice is required. The slice allocated to FBF filters can store 68 more filter terms (136 entries) before another slice is required. Providing that the IFP TCAM has space for the FBF filter terms, the switch accepts this configuration and rejects no filters.
Example 2: Three Filter Types Consume Four Slices
Filters and rules are configured in the following sequence:
2000 VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters (always 1 slice)
18 MVR rules (1 slice, 18 entries)
150 FBF filter terms (2 slices, 300 entries)
All four slices are allocated to filter types. The slice allocated to MVR rules can store 238 more rules before it is full. The slice allocated to FBF filters can store 106 more filter terms (212 entries) before it is full. Providing that the IFP TCAM has space for the FBF filter terms, the switch accepts this configuration and rejects no filters.
If you configure more MVR rules or FBF filters than entry space remaining in the slices, the switch rejects those rules and filters because no slice is available. The switch installs filters in the order that they were configured, so if filters are rejected, the filters configured last are rejected.
Example 3: Two Filter Types Consume Four Slices
Filters and rules are configured in the following sequence:
50 VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters (always 1 slice)
300 FBF filter terms (3 slices, 600 entries)
All four slices are allocated to filter types. No slices are available for MVR rules. The third slice allocated to FBF filters can store 84 more filter terms (168 entries) before it consumes all of its entry space. Providing that the IFP TCAM has space for the FBF filter terms, the switch accepts this configuration and rejects no filters.
If you configure MVR rules or if you configure more than 84 more FBF filters, the switch rejects those rules and filters because no slice is available for the MVR rules, and the FBF filter slice has entry space for only 84 more filter terms.
Example 4: Three Filter Types Oversubscribe the VFP TCAM
Filters and rules are configured in the following sequence:
1750 VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters (always 1 slice)
10 MVR rules (1 slice, 10 entries)
275 FBF filter terms (2 slices, 512 accepted entries, 38 rejected entries)
All four slices are allocated to filter types. The slice allocated to MVR rules can store 246 more rules before it is full, but the number of FBF filter terms exceeds the amount of available VFP TCAM storage space. (The 275 FBF filter terms consume 550 VFP TCAM entries. However, there are only two available slices, for a total of 512 available entry spaces, so only 256 FBF filter terms can be stored, leaving 19 rejected FBF filter terms.)
The switch accepts the VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters, the MVR rules, and 256 FBF filter terms. The switch retains the excess FBF filters in the configuration, but does not install those filters in the VFP TCAM. In this case, you delete the rejected FBF filter terms from the configuration. Alternatively, you could delete the MVR rules from the configuration to free a slice of the TCAM, and then delete and reconfigure the rejected FBF filters so that the system allocates the freed slice to the FBF filters.
The sequence of configuration makes a difference; if there is not enough VFP TCAM space for a given filter type, the switch installs the filters that fit in the order they are configured. For example, if you configure the FBF filters before you configure the MVR rules, the VFP TCAM allocates one slice to FIP snooping filters, three slices to FBF filters (assuming the IFP TCAM has available space), and no slices to MVR rules, because all four slices are allocated before the switch attempts to install the MVR rules in the VFP TCAM.
Filter Configuration Recommendations
To utilize the VFP TCAM space most efficiently:
- Configure and Maintain the Fewest Number of Filters Needed
- Always Delete Rejected Filter Configurations
Configure and Maintain the Fewest Number of Filters Needed
To conserve VFP TCAM entry space, and because FBF filter storage also depends on the availability of IFP TCAM space, we recommend that you configure as few FBF filters and MVR rules as is practical to serve your network needs. The more filters you configure, the greater the possibility of exceeding TCAM storage capacity.
Several factors determine VFP TCAM consumption:
Type of filters configured—Different filter types consume different amounts of VFP TCAM space. VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters never consume more than one slice. MVR rules and VN2VN_Port FIP snooping filters consume entries in a slice at a rate of one entry per MVR rule or VN2VN_Port session. FBF filter terms consume entries in a slice at a rate of two entries per FBF filter term.
Number of filters configured—Although the number of filters does not affect the number of slices allocated to the VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filter type (it is always one slice for one or more VN2VF_Port FIP snooping filters and no slice for no FIP snooping filters), the number of VN2VN_Port FIP snooping filters, MVR rules, and FBF filter terms that you configure determine how many VFP TCAM slices are required for each filter type.
For example, if you configure 257 MVR rules, the MVR rule entries consume 2 slices. One slice stores 256 MVR rules (entries), and one slice stores 1 MVR rule (entry). In this case, if you can eliminate one MVR rule, you can free a slice to allocate to other filter types.
Sequence of filter configuration—If you configure too many filters for the VFP TCAM to store, the last filters you configure are not stored in the TCAM.
Always check the syslog after you configure FBF filters or MVR rules to ensure that the configuration was not rejected. If you enable FIP snooping on access ports, check the syslog to ensure that the configuration was not rejected due to lack of VFP TCAM space.
If you check the syslog and a filter configuration has been rejected, delete the filters that were rejected from the configuration.
If you no longer need an FBF filter or an MVR rule, delete it from the configuration to conserve VFP TCAM space. Enable VN2VF_Port or VN2VN_Port FIP snooping on access ports only if the switch port is directly connected to FCoE devices. (FIP snooping should be performed at the access edge. FIP snooping should not be performed on traffic that has already been snooped and filtered at the access edge. If another switch that is physically between the transit switch (or QFabric system) and the FCoE devices already performs FIP snooping, you do not have to enable FIP snooping on the transit switch or QFabric system, but you can.)
Always Delete Rejected Filter Configurations
The switch does not return a commit error if it rejects any portion of a configuration. Instead, the switch sends a syslog message to report the rejected portion of the configuration. The rejected portion of the configuration remains on the switch, but does not function.
After you configure FBF filters or MVR rules, or enable FIP snooping, check the syslog messages to ensure that the switch accepted the configuration. If the switch rejected any portion of the configuration, delete that portion of the configuration. (You do not need to delete the portion of the configuration that was accepted, unless you want to reconfigure those filters or rules.)
If you do not delete rejected filter configurations, and if you reboot the system, you cannot predict which filters the system installs after the reboot. For example, a switch with the following configuration has more configured filters than the VFP TCAM can support:
VN2VF_Port FIP snooping sessions (always consumes one slice)
20 MVR rules (consume one slice)
300 FBF filters (attempt to consume three slices, but because only two slices are available, 256 filters consume two slices, and the remaining 44 filters are rejected)
If you do not delete the 44 rejected FBF filters, then if the switch reboots, the 44 FBF filters that were rejected might be accepted, and 44 different FBF filters might be rejected. This unpredictable behavior is the reason that you should check the syslog messages after you configure filters, and if any filters were rejected, you should always delete the rejected filters from the configuration.