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Juniper Resiliency Interface

For MX Series routers with MPC or LC480 line cards and for PTX Series routers running Junos OS Evolved, you can configure the Juniper Resiliency Interface (JRI) to detect, correlate, and mitigate exceptions and thereby reduce the mean time to repair (MTTR) for issues. For forwarding exceptions, JRI also extends the inline monitoring services feature with Juniper-specific IPFIX information elements (IEs) for exception data and introduces the concept of an observation cloud, which is a set of observation domains. You can send the IPFIX packets to either an on-box or an off-box collector.

Understand Juniper Resiliency Interface

Packets that need to be forwarded to the adjacent network element or a neighboring device along a routing path might be dropped by a router owing to several factors. Every network encounters issues, such as packet loss, from time to time. Some of the causes for such a loss of traffic or a block in transmission of data packets include: overloaded system conditions, profiles and policies that restrict the bandwidth or priority of traffic, network outages, or disruption by physical cable faults. Packet loss also happens because of incorrect stitching of the forwarding path or a mismatch between the control plane state and the data plane state. You could use counters and metrics from show commands to diagnose and debug network performance, but doing so can be tedious and time-consuming. JRI reports exception data from entities in the system which encounter packet drops, enabling you to automate the workflow involved in detecting, reporting and mitigating adverse exceptions.

For operating system and routing exceptions, the exception data is reported in telemetry key-value pairs.

For forwarding exceptions, the exception data is reported in IPFIX packets. The IEs in the IPFIX primary data record packet capture the following data:

  • Exception reason (for example, firewall discard)
  • Packet direction (ingress or egress)
  • First N bytes of the packet
  • Ingress interface
  • Egress interface
  • Next-hop identifier (Junos OS only)

Table 1 shows the format of the IPFIX Primary Data Record with the Juniper-specific IEs.

Table 1: IPFIX Primary Data Record
IE Name IE Identifier Description Length (in Bytes)
forwardingClassandDropPriority Observation Cloud Common Property ID (CPID)—IE 137, a set of common properties that is locally unique per Observation Cloud Forwarding class and drop priority ID 4
forwardingExceptionCode Observation Cloud CPID—IE 137 Exception code that causes packet drops OR is zero when the exception is not met or set; a 16-bit unsigned integer number 2
forwardingNextHopId Observation Cloud CPID—IE 137 (Junos OS only) Unicast next-hop Index used for forwarding 4
egressInterfaceIndex Observation Cloud CPID—IE 137 Index of egress logical interface when flowDirection=output, otherwise 0 4
underlyingIngressInterfaceIndex Observation Cloud CPID—IE 137 (Junos OS only) Index of underlying layer 2 ingress logical interface, wherever applicable (for example, AE and IRB cases—see primary-data-record-fields for more information) 4
ingressInterfaceIndex Observation Cloud CPID—IE 137 Index of ingress logical interface 4
ingressInterface IE 10 SNMP index of ingress logical interface 4
egressInterface IE 14 SNMP index of egress logical interface when flowDirection=output, otherwise 0 4
flowDirection IE 61 Direction (0: input, 1:output) 1
dataLinkFrameSize IE 312 Length of sampled data link frame 2
dataLinkFrameSection IE 315 N octets from the data link frame of the monitored packet variable


  • Exceptions are collected and exported on a best-effort basis.

  • Any limitations or caveats for inline monitoring services also apply to JRI, because JRI uses inline monitoring services to sample and collect the packets.

  • All dropped packets cannot be sampled and profiled. Classes of exceptions are sampled at the default sampling rate, unless you configure this rate with the sampling-rate statement at either the [edit services inline-monitoring instance instance-name collector collector-name] hierarchy level (Junos OS) or at the [edit services inline-monitoring instance instance-name] hierarchy level (Junos OS Evolved). Junos OS allows the sampling rate to be configured per collector, allowing different rates for each collector; Junos OS Evolved allows one sampling rate per inline-monitoring instance.

  • For exception reporting in the egress direction, the layer 2 header or any encapsulation header is not included in IE-315, dataLinkFrameSelection, because exceptions happen before layer 2 or tunnel encapsulation.

  • For exception reporting in the egress direction, the receiver of the IPFIX packet must ignore IE-312, dataLinkFrameSize, because the field does not have the correct value.

  • For the egress direction, you cannot configure both sFlow and exception reporting on the same interface.

  • Inline-monitoring instance actions and firewall re-direct instance actions are not supported in the same term of the firewall filter. (Junos OS Evolved)

  • Inline-monitoring instance actions and port-mirroring instance actions are not supported in the same term of the firewall filter. (Junos OS Evolved)

  • For collectors, you cannot configure routing instances, DSCP bits, or forwarding class. (Junos OS Evolved)

  • For more information about the Juniper-specific IEs, including caveats and limitations, see primary-data-record-fields.

Configure JRI for Operating System and Routing Exceptions

To configure JRI for operating system and routing exceptions:

  1. Subscribe to the Junos Telemetry Interface XPaths:

    Notifications are exported using gRPC/gNMI to an off-box collector.

    For Junos OS:

    For Junos OS Evolved (routing exceptions only):

  2. (Optional) Additionally, if you prefer to use the on-box collector instead of sending the data to an off-box collector, then configure an on-box storage location for the exception data.

    To configure:

    In this example, you configure the file in which to store the exception data:

    For Junos OS:

    For Junos OS Evolved (routing exceptions only):

Configure JRI for Forwarding Exceptions

To configure JRI for forwarding exceptions:

  1. Define the IPFIX template.

    To configure attributes of the template:

    For Junos OS:

    In this example, the template refresh rate is set to 30 seconds, you've configured a template identifier, and you've configured the fields of the primary data record:

    For Junos OS Evolved, the system generates the template ID and the software supports most of the fields of the primary data record:

    In this example, the template refresh rate is set to 30 seconds and you've configured the fields of the primary data record:

  2. Attach the template to the instance and describe the collector.

    Junos OS and Junos OS Evolved differ in how to achieve this step. To configure the instance and collector:

    For Junos OS:

    In this example, you create a template with the name template_1, create an inline-monitoring instance i1, and create the configuration for the on-box collector c2. For an on-box collector for Junos OS, the destination address must be a local address and the destination port must be port 4739. For an off-box collector for Junos OS, specify the destination address and port for that collector.

    For Junos OS:

    For Junos OS Evolved, you cannot configure the DSCP bits, but the process is otherwise the same as in Junos OS for an off-box collector:

    For Junos OS Evolved, for an on-box collector, you configure the controller re statement instead of a local destination address and port, and you cannot configure the DSCP bits:

    In this example, for Junos OS Evolved, you create a template with the name template_1, create an inline-monitoring instance i1, and create the configuration for the on-box collector c2. For an on-box collector, you specify the controller re statement instead of a local destination address and port:

  3. Configure the observation cloud identifier.

    An observation cloud is the largest set of observation domains. According to RFC 5101, an observation domain is the largest set of observation points for which flow information can be aggregated by a metering process. For example, a router line card may be an observation domain if it is composed of several interfaces, each of which is an observation point. By configuring an observation cloud, you allow inline-monitoring services to report on a set of common properties that is locally unique per observation cloud. For more information about observation clouds, see inline-monitoring. To configure the observation cloud identifier:

    In this example, you have configured the identifier as 1:

  4. Subscribe to various exception types and configure exception reporting for a particular PFE and specify the inline-monitoring instance. For Junos OS, you must specify a particular exception category name, such as forwarding-state. For Junos OS Evolved, you simply specify all as the category name.

    By default, the exception data is sent to an off-box collector. To configure:

    For Junos OS:

    In this example, you subscribe to forwarding exceptions and configure FPC 0 to send forwarding exceptions to the inline-monitoring instance i1:

    For Junos OS Evolved:

    In this example, you subscribe to all exception categories and configure FPC 0 to send exceptions to the inline-monitoring instance i1:

  5. (Optional) Additionally, if you prefer to use the on-box collector instead of sending the data to an off-box collector, then configure an on-box storage location for the exception data.

    To configure:

    In this example, you configure the file in which to store the forwarding exception data:

Exception Code Reference

This section contains information about the exception codes and their explanations, for both Junos OS and Junos OS Evolved.

MX Exception Codes, Junos OS

To subscribe to a particular exception category, configure the category for a particular FPC and Packet Forwarding Engine. The command completion help shows the available categories:

In the following tables, there is a column with code values; for example, 73. This value is the exception code that is reported. From an external viewpoint, when the exception is reported, the actual code sent is 128 + value. For example, the code value 73 would mean that for the unknown family discard exception reason, the code reported would be 128 + 73 = 201.

There is only one exception to this rule, the exception reason ttl expired, code value 1. This reason is reported with the same code value; that is, 128 is not added to the value.

The following tables, organized by exception category, contain the exception reasons, codes, and code descriptions for the MX Series routers.

Table 2: Firewall Exception Category Codes, MX Series




firewall discard


Firewall in the packet path has a action.

firewall discard V6


Firewall in the IPv6 packet path has a action.

firewall discard out


Firewall in the output packet path has a action.

firewall discard V6 out


Firewall in the output IPv6 packet path has a discard action.

Table 3: Forwarding-State Exception Category Codes, MX Series




unknown family


Packets discarded because the corresponding address family is not configured on the interface.

unknown vrf


Routing instance table was not created properly for the VRF ID associated with the input interface.

Table 4: Layer 2 Exception Category Codes, MX Series




vlan id out of oif's range


Packet's VLAN ID is outside the VLAN range configured on the output interface.

Table 5: Layer 3 Exception Category Codes, MX Series




discard route


Discard nexthops explicitly installed by routing protocols.

discard route IPv6


Discard nexthops explicitly installed by IPv6 routing protocol.

hold route


Packet is discarded because it hit a hold nexthop.

Table 6: Packet-Errors Exception Category Codes, MX Series




bad ipv4 hdr checksum


IPv4 checksum verification has failed.

non-IPv4 layer3 tunnel


GRE/IPIP/PIM tunnels are supported only over IPv4, not IPv6.

GRE unsupported flags


Only the Key Present Flag is supported when de-encapsulating packets received with a GRE header.

tunnel pkt too short


Length computation error when de-encapsulating packets received with a tunnel header.

bad IPv6 options pkt


IPv6 packet includes too many (or too long) option headers. Option headers extend beyond byte 256 in the input parcel.

bad IPv4 hdr


IPv4 packet header error:

  • Version is not 4, or

  • Internet Header Length (IHL) is less than 5, or

  • IHL > Total length / 4.

bad IPv6 hdr


IPv6 packet header error. Version is not 6.

bad IPv4 pkt len


IPv4 frame length too short (is less than Layer 2 encapsulated length plus Layer 3 length).

bad IPv6 pkt len


IPv6 frame length too short (is less than Layer 2 encapsulated length plus Layer 3 length).

mtu exceeded


A packet is discarded as its length, after new header imposition, exceeds the MTU configured on the logical interface. For IPv4/IPv6 packets, this indicates the don't fragment bit has been set in the IPv4 header for a packet that requires fragmentation.

ttl expired


Time To Live (TTL) has expired for the packet.

my-mac check failed


For Layer 3 interfaces, the my-mac check failed for these packets; hence are dropped.

my-mac check failed IPv6


For Layer 3 interfaces, the IPv6 my-mac check failed for these packets; hence are dropped.

PTX Series Exception Codes, Junos OS Evolved

Table 7 contains the trap code numbers, the exception codes, and their descriptions for the PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016 routers with the JNP10K-1201 and JNP10K-1202 line cards, and the PTX10001-36MR and PTX10003 routers.

For routers running Junos OS Evolved, there is only one exception category, all. For example, to subscribe to category all and configure FPC 0 to send exceptions to the inline-monitoring instance i1:

Table 7: PTX Series Exception Codes, Junos OS Evolved
Trap Code Exception Code Description
1 dlu.ucode.inv_start_pc

A valid instruction to process packet was not found; a lookup failure. (For example: my MAC miss on Layer 3 interface.)

4 dlu.ucode.discard DLU UCODE discard (lookup failure)
5 dlu.ucode.invalid_seq DLU UCODE invalid sequence
6 dlu.ucode.ip_bc_with_my_mac DLU UCODE IP broadcast with my MAC
7 dlu.ucode.unreachable DLU UCODE unreachable
8 dlu.ucode.not_routable DLU UCODE not routable
13 dlu.ucode.my_ll_mc DLU UCODE my link-level multicast
14 dlu.ucode.bad_sip DLU UCODE bad source IP address
15 dlu.ucode.ttl_exp DLU UCODE TTL expired
16 dlu.ucode.oam_to_cpu DLU UCODE OAM packet to CPU
17 dlu.ucode.ip_mc_iif_mismatch DLU UCODE IP multicast interface index mismatch
18 dlu.ucode.ip_mc_resolve DLU UCODE IP multicast resolve
19 dlu.ucode.vlan_tag_lookup_miss DLU UCODE VLAN tag lookup miss
20 dlu.ucode.vtag_normalize_miss DLU UCODE VLAN tag normalization miss
25 dlu.ipipe.err.trapcode.hw_err Parity/ECC error
26 dlu.ipipe.err.trapcode.config_err Route configuration error
27 dlu.ipipe.err.trapcode.proc_ttl_err Route programming error (loop)
29 dlu.ipipe.err.trapcode.mpls_buf_uflow Lookup is beyond the supported label stack depth.
30 dlu.ipipe.err.trapcode.l3offs_oflow Incorrect parsing of Layer 3 offset
31 dlu.ipipe.err.trapcode.seq_rsvd Route programming error
34 dlu.ilp.lookup.err.trapcode.cfg_err Route programming error
36 igp_misc.trapcode.l2l_invalidopt Incorrectly constructed host injected packet
37 igp_misc.trapcode.invalid_dft_code Incorrectly constructed host injected packet
38 igp_misc.trapcode.cpu_ple Incorrectly constructed host injected packet
40 slu.trapcode.l2_domain_lookup_failure Wrong type of packet (tagged/untagged) on the interface
41 slu.trapcode.stp_blocked Packet on STP blocked port
44 slu.trapcode.eth_mcast Source MAC address in the packet is multicast
45 slu.trapcode.eth_bcast Source MAC address in the packet is broadcast
46 slu.trapcode.eth_src_eq_dest SLU Ethernet - source address == destination address
47 slu.trapcode.l3offset Incorrect packet (Layer 2 header size > 64)
48 slu.trapcode.v4_trunc_pkt ipv4.totalLength < ipv4.ihl * 4
49 slu.trapcode.v4_ver IPV4 illegal version
50 slu.trapcode.v4_mcast SLU IPv4—multicast source IP address
51 slu.trapcode.v4_bcast SLU IPv4—broadcast source IP address
52 slu.trapcode.v4_src_eq_dest SLU IPv4—source address == destination address
53 slu.trapcode.v4_size SLU IPv4 minimum/maximum packet size check
54 slu.trapcode.v6_ver SLU IPv6—illegal version
55 slu.trapcode.v6_src_eq_dest SLU IPv6 - source address == destination address
56 slu.trapcode.v6_pyldleneq0 SLU IPv6—header payload length field is equal to 0
57 slu.trapcode.v6_size SLU IPv6 minimum/maximum packet size check
58 slu.trapcode.tcp_tiny_attack_frag0 SLU TCP—tiny TCP attack with frag_off = 0
59 slu.trapcode.tcp_tiny_attack_frag1 SLU TCP—tiny TCP attack with frag_off = 1
60 slu.trapcode.ip_tcp_pyldlen SLU IP/TCP—illegal IP payload length
61 slu.trapcode.ip_udp_pyldlen SLU UDP—illegal IP payload length
62 slu.trapcode.ip_icmp_pyldlen SLU ICMP—illegal IP payload length
63 slu.trapcode.ip_igmp_pyldlen SLU IGMP—illegal IP payload length
64 slu.trapcode.ip_pim_pyldlen SLU PIM—illegal IP payload length
65 slu.trapcode.ip_sctp_pyldlen SLU SCTP—illegal IP payload length
66 slu.trapcode.ip_gre_pyldlen SLU GRE—illegal IP payload length
67 slu.trapcode.ip_ah_pyldlen SLU AH—illegal IP payload length
68 slu.trapcode.packet_length_err SLU Trapcode value for minimum size packets
69 slu.trapcode.v4_opt_hdr SLU IPv4 option header is NOT one of the acceptable types
70 slu.trapcode.v6_ext_hdr SLU IPv6 extension header IS one of the trappable types
71 slu.trapcode.v4_hdr_len SLU IPv4—illegal header length
72 slu.trapcode.ah_hdr_len SLU AH—illegal header length field
73 slu.trapcode.eth_repl SLU trapcode for ethertype parsing limit reached
74 slu.trapcode.eth_nomatch SLU no match found in KnownEthertypes CAM
75 slu.trapcode.v4_chksum SLU IPv4—checksum error
76 slu.trapcode.tcp_hdr_len SLU IPv4—illegal TCP header length
77 slu.trapcode.l2_ple Packet Layer 2 header size is greater than 128 bytes
78 slu.trapcode.eth_ple SLU Ethertype parser limit exceeded
79 slu.trapcode.v4_ple SLU IPv4 parser limit exceeded
80 slu.trapcode.v6_ple SLU IPv6 parser limit exceeded
81 slu.trapcode.tcp_ple SLU TCP parser limit exceeded
82 slu.trapcode.udp_ple SLU UDP parser limit exceeded
83 slu.trapcode.icmp_ple SLU ICMP parser limit exceeded
84 slu.trapcode.igmp_ple SLU IGMP parser limit exceeded
85 slu.trapcode.pim_ple SLU PIM parser limit exceeded
86 slu.trapcode.sctp_ple SLU SCTP parser limit exceeded
87 slu.trapcode.gre_ple SLU GRE parser limit exceeded
88 slu.trapcode.ah_ple SLU AH parser limit exceeded
89 slu.trapcode.gtp_ple SLU GTP parser limit exceeded
90 slu.trapcode.vxlan_ple SLU VXLAN parser limit exceeded
91 slu.trapcode.oam_ple SLU Ethernet OAM parser limit exceeded
92 slu.trapcode.ptp_ple SLU PTP parser limit exceeded
93 slu.trapcode.eth_invalidtag Invalid Ethernet tag
95 slu.trapcode.oam_discard Ethernet OAM bad configuration/incorrect packet
96 slu.trapcode.fttl_exp SLU fabric TTL expired check
97 slu.trapcode.oam_bad_mac Ethernet OAM incorrect packet
98 slu.trapcode.tunnel_ip_options Tunnel termination of IP options packet
99 slu.trapcode.tunnel_ttl_expired TTL expired on tunnel packet
101 slu.trapcode.gport_tcam_miss Incorrect tunnel packet
105 irp.core.trapcode.mem_err Parity/ECC error
106 irp.core.trapcode.cfg_err Incorrect hardware nexthop programming
107 irp.core.trapcode.pttl_expire Incorrect hardware nexthop programming
108 irp.core.trapcode.voq_ip_option_ip4 Virtual output queue (VOQ) IP option IPv4 packet. (NOT ERROR)
109 irp.core.trapcode.voq_ip_option_ip6 VOQ IP option IPv6 packet. (NOT ERROR)
110 irp.core.trapcode.trap_after_lkup IRP VOQ trap after lookup (debugging)
111 irp.core.trapcode.storm0 BUM traffic exceeded configured limits
112 irp.core.trapcode.storm1 BUM traffic exceeded configured limits
113 irp.core.trapcode.storm2 BUM traffic exceeded configured limits
114 irp.core.trapcode.storm3 BUM traffic exceeded configured limits
115 irp.core.trapcode.voqcalc Incorrect hardware nexthop programming
116 irp.core.trapcode.act_stbyte Incoming packet does not satisfy split horizon criteria.
117 irp.core.trapcode.act_srcid Incoming packet does not satisfy split horizon criteria.
118 irp.core.trapcode.act_igportid Incoming packet does not satisfy split horizon criteria.
119 irp.core.trapcode.act_gl2dom0 Incoming packet does not satisfy split horizon criteria.
120 irp.core.trapcode.act_gl2dom1 Incoming packet does not satisfy split horizon criteria.
121 irp.core.trapcode.act_ref Multicast-only fast reroute (MoFRR) aging (NOT ERROR)
122 irp.core.trapcode.ttl_ig_ip6 IPv6 ingress TTL expired
123 irp.core.trapcode.ttl_ig_ip4 IPv4 ingress TTL expired
124 irp.core.trapcode.ttl_eg_ip6 IPv6 egress TTL expired
125 irp.core.trapcode.ttl_eg_ip4 IPv4 egress TTL expired
126 irp.core.trapcode.trap_all IRP trap all parcels
127 irp.core.trapcode.packetlen Incorrect incoming packet
128 irp.core.trapcode.vlanparse Incorrect incoming packet
129 irp.core.trapcode.vlandiscard Incorrect incoming packet
130 irp.core.trapcode.opthead Incorrect incoming packet
131 irp.core.trapcode.policer Packet dropped because of policer action
132 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.hw_err Parity/ECC error
133 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.ntlu_cfg Debugging (NOT ERROR)
135 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.ptp_enable_trap Debugging (NOT ERROR)
136 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.l2_tags_exceeded_trap Incorrect incoming packet (Layer 2 tags exceeded 46 bytes)
137 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.dual_hash_miss

Programming error (Ingress to egress token programming). Transient error; can be ignored.

139 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.reorder_timedout_pkt Hardware egress processing error
140 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.qos_rewrite_enable_trap Debugging (NOT ERROR)
141 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.illegal_qix Egress nexthop programming error
143 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.eth_tme EPP more than 9 Ethertypes
144 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.eth_passbuf EPP passthru parsing failed
145 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.oam_ple EPP Ethernet OAM parser limit exceeded
146 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.oam_discard EPP Ethernet OAM discard
147 epp.epc.cfg.common.trapcode.oam_bad_mac EPP Ethernet bad MAC address (incorrect incoming packet)
148 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.hw_err Parity/ECC error
149 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.desc_addr_err EPP error generating descriptor address (programming error)
150 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pdct_drop Egress policer drop
151 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pdct_err Parity/ECC error
152 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.l3_mtu_chk_fail MTU check exceeded.
153 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.df_set_for_fragmentation DF set on incoming packet
154 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.mpls_ovfl Incorrect egress nexthop programming (> 8 label push)
155 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.ing_pfe_ttl_exp Ingress TTL expired
156 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.egr_pfe_ttl_exp Egress TTL expired
157 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.desc_prog_err EPP illegal descriptor programming
158 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.l2plen_ofl EPP Layer 2 length is too large
160 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.l3_plen_chk_fail EPP Layer 3 length failed minimum and maximum length check
161 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.dmac_prog_err EPP illegal destination MAC programming
162 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.smac_prog_err EPP illegal source MAC programming
163 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.l3l4_err Incorrect egress nexthop programming
164 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.invld_vlan_sel Invalid combination of VLAN tags
165 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.tunnel_data_invld EPP tunnel buffer construction error (programming error)
166 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.hdr_seq_rsvd Incorrect egress nexthop programming (tunnel/template/MPLS)
167 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.rewrite_tmp_nxt_type EPP rewrite enabled but tmpNxtType unknown
168 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.rewrite_mpls_buf_ovfl EPP rewrite MPLS buffer overflow
169 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.rewrite_newheader_size_exceeded EPP new header legal size exceeded
170 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.opt_hdr_err EPP invalid option header
171 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.fft_prog_err EPP FFT programming error
172 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pkt_chk.same_port EPP packet check same port
173 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pkt_chk.same_lport EPP packet check same lport
174 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pkt_chk.same_l2domain EPP packet check same Layer 2 domain
175 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pkt_chk.ip_redir EPP packet check IP redirect
176 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pkt_chk.same_gl2domain EPP packet check same gl Layer 2 domain
177 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pkt_chk.split_horizon EPP packet check split horizon
178 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pkt_chk.same_port_l2d EPP packet check same port/Layer 2 domain
179 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pkt_chk.same_source_id EPP packet check same source ID
181 epp.epe.cfg.elu.trapcode.pkt_chk.is_true EPP packet check is_true
220 sw.igp_ai_rule_invalid SW IGP AI rule invalid
221 sw.igp_ai_invalid_pattern SW IGP AI invalid pattern
222 sw.igp_ui_no_tag_support SW IGP UI rule no tag support
223 sw.egp_ui_no_tag_support SW EGP UI rule no tag support
248 sw.egnh.cfg_trap Egress nexthop descriptor trap to CPU
249 sw.egnh.cfg_discard Egress nexthop descriptor discard
250 sw.egnh.cfg_pfh_trap Discard nexthop
251 sw.irp_nh_discard_sample Discard nexthop

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Support for the Juniper Resiliency Interface (PTX10003 router)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 23.4R1, you can use the Juniper Resiliency Interface (JRI) to detect, correlate, and mitigate exceptions.
Support for the Juniper Resiliency Interface (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016 routers with the JNP10K-LC1201 or JNP10K-LC1202 linecards)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 22.2R1, you can use the Juniper Resiliency Interface (JRI) to detect, correlate, and mitigate exceptions.
Support for the Juniper Resiliency Interface (MX304, MX480, MX960, MX2010, MX2020 and vMX)—Starting in Junos OS Release 21.2R1, you can use our new Juniper Resiliency Interface (JRI) to detect, correlate, and mitigate exceptions. JRI extends the inline monitoring services feature with Juniper-specific IPFIX information elements (IEs) for exception data and introduces the concept of an Observation Cloud, which is a set of Observation Domains. You can send the IPFIX packets to either an on-box or an off-box collector.