request system software in-service-upgrade
request system software in-service-upgrade package-name <no-old-master-upgrade> <reboot> <status> <enhanced-mode> <no-validate> <handle-incompatible-config>
구문(QFX 시리즈)
request system software in-service-upgrade package-name
통합된 ISSU(In-Service Software Upgrade)를 수행합니다. 통합 ISSU를 사용하면 컨트롤 플레인의 중단 없이 트래픽 중단을 최소화하면서 하나의 Junos OS 릴리스에서 다른 릴리스로 업그레이드할 수 있습니다.
QFX5100 및 QFX5200 스위치에서 NSR(Nonstop Active Routing) 및 NSB(Nonstop Bridging)를 활성화합니다.
package-name | 소프트웨어 패키지 또는 번들을 설치할 위치입니다. 예를 들어:
no-old-master-upgrade | (선택 사항)
이 옵션은 QFX5100 및 QFX5200 스위치에서는 사용할 수 없습니다. |
reboot | (선택 사항)
QFX 시리즈 스위치에서는 이 옵션을 사용할 수 없습니다. |
status | (선택 사항) Junos OS 릴리스 19.4R1부터 업그레이드 중에 통합 ISSU의 상태를 표시하려면 이 옵션을 사용합니다. 올바른 ISSU 로그 파일을 표시하려면 ISSU가 트리거된 라우팅 엔진에서 이 명령을 실행해야 합니다.
이 옵션은 MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2010, MX2020, PTX3000 및 PTX5000 라우터에서만 사용할 수 있습니다. |
enhanced-mode | (선택 사항) Junos OS 릴리스 20.1R1부터 통합 ISSU 프로세스 중 패킷 손실을 제거하는 ISSU 모드인 확장 모드에서 통합 ISSU를 실행합니다.
이 옵션은 MPC8E 및 MPC9E 라인 카드에서만 사용할 수 있습니다. MPC11E 라인 카드에 대한 지원은 Junos OS 릴리스 21.4R1부터 제공됩니다. |
no-validate | (선택 사항) Junos OS 릴리스 20.4R2부터 통합 ISSU 프로세스의 검증 단계를 건너뜁니다. |
handle-incompatible-config | (선택 사항) Junos OS 릴리스 22.1R1부터 ISSU 시작 시 호환되지 않는 구성을 자동으로 비활성화하고 ISSU가 완료되면 다시 활성화합니다. ISSU가 중단되면 비활성화된 구성이 자동으로 다시 활성화됩니다. 이는 현재 PTP(Precision Time Protocol) 및 동기식 이더넷의 클럭 동기화 구성에만 적용됩니다.
이 옵션은 MX960, MX10003, MX10008, MX10016, MX2010 및 MX2020 라우터에서만 사용할 수 있습니다. |
추가 정보
통합 ISSU에는 다음과 같은 조건이 적용됩니다.
통합 ISSU가 모든 플랫폼에서 지원되는 것은 아닙니다. 지원되는 플랫폼 목록은 통합 ISSU 시스템 요구 사항을 참조하십시오.
지원되지 않는 PIC는 특정 라우팅 디바이스에서 통합 ISSU 중에 다시 시작됩니다. 지원되는 PIC에 대한 자세한 내용은 Junos OS 고가용성 사용자 가이드를 참조하십시오.
지원되지 않는 프로토콜은 통합 ISSU 중에 패킷 손실이 발생합니다. 지원되는 프로토콜에 대한 자세한 내용은 Junos OS 고가용성 사용자 가이드를 참조하십시오.
통합 ISSU 중에는 특정 라우팅 디바이스에서 PIC를 온라인 또는 오프라인으로 전환할 수 없습니다.
옵션은 Junos OS 릴리스 21.2R1 또는 22.1R1로 업그레이드할 때 필요합니다. Junos OS 릴리스 20.4R2 이전 릴리스에서 업그레이드하는 경우, 통합 ISSU를 사용하여 Junos OS 릴리스 21.2R1 또는 22.1R1로 업그레이드하기 전에 옵션을 지원하는no-validate
릴리스로 업그레이드해야 합니다.
자세한 내용은 Junos OS 고가용성 사용자 가이드를 참조하십시오.
필요한 권한 수준
출력 필드
이 명령을 입력하면 요청 상태에 대한 피드백이 제공됩니다.
샘플 출력
- 시스템 소프트웨어 서비스 중 업그레이드 재부팅 요청
- 시스템 소프트웨어 서비스 중 업그레이드 재부팅 요청(TX Matrix Plus 라우터)
- 시스템 소프트웨어 서비스 중 업그레이드 요청(QFX5100 스위치)
- 시스템 소프트웨어 서비스 중 업그레이드 상태 요청
- 시스템 소프트웨어 서비스 중 업그레이드 업그레이드 강화 모드 요청
시스템 소프트웨어 서비스 중 업그레이드 재부팅 요청
user@host> request system software in-service-upgrade /var/tmp/jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic-signed.tgz reboot
ISSU: Validating Image
PIC 0/3 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
Do you want to continue with these actions being taken ? [yes,no] (no) yes
ISSU: Preparing Backup RE
Pushing bundle to re1
Checking compatibility with configuration
Using jbase-9.0-20080114.2
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
Using /var/tmp/jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic-signed.tgz
Verified jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
Using jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic.tgz
Using jbundle-9.0-20080114.2-domestic.tgz
Checking jbundle requirements on /
Using jbase-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
Using jkernel-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
Using jcrypto-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
Using jpfe-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
Using jdocs-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
Using jroute-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
Hardware Database regeneration succeeded
Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz
mgd: commit complete
Validation succeeded
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 9.0-20080114.2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...
Backup upgrade done
Rebooting Backup RE
Rebooting re1
ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
Waiting for Backup RE reboot
GRES operational
Initiating Chassis In-Service-Upgrade
Chassis ISSU started
ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
ISSU: Preparing Daemons
ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU
ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs
ISSU: Preparing for Switchover
ISSU: Ready for Switchover
Checking In-Service-Upgrade status
Item Status Reason
FPC 0 Online (ISSU)
FPC 1 Online (ISSU)
FPC 2 Online (ISSU)
FPC 6 Online (ISSU)
FPC 7 Online (ISSU)
Resolving mastership...
Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
ISSU: RE switchover Done
ISSU: Upgrading Old Master RE
Installing package '/var/tmp/paKEuy' ...
Verified jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 9.0-20080114.2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
cp: /var/tmp/paKEuy is a directory (not copied).
Saving state for rollback ...
ISSU: Old Master Upgrade Done
Shutdown NOW!
Reboot consistency check bypassed - jinstall 9.0-20080114.2 will complete installation upon reboot
[pid 30227]
*** FINAL System shutdown message from root@host ***
System going down IMMEDIATELY
Connection to host closed.
시스템 소프트웨어 서비스 중 업그레이드 재부팅 요청(TX Matrix Plus 라우터)
user@host> request system software in-service-upgrade /var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz
Chassis ISSU Check Done
ISSU: Validating Image
PIC 8/1 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
PIC 19/2 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
PIC 15/3 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
Do you want to continue with these actions being taken ? [yes,no] (no) yes
Checking compatibility with configuration
Using jbase-12.3R2
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using /var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz
Using jbundle-12.3R2-domestic.tgz
Checking jbundle requirements on /
Using jbase-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jbase-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using /var/validate/chroot/tmp/jbundle/jboot-12.3R2.tgz
Using jcrypto-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jcrypto-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jdocs-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jdocs-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jkernel-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jkernel-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jpfe-12.3R2.tgz
WARNING: jpfe-12.3R2.tgz: not a signed package
WARNING: jpfe-common-12.3R2.tgz: not a signed package
Verified jpfe-common-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: jpfe-T-12.3R2.tgz: not a signed package
Verified jpfe-T-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jplatform-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jplatform-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jroute-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jroute-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jruntime-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jruntime-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jservices-12.3R2.tgz
Using jservices-crypto-12.3R2.tgz
Hardware Database regeneration succeeded
Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz
mgd: commit complete
Validation succeeded
ISSU: Preparing LCC Backup REs
Pushing bundle to lcc0-re1
Pushing bundle to lcc1-re1
Pushing bundle to lcc2-re1
Pushing bundle to lcc3-re1
Pushing bundle to sfc0-re1
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 12.3R2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 12.3R2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 12.3R2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 12.3R2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...
ISSU: Preparing SFC Backup RE
NOTICE: Validating configuration against jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz.
NOTICE: Use the 'no-validate' option to skip this if desired.
Checking compatibility with configuration
Using jbase-12.3R2
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using /var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz
Using jbundle-12.3R2-domestic.tgz
Checking jbundle requirements on /
Using jbase-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jbase-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using /var/validate/chroot/tmp/jbundle/jboot-12.3R2.tgz
Using jcrypto-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jcrypto-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jdocs-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jdocs-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jkernel-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jkernel-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jpfe-12.3R2.tgz
WARNING: jpfe-12.3R2.tgz: not a signed package
WARNING: jpfe-common-12.3R2.tgz: not a signed package
Verified jpfe-common-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: jpfe-T-12.3R2.tgz: not a signed package
Verified jpfe-T-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jplatform-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jplatform-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jroute-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jroute-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jruntime-12.3R2.tgz
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Verified jruntime-12.3R2 signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Using jservices-12.3R2.tgz
Using jservices-crypto-12.3R2.tgz
Hardware Database regeneration succeeded
Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz
mgd: commit complete
Validation succeeded
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 12.3R2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...
SFC Backup upgrade done
Rebooting SFC Backup RE
Rebooting sfc0-re1
ISSU: SFC Backup RE Prepare Done
Waiting for SFC Backup RE reboot
Rebooting lcc0-re1
Rebooting LCC [lcc0-re1]
Rebooting lcc1-re1
Rebooting LCC [lcc1-re1]
Rebooting lcc2-re1
Rebooting LCC [lcc2-re1]
Rebooting lcc3-re1
Rebooting LCC [lcc3-re1]
LCC Backup REs have rebooted
Waiting for LCC Backup REs come back online
ISSU: LCC Backup REs Prepare Done
GRES operational
Initiating Chassis In-Service-Upgrade
Chassis ISSU Started
ISSU: Preparing Daemons
ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU
ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs
ISSU: Preparing for Switchover
ISSU: Ready for Switchover
Checking In-Service-Upgrade status
Item Status Reason
FPC 1 Online (ISSU)
PIC 0 Online (ISSU)
FPC 2 Online (ISSU)
FPC 3 Online (ISSU)
PIC 1 Online (ISSU)
FPC 4 Online (ISSU)
FPC 6 Online (ISSU)
FPC 7 Online (ISSU)
Item Status Reason
FPC 0 Online (ISSU)
PIC 3 Online (ISSU)
FPC 1 Online (ISSU)
FPC 2 Online (ISSU)
FPC 4 Online (ISSU)
FPC 6 Online (ISSU)
FPC 7 Online (ISSU)
Item Status Reason
FPC 0 Online (ISSU)
FPC 2 Online (ISSU)
FPC 3 Online (ISSU)
PIC 0 Online (ISSU)
FPC 4 Online (ISSU)
FPC 6 Online (ISSU)
FPC 7 Online (ISSU)
PIC 1 Online (ISSU)
Item Status Reason
FPC 0 Online (ISSU)
PIC 0 Online (ISSU)
FPC 1 Online (ISSU)
FPC 2 Online (ISSU)
FPC 3 Online (ISSU)
PIC 2 Online (ISSU)
FPC 4 Online (ISSU)
FPC 5 Online (ISSU)
FPC 6 Online (ISSU)
FPC 7 Online (ISSU)
PIC 1 Online (ISSU)
Resolving mastership...
Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
Resolving mastership...
Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
Resolving mastership...
Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
Resolving mastership...
Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
Resolving mastership...
Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
ISSU: RE switchover Done
ISSU: Upgrading SFC Old Master RE
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 12.3R2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 12.3R2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 12.3R2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 12.3R2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...
Installing package '/var/tmp/paBWTg' ...
Verified jinstall-12.3R2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
Adding jinstall...
Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_12_3_0
WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 12.3R2 software.
WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the
WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING: you reboot the system.
Saving the config files ...
NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
Installing the bootstrap installer ...
WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes.
Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed ...
cp: /var/tmp/paBWTg is a directory (not copied).
Saving state for rollback ...
ISSU: SFC Old Master Upgrade Done
시스템 소프트웨어 서비스 중 업그레이드 요청(QFX5100 스위치)
user@switch> request system software in-service-upgrade /var/tmp/jinstall-qfx-132_x51_vjunos.0-domestic.tgz
ISSU: Validating Image
Prepare for ISSU
spawn the backup VM
ISSU: Preparing Backup RE
Backup upgrade done
ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
waiting for backup RE switchover ready
GRES operational
Initiating Chassis In-Service-Upgrade
Chassis ISSU Started
ISSU: Preparing Daemons
ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU
ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs
ISSU: FPC Warm Booting
ISSU: FPC Warm Booted
ISSU: Preparing for Switchover
ISSU: Ready for Switchover
Checking In-Service-Upgrade status
Item Status Reason
FPC 0 Online (ISSU)
send ISSU done to chassisd on backup VM
Chassis ISSU Completed
mgd_package_opus_issu: Initiate em0 device handoff
시스템 소프트웨어 서비스 중 업그레이드 상태 요청
user@host> request system software in-service-upgrade /var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz
[Apr 29 01:31:11]:ISSU: Validating Image
[Apr 29 01:43:13]:ISSU: Validating Image Done
[Apr 29 01:43:13]:ISSU: Preparing Backup RE
[Apr 29 01:43:13]:ISSU: Pushing /var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz to re1:/var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz
[Apr 29 01:44:48]:ISSU: Pushing package /var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz to re1 done
[Apr 29 01:44:48]:ISSU: Installing package /var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz on re1
[Apr 29 01:52:35]:ISSU: Installing package /var/tmp/jinstall-12.3R2-domestic-signed.tgz on re1 done
[Apr 29 01:52:35]:ISSU: Rebooting Backup RE
[Apr 29 01:52:36]:ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
[Apr 29 01:52:36]:ISSU: Waiting for Backup RE reboot
[Apr 29 01:56:45]:ISSU: Backup RE reboot done. Backup RE is up
[Apr 29 01:56:45]:ISSU: Waiting for Backup RE state synchronization
[Apr 29 01:57:10]:ISSU: Backup RE state synchronization done
[Apr 29 01:57:10]:ISSU: GRES operational
[Apr 29 01:58:16]:ISSU: Preparing Daemons
[Apr 29 01:58:40]:ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU
[Apr 29 01:58:46]:ISSU: Offline Incompatible FRUs
[Apr 29 01:58:51]:ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs
[Apr 29 02:03:32]:ISSU: Preparing for Switchover
[Apr 29 02:03:57]:ISSU: Ready for Switchover
[Apr 29 02:03:59]:ISSU: RE switchover Done
[Apr 29 02:03:59]:ISSU: Upgrading Old Master RE
[Apr 29 02:12:51]:ISSU: Old Master Upgrade Done
[Apr 29 02:12:51]:ISSU: IDLE
시스템 소프트웨어 서비스 중 업그레이드 업그레이드 강화 모드 요청
user@host> request system software in-service-upgrade /var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-20.1.tgz reboot enhanced-mode
Chassis ISSU enhanced-mode
ISSU: set chassis enhanced-mode
Chassis ISSU Check Done
ISSU: Validating Image
mgd: commit complete
Validation succeeded
Validating Image Done
Preparing Backup RE
Pushing /var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-20.1.tgz to re1:/var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-20.1.tgz
Pushing package /var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-20.1.tgz to re1 done
Installing package /var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-20.1.tgz on re1
Verified sflow-mx signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2019 method ECDSA256+SHA256
NOTICE: 'pending' set will be activated at next reboot...
ISSU: Installing package /var/tmp/junos-install-mx-x86-32-20.1.tgz on re1 done
ISSU: Rebooting Backup RE
Rebooting re1
Backup RE Prepare Done
Waiting for Backup RE reboot
Backup RE reboot done. Backup RE is up
Waiting for Backup RE state synchronization
Backup RE state synchronization done
GRES operational
"Initiating Chassis In-Service-Upgrade"
Chassis ISSU Started
ISSU: Preparing Daemons
ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU
ISSU: Offline Incompatible FRUs
ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs
ISSU: Preparing for Switchover
ISSU: Ready for Switchover
Checking In-Service-Upgrade status
Item Status Reason
FPC 1 Online (ISSU)
FPC 2 Offline Configured power off
Resolving mastership...
Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
릴리스 정보
Junos OS 릴리스 9.0에서 소개된 명령.
MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2010, MX2020, PTX3000 및 PTX5000 라우터용 Junos OS 릴리스 19.4R1에서 소개된 옵션입니다.
MX960, MX10003, MX10008, MX10016, MX2010 및 MX2020 라우터를 위한 Junos OS 릴리스 22.1R1에서 소개된 옵션입니다.