interfaces (QFX Series, ACX Series)
다음 문과 관련 하위 문은 OCX 시리즈 스위치에서 지원되지 않습니다: auto-negotiation
, , , speed
interfaces { aex { disable; aggregated-ether-options { configured-flow-control { rx-buffers (on | off); tx-buffers (on | off); } (fcoe-lag | no-fcoe-lag); flexible-vlan-tagging; (flow-control | no-flow-control); lacp mode { admin-key key; force-up; periodic interval; system-id mac-address; } link-speed speed; local-bias; loopback; no-loopback; minimum-links number; } mc-ae { chassis-id chassis-id; mc-ae-id mc-ae-id; mode (active-active); status-control (active | standby); } description text; gratuitous-arp-reply | no-gratuitous-arp-reply) hold-time down milliseconds up milliseconds; mtu bytes; no-gratuitous-arp-request; traceoptions; (traps | no traps); unit logical-unit-number { disable; description text; family { ethernet-switching { filter input filter-name; filter output filter-name; native-vlan-id vlan-id; port-mode mode; reflective-relay; vlan { members [ (all | names | vlan-ids) ]; } } inet { address address { primary; } filter input filter-name; filter output filter-name; primary; targeted-broadcast; } (traps | no traps); vlan-id vlan-id-number; } vlan-tagging; } interface-range { powersaving { member-range starting-interface-name to ending-interface-name; unused; } interface-range-name { disable; description text; ether-options { 802.3ad aex { lacp { force-up; } } (auto-negotiation| no-auto-negotiation); configured-flow-control { rx-buffers (on | off); tx-buffers (on | off); } (flow-control | no-flow-control); link-mode mode; speed (auto-negotiation | speed); } hold-time milliseconds down milliseconds; member interface-name; member-range starting-interface-name to ending-interface-name; unused; mtu bytes; unit logical-unit-number { disable; description text; family family-name {...} (traps | no traps); vlan-id vlan-id-number; } } lo0 { disable; description text; hold-time milliseconds down milliseconds; traceoptions; (traps | no traps); unit logical-unit-number { disable; description text; family { inet { address address { primary; } filter input filter-name; filter output filter-name; primary; targeted-broadcast; } (traps | no traps); } } mex { disable; description text; hold-time milliseconds down milliseconds; (gratuitous-arp-reply | no-gratuitous-arp-reply); no-gratuitous-arp-request; traceoptions; traps; unit logical-unit-number { disable; description text; family { ethernet-switching { filter input filter-name; filter output filter-name; native-vlan-id vlan-id; port-mode mode; reflective-relay; vlan { members [ (all | names | vlan-ids) ]; } } inet { address address { primary; filter input filter-name; filter output filter-name; primary; targeted-broadcast; } } traps; vlan-id vlan-id-number; } vlan-tagging; vlan { disable; description text; (gratuitous-arp-reply| no-gratuitous-arp-reply); hold-time milliseconds down milliseconds; mtu bytes; no-gratuitous-arp-request; traceoptions; (traps | no traps); unit logical-unit-number { description text; disable; family { inet { address address { primary; } filter input filter-name; filter output filter-name; primary; targeted-broadcast; } (traps | no traps); } } fc-0/0/port { fibrechannel-options { bb-sc-n; (loopback | no-loopback); speed (auto-negotiation | 2g | 4g | 8g); } unit logical-unit-number { disable; description text; family { fibre-channel { port-mode np-port; } (traps | no traps); } ge-0/0/port { disable; description text; ether-options { 802.3ad aex { lacp { force-up; primary; } } (auto-negotiation | no-auto-negotiation); configured-flow-control { rx-buffers (on | off); tx-buffers (on | off); } flexible-vlan-tagging; (flow-control | no-flow-control); link-mode mode; loopback; no-loopback; speed (auto-negotiation | speed); } gratuitous-arp-reply| no-gratuitous-arp-reply); hold-time milliseconds down milliseconds; mac mtu bytes; no-gratuitous-arp-request; traceoptions; (traps | no traps); unit logical-unit-number { description text; disable; family { ethernet-switching { filter input filter-name; filter output filter-name; native-vlan-id vlan-id; port-mode mode; reflective-relay; vlan { members [ (all | names | vlan-ids) ]; } } inet { address address { primary; } filter input filter-name; filter output filter-name; primary; targeted-broadcast; } (traps | no traps); vlan-id vlan-id-number; } vlan-tagging; } vrrp-group group-id { (accept-data | no-accept-data); advertise-interval seconds; authentication-key key; authentication-type authentication; fast-interval milliseconds; (preempt | no-preempt) { hold-time seconds; } priority number; track { interface interface-name { bandwidth-threshold bits-per-second priority-cost priority; priority-cost priority; } priority-hold-time seconds; route prefix/prefix-length routing-instance instance-name priority-cost priority; } } virtual-address [ addresses ]; } xe-0/0/port { disable; description text; ether-options { 802.3ad aex { lacp { force-up; (primary | backup); } } configured-flow-control { rx-buffers (on | off); tx-buffers (on | off); } flexible-vlan-tagging; (flow-control | no-flow-control); loopback; no-loopback; } (gratuitous-arp-reply| no-gratuitous-arp-reply hold-time milliseconds down milliseconds; mac mtu bytes; no-gratuitous-arp-request; traceoptions; (traps | no traps); unit logical-unit-number { disable; description text; family { ethernet-switching { filter input filter-name; filter output filter-name; native-vlan-id vlan-id; port-mode mode; reflective-relay; vlan { members [ (all | names | vlan-ids) ]; } } fibre-channel { port-mode (f-port | np-port); } inet { address address { primary; } filter input filter-name; filter output filter-name; primary; targeted-broadcast; } (traps | no traps); vlan-id vlan-id-number; } vlan-tagging; } }
계층 수준
QFX 시리즈, ACX 시리즈 및 OCX 시리즈에서 인터페이스를 구성합니다.
다음 문과 관련 하위 문은 OCX 시리즈 스위치에서 지원되지 않습니다: auto-negotiation
, , , ethernet-switching
대부분의 표준 Junos OS 구성 명령문은 스위치용 Junos OS에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 주제에는 스위치를 구성할 때 일반적으로 사용하는 Junos OS 문과 스위치만 지원하기 위해 추가된 문이 나열되어 있습니다.
기능 탐색기를 보고 절전 기능에 대한 지원 플랫폼을 확인합니다.
Aex- 어그리게이션 이더넷 인터페이스를 구성합니다.
xe-0/0/port/—10기가비트 이더넷 인터페이스를 구성합니다.
ge-0/0//port—기가비트 이더넷 인터페이스를 구성합니다.
fc-0/0//port—파이버 채널 인터페이스를 구성합니다.
meX/ - 관리 인터페이스를 구성합니다.
mc-ae—멀티섀시 어그리게이션 이더넷(MC-AE) 인터페이스를 구성합니다.
나머지 진술은 별도로 설명됩니다. CLI 탐색기를 참조하십시오.
필요한 권한 수준
interface - 구성에서 이 명령문을 볼 수 있습니다.
interface-control - 구성에 이 명령문을 추가할 수 있습니다.
릴리스 정보
Junos OS 릴리스 11.1에 소개된 명령문.
Junos OS EVO 릴리스 21.3에 소개된 QFX 시리즈에 대한 명령문 지원