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Routing Protocols

  • Enhancements to show ospf spring and ospf database commands (MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2010, MX2020, and vMX)— Starting in Junos OS Release 23.2R1, we have enhanced the show ospf spring and show ospf database commands to display the following additional segment-routing information:

    • show ospf spring sid-database—Displays the segment identifier (SID) database with prefix and index of native segment routing nodes.

    • show ospf spring prefix-sid-map—Displays segment routing mapping server (SRMS) advertisements

    • show ospf database opaque-area ext-link link-addr link-address—Displays the specific extended-link link-state advertisements (LSAs) based on the link-address.

    • show ospf database opaque-area ext-prefix prefix prefix/len—Displays the specific extended-prefix link-state advertisement based on the prefix

    [See show ospf database, show-ospf-spring-sid-database], show-ospf-spring-prefix-sid-map.

  • Support to activate BFD strict mode for BGP peer sessions (ACX5448, ACX710, cRPD, MX10003, MX10004, VRR, QFX5110, and QFX5200)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.2R1, we support the activation of BFD strict mode for BGP peer sessions that disallows BGP to establish a session until BFD session is successfully established and has stabilized. With the BFD strict mode feature, you can prevent routing churn and minimize network interruption.

    To activate BFD strict mode for BGP peer sessions, include the strict-mode [bfd-wait-timeout <10-255 seconds> CLI statement under bfd-liveness-detection at the [edit protocols bgp group group-name neighbor address] hierarchy level.

    For example, use the following command to activate BFD strict mode for BGP peer sessions:

    set protocol bgp group group-name neighbor address bfd-liveness-detection [strict-mode [bfd-wait-timeout 10-255 seconds]]

    [See Understanding BFD for BGP, bfd-liveness-detection (BGP).]

  • Support for RFC8814 (Signaling MSD using BGP-LS) (MX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.2R1, we partially support RFC 8814, Signaling Maximum SID Depth (MSD) Using the Border Gateway Protocol - Link State. Currently, we support signalling Maximum SID Depth (MSD) using IS-IS for both SR-MPLS and SRv6. For non-SR networks, this will reflect the maximum label depth.

    A controller in a segment routing network learns the MSD of the participating router and computes the SR path. The controller ensures that the label stack is not greater than what the routers can support.

    See [Link-State Distribution Using BGP.]

  • Support for AIGP for INET, INET6, L3VPN, and L3VPN6 (cRPD, and MX10008)—Starting in Junos OS 23.2R1, we support AIGP for INET unicast, INET6 unicast, L3VPN, and L3VPN6 address family. Use the existing show route command to see the output with multiple paths.

    [See aigp.]