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Claim a Switch

To connect a switch to the Juniper Mist™ cloud, you need to claim it into your Juniper Mist organization.


Follow this procedure to claim new switches. If you want to add a switch from your Juniper Installed Base, see Adopt a Switch from Your Juniper Installed Base.

  1. From the left menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Organization > Inventory.
  2. Click Switches at the top left of the page, and then click Claim Switches at the top right.
    locations of the Switches and Claim Switches buttons
  3. Enter the activation code or claim code.
    where to enter codes in the pop-up window
  4. Select other options as needed, and then click Claim.

    For detailed instructions, go to the Juniper Mist Supported Hardware page, and find the Quick Start Guide for your device.