Creating More Disk Space on the CTPView Server (CTPView)
This topic describes how to determine the amount of free disk space on the CTPView server and how to ensure that sufficient free space is always available on the server.
To determine the amount of free disk space that is available on the CTPView server:
To automatically delete old files to create more free disk space:
In the side pane, select Server > Administration.
The Administrative Functions pane is displayed.
Click Automatic Functions.
Under the Action heading in the Add New Automatic Entry section, select old data files to delete. You can choose to remove outdated files that are over 6 months old, over 9 months old, or over 12 months old.
Click Add New Entry. From this point forward, files are deleted from the server when they exceed the selected age.
If you subsequently no longer want old files to be automatically removed, select that Action under Current CTPView Automatic Settings and click Remove Selected Lines.