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Subscription Notifications

The following table summarizes the frequency of the e-mail notifications and the notifications displayed on the Juniper Security Director Cloud GUI:


If your subscription has expired, is currently in the grace period, or has passed beyond the grace period, you need to delete the existing subscription and create a new one. See Add a Subscription.

Table 1: Subscription Notifications
Account Type Duration SRX Management Subscription Secure Edge Subscription Storage Subscription
Paid 28 days to 3 days before the expiration date Weekly Weekly Weekly
3 days before the expiration upto the expiration date Daily Daily Daily
During the grace period1 Weekly Weekly Weekly
After the grace period ends No notifications No notifications No notifications

48 hours before the expiration date

Once Not applicable Not applicable

10 days before the expiration upto the expiration date

Not applicable Daily Not applicable
During the grace period2 Weekly Weekly Not applicable
After the grace period ends No notifications No notifications Not applicable

1 — The grace period for paid accounts is 30 days.

2 — The grace period for trial accounts of SRX Management and Secure Edge subscription is 30 days and 2 days respectively.