Additional Features
We've extended support for the following features to these platforms.
1G CoS support (MX304). We support 1G class-of-service (Cos) on 1G ports.
1G firewall support (MX304). We support firewall for an 1G interface.
Access Gateway Function Support (MX10008 with MX10K-LC2101 and MX10K-LC480).
IP liveness detection and IP session monitoring for DHCP BBE subscribers using asynchronous single-hop (UDP Port 3784) and multi-hop (UDP Port 4784) BFD (MX Series).
[See DHCP Liveness Detection and show bfd session]
Segment routing–traffic engineering (SR-TE) colored policy RIB5 and SR-TE colored telemetry sensor support (MX10004, MX10008, and vMX).
[See Schema Explorer.]
Support for PTP G.8275.1 and Timing G.8275.1 over LAG interfaces (MX304). We support the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) G.8275.1 and Timing G.8275.1 over LAG interfaces.
Note:BITS is not yet supported on the MX304.
Note:SFP/SPF+ GM port support is not supported on MX304.
[See Understanding the Time Management Administration Guide and profile-type]
View supported transceivers, optical interfaces, and DAC cables—Select your product in the Hardware Compatibility Tool (HCT) to view the supported transceivers, optical interfaces, and direct attach copper (DAC) cables for your platform or interface module. We update HCT and provide the first supported release information when the optic becomes available.
v4ov6 tunnel support for gateway functionality (MX304 with MPC10, MPC11, and LC9600 line cards).
[See Understanding Redistribution of IPv4 Routes with IPv6 Next Hop into BGPveness Detection]