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On the Inventory page, we introduce an Installed Base view, which provides device-specific information maintained by Juniper along with the status information collected from your Juniper devices. You can use the Installed Base information to onboard the devices to Mist cloud.
To view the installed base information, you must link your Juniper account to your Mist Organization. You can link your Juniper account to your Mist Organization from the Organization > Settings page.
To view the installed base information, go to Organization > Inventory > Installed Base.
The Installed Base view provides information about the Juniper devices that are:
The Installed Base tab displays the following information:
Earlier, we announced the ability for customers with the advanced MSP tier to customize their own logo to be displayed on the dashboard. Now, you may also configure a custom URL for this logo as well. A new tab with your custom URL will load for any user who clicks on your logo.
Configure this in the MSP Information page, under the MSP Logo section.
The Junos OS generates system log messages (also called syslog messages) to record events that occur on the switch. Each system log message identifies the Junos OS process that generated the message and briefly describes the operation or error that occurred. Users can now configure syslog options from the Mist UI under switch device/site/org level.
The Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP) is an Internet standard protocol for remotely managing routers, switches, servers, workstations, and other devices on an IP network. Users can now configure SNMP options from the Mist UI under switch device/site/org level.
Users can now configure BGP neighbor & routing policy from the switch device page.
Intrusion detection is the process of monitoring for signs of possible incidents, violations, or imminent threats to your security policies. Intrusion prevention is the process of performing intrusion detection and then stopping the detected incidents. For more information, see the following topics:
WAN Assurance provides a powerful but simple Application Policy in which source Networks/Users along with destination Applications are matched and then a simplified IDP profile of; Alert, Standard, or Strict can be assigned for evaluation.
The security WAN edge IDP/URL events dashboard can be found by navigating on the left pane; Site → WAN Edge -> Secure WAN Edge IDP/URL Events
Alerts for IDP events can be generated Monitor → Alerts. Navigate using the Alerts Configuration (top right) and select IDP Attack Detected to enabled these.
The WAN Edge insights page will now provide the LTE signal strength for a device using an LTE module for WAN link.
Customers can now upgrade SSR from Mist by selecting utilities → upgrade firmware. The UI provides the option to schedule download & upgrade the device.
Customers can now view supported images when uploading an image as a floorplan under Upload Floorplan tab.
Customers can now use a new type of webhooks, via API only, when enabled will send specific raw data for the following special location webhook topics (asset-raw-rssi, discovered-raw-rssi, wifi-conn-raw and wifi-unconn-raw). More information regrading each topic, rules for configuring and example valid/in-valid payloads can be found under:
API Documentation → Webhooks (Site) → Client Raw Data Webhooks