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Monitoring Firewall Filter Traffic

You can monitor firewall filter traffic on EX Series switches.

Monitoring Traffic for All Firewall Filters and Policers That Are Configured on the Switch


Perform the following task to monitor the number of packets and bytes that matched the firewall filters and monitor the number of packets that exceeded policer rate limits:


Use the operational mode command:


The show firewall command displays the names of all firewall filters, policers, and counters that are configured on the switch. The output fields show byte and packet counts for counters and packet count for policers.

Monitoring Traffic for a Specific Firewall Filter


Perform the following task to monitor the number of packets and bytes that matched a firewall filter and monitor the number of packets that exceeded the policer rate limits.


Use the operational mode command:


The show firewall filter filter-name command displays the name of the firewall filter, the packet and byte count for all counters configured with the filter, and the packet count for all policers configured with the filter.

Monitoring Traffic for a Specific Policer


Perform the following task to monitor the number of packets that exceeded policer rate limits:


Use the operational mode command:


The show policer policer-name command displays the name of the firewall filter that specifies the policer-action and displays the number of packets that exceeded rate limits for the specified filter.