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Supported RPM, TWAMP, STAMP, and Benchmarking Test Standards

Real-Time Performance Monitoring (RPM) Standard

On routers and switches equipped with one or more Adaptive Services PICs (both standalone and integrated versions) or DPCs, Junos OS substantially supports the Juniper-proprietary feature known as real-time performance monitoring (RPM), and provides MIB support with extensions in substantial support of RFC 2925, Definitions of Managed Objects for Remote Ping, Traceroute, and Lookup Operations. Junos OS Evolved supports Packet-Forwarding-Engine-based or Routing-Engine-based RPM, and provides MIB support with extensions in substantial support of RFC 2925, Definitions of Managed Objects for Remote Ping, Traceroute, and Lookup Operations.

Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) and Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) Standards

The Two-Way Active Management Protocol (TWAMP), described in RFC 5357 Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol , is an extension of the One-Way Active Management Protocol (OWAMP) that supplies two-way or round-trip measurements instead of unidirectional capabilities. Both Junos OS and Junos OS Evolved support RFC 5357, including Appendix I, which documents a simpler operational mode known as TWAMP Light. The Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) is defined in RFC 8762 Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol . RFC 8762 standardizes and extends this TWAMP Light operational mode. Junos OS Evolved supports RFC 8762.

Benchmarking Test Standard

RFC 2544 defines a series of tests that can be used to describe the performance characteristics of a network-interconnecting device, such as a router, and outlines specific formats to report the results of the tests. These tests can be used to benchmark interconnected network devices and devise a guideline or a measurement pattern to analyze the health and efficiency of the network devices. These tests are the standard benchmarking tests for Ethernet networks and are known as RFC 2544-based benchmarking tests. Junos OS and Junos OS Evolved support RFC 2544, Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices.