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Class of Service

  • Queue-depth monitoring support for virtual output queues (PTX10003)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 23.1R1, we support the export of buffer utilization data for CoS virtual output queues (VOQs). Using this feature, you can stream telemetry data for peak queue length. Monitoring this data assists in preventing micro-bursts and high buffer utilization for a given queue. To enable VOQ queue-depth monitoring, configure the monitoring-profile statement at the [edit class-of-service] hierarchy level. To export data to a collector, use the following resource paths:

    • /qos/interfaces/interface/input/virtual-output-queues/voq-interface/queues/state/

    • /junos/system/linecard/qmon-sw

    [See VOQ Queue-depth Monitoring.]

  • Shaping overhead adjustment (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 23.1R1, on PTX10000 Series routers you can adjust the number of overhead bytes from –20 to 124. (The default number of shaping overhead bytes added to a packet at the egress interface is 20 bytes.) This adjustment determines the shaped session packet length at the physical port level.

    [See overhead-accounting.]