Mist Edge Insights
Investigate issues affecting Mist Edges.
Finding the Insights for Mist Edges
Go to the Insights page, click the site menu at the top of the page, then click Mist Edge on the left, and then click the Mist Edge that you want to view.
Mist Edge Events
Click an event to see a summary on the right side of the page.
Use the tabs at the top of this section to show all, good, neutral, or bad events.
Event Types
Events include:
AP Auto Preemption skipped
Mist Edge Config changed by user
Mist Edge Configured
Mist Edge Connected
Mist Edge Disconnected
Mist Edge Restarted by user
Mist Edge Restarted
Mist Edge package update by user
Mist Edge package installed
Mist Edge package install failed
Mist Edge package uninstalled
Mist Edge package uninstall failed
Mist Edge package updated
Mist Edge package update failed
Mist Edge service started
Mist Edge service stopped
Mist Edge service restarted
Mist Edge service crashed
Mist Edge service failed
TunTerm ports bounce requested by user
TunTerm ports bounced successfully
TunTerm ports bounce failed
TunTerm AP disconnect requested by user
TunTerm AP successfully disconnected
TunTerm AP failed to disconnect
Mist Edge memory usage high
Mist Edge memory usage warning
Mist Edge memory usage normal
Mist Edge CPU usage high
Mist Edge CPU usage warning
Mist Edge CPU usage normal
Mist Edge disk usage high
Mist Edge disk usage warning
Mist Edge disk usage normal
Mist Edge fan plugged
Mist Edge fan unplugged
Mist Edge PSU plugged
Mist Edge PSU unplugged
Mist Edge power input connected
Mist Edge power input disconnected
TunTerm (Tunnel Termination) tunnels lost
TunTerm (Tunnel Termination) tunnel(s) up
TunTerm (Tunnel Termination) port in blocked state
TunTerm (Tunnel Termination) port recovered from blocked state
TunTerm (Tunnel Termination) port link down
TunTerm (Tunnel Termination) port link restored
Data port dropped from LACP
Data port joined LACP
First Data port joined LACP
Last Data port dropped from LACP
All Data ports dropped from LACP
Inactive vlans reported by data port
TunTerm monitored resource failed
TunTerm monitored resource recovered
Port Charts
The charts show TX/DX data for each port.
In each chart, hover your mouse pointer over any data point to see the details.
Current Values for Mist Edges
The Current Values section appears toward the bottom of the Insights page. The context at the top of the page determines the information that you'll see here.
The values in this section are not impacted by the time range selection at the top of the page.
When a Mist Edge is selected as the context, the Current Values section includes:
LACP Status
Port Stats
LLDP Stats