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Dynamically Applying Ascend-Data-Filter Policies to Subscriber Sessions

Subscriber management enables you to use dynamic profiles to dynamically apply policies that are defined in Ascend-Data-Filters (RADIUS attribute 242) to subscriber sessions. The dynamic profiles include a Junos OS predefined variable that maps the rules and actions defined in the Ascend-Data-Filter to Junos OS features. The RADIUS administrator configures the Ascend-Data-Filter on the RADIUS server in a separate operation.

Subscriber management dynamic profiles use the following Junos OS predefined variables to map family-specific Ascend-Data-Filter rules to Junos OS filter functionality:

  • $junos-adf-rule-v4—Used for IPv4 family inet.

  • $junos-adf-rule-v6—Used for IPv6 family inet6.

To configure a dynamic profile to dynamically apply the policy defined by an Ascend-Data-Filter to a subscriber session:

  1. Specify the dynamic profile in which you want to include the Ascend-Data-Filter. Specify the interface, the logical unit number, and the family type.
  2. Specify that you want to include an Ascend-Data-Filter in the dynamic profile.
  3. Specify the Junos OS predefined variable that maps the Ascend-Data-Filter actions to Junos OS filter functionality. Use the variable that corresponds to the specified family type.

    You can also statically configure the Ascend-Data-Filter in this step by entering the filter in hexadecimal format, rather than use a predefined variable. You might use a static filter for testing purposes.

  4. (Optional) Suppress error-reporting in the event the RADIUS reply messages do not include the Ascend-Data-Filter attribute.
  5. (Optional) Enable the counter feature. The counter increments each time a packet matches the rule.
  6. (Optional) Specify the input precedence used to establish the order in which filters on the interface are applied. A lower precedence value equals a higher precedence. The precedence relates to other dynamic filters configured on the same interface.
  7. (Optional) Specify the output precedence used to establish the order in which filters on the interface are applied. A lower precedence value equals a higher precedence. The precedence relates to other dynamic filters configured on the same interface.