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  • Support for 400G ZR-M DWDM optics (PTX10001-36MR)—

    Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 22.1R1, we support 400G ZR-M DWDM optics. 400G ZR-M is a new variant optics that functions similar to the existing 400G ZR. 400G ZR-M enables flat architecture, simple, and Point to Point (PtP) DWDM system. We support the following features as part of 400G ZR-M:

    • Support for 6.25, 75, 100 grid spacing.

    • Support for optical loopbacks. To enable optics loopback, use the existing loopback statement at the [edit interfaces optics-options] hierarchy level.

    • Support for performance monitoring and TCA. TCAs provide the management system an early indication of the deteriorating health of an optical network connection when the performance parameter that you monitor crosses a certain threshold. You can view the current and historical performance monitoring metrics which are accumulated into 15-minute and 1-day interval bins by using the show interfaces transport pm command. You can thus manage optical transport link efficiently.

    [See optics-options, show chassis hardware, show interfaces, show interfaces diagnostics optics, show chassis pic, and show interfaces transport pm .]