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Attaching Mounting Brackets to an EX-series Switch
If you are installing a switch in
a rack or cabinet, you must attach mounting brackets to the switch.
An EX-series switch is shipped with one pair of mounting brackets.
The holes in the mounting brackets are spaced at 1 U (1.75 in.
or 4.445 cm), so the switch can be mounted in any rack that provides
holes spaced at that distance.
The outer edges of the mounting brackets extend the width of
an EX-series switch chassis to 19 in. (48.2 cm), and the
front of the chassis extends approximately 0.5 in. (1.27 cm)
beyond the mounting brackets. The spacing of rails and adjacent racks
must also allow for the clearances around the switch and rack (see Clearance Requirements for Airflow and Hardware Maintenance).
Ensure you have a Phillips (+) screwdriver,
number 2 available to install mounting brackets on an EX-series
switch chassis.
To attach each mounting bracket to an EX-series
switch (see Figure 24):
- Place the EX-series switch on a flat, stable
- Align the mounting brackets along the front, rear,
or center of a side panel of the EX-series switch chassis depending
on how you want to mount the switch in a rack or cabinet. For example,
if you want to center-mount a switch, align the mounting brackets
along the center of the side panel. For instructions on mounting an
EX-series switch on a rack or cabinet, see Mounting an EX-series Switch on a Rack or Cabinet.
- Align the bottom hole in the mounting bracket with
a hole on the side panel on the EX-series switch chassis.
- Insert one mounting screw (provided in the accessory
box shipped with the switch) into each of the two aligned holes. Use
a Phillips (+) screwdriver, number 2 to tighten the screw to
the chassis. Ensure that the other holes in the mounting bracket are
aligned with the other holes in the side panel.
- Insert screws into the other holes in the mounting
bracket aligned with the holes in the side panel and tighten the screws
to the chassis using a Phillips (+) screwdriver, number 2.
Figure 24: Attaching
Mounting Brackets Along the Front of an EX-series Switch
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