将交换机载入 Mist 云
如果您的交换机已上线至 Mist 云,请忽略本主题中的步骤。
要通过Juniper Mist云配置和管理交换机,必须确保将交换机添加到Mist云中。要查看 Mist 支持的交换机型号,请访问 Juniper Mist支持的硬件。
在这种情况下,绿地交换机是新的云就绪交换机,而棕地交换机是从之前的部署引入Juniper Mist云架构的交换机。
确保您有 Juniper Mist Wired Assurance 订阅和Juniper Mist门户的登录凭据。要开始使用 Mist,请按照 快速入门:Mist中的说明操作。
确保交换机已连接到 DNS 服务器(也建议使用 NTP 服务器),并且能够通过 Internet 连接到Juniper Mist云架构。
如果云和交换机之间有防火墙,请允许 TCP 端口 2200 对交换机管理端口的出站访问。
您可以通过 Mist AI 移动应用将一台绿地云就绪交换机上线至Mist云。但是,如果想要同时上线多台云就绪交换机,则可以通过Juniper Mist门户使用与采购订单关联的激活码进行此操作。
要在绿地部署交换机,请按照 快速入门:具有Mist的云就绪 EX 和 QFX 交换机中的说明操作。
Onboarding a Greenfield CloudReady EX switch is simple. In your inventory page, find the Switches tab. Click on Claim Switches.
Type in your switch's unique claim code, which can be found near the QR code at the front of the switch. Alternatively, you can also enter an activation code, which pulls all your newly purchased Juniper hardware from one order, rather than adding individual switch codes. Add and check for your desired settings, such as site assignment and configuration management.
Click Claim, and the switch has been added to the site. The EX3400 has been added. In the site view, you should see the switch appropriately assigned.
Notice that red indicates the switch is offline, but will turn green once it comes online. The switch is cloud-managed and accounted for as part of the health metrics above.
在激活棕地交换机之前,务必备份交换机上的现有Junos OS配置,因为当采用交换机从Juniper Mist云进行管理时,旧配置将被替换。运行 request system configuration rescue save
命令,备份当前的 Junos OS 配置,这将保存当前活动的配置和任何特定于安装的参数。
在此过程中,您将使用 Junos OS CLI 对 Juniper Mist 门户和交换机进行一些配置更改。确保您可以登录到这两个系统。
Adopting switches for brownfield environments only takes a few steps. In Organization, look for the Inventory tab and toggle to Switches. Click on Adopt Switches.
This brings up a clipboard of CLI commands to copy and paste into the console of a switch. Put in the config and commit it in the switch. Ensure that TCP port 2200 is open to the internet.
This allows for the switch to communicate with the Juniper Mist cloud. Check that it is connected properly by entering Show System Connection to see an established TCP session. Going back to the dashboard, you can see the EX switch online and fully cloud-managed.
Templates will also be inherited when you enable Configuration Management. Don't forget to save. Now you're good to go.
Adopting an EX switch to the Juniper Mist cloud from a brownfield environment is a straightforward process. Now you have the power and simplicity of a cloud-managed solution for your EX switches.