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Precision Time Protocol (PTP)

  • G.8275.1 telecom profile and PTP over Ethernet encapsulation support (MX10008 with MX10K-LC9600)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.4R1, MX10008 routers with MX10K-LC9600 line cards support Precision Time Protocol (PTP) over Ethernet encapsulation and the G.8275.1 telecom profile.

    The G.8275.1 profile supports the architecture that is defined in ITU-T G.8275. The profile enables the distribution of phase and time with full timing support. You must ensure that all the devices in the network operate in combined or hybrid mode, which means that PTP and Synchronous Ethernet are enabled on all devices.

    PTP over Ethernet effectively implements the packet-based technology. This feature helps operators deliver synchronization services on packet-based mobile backhaul (MBH) networks.

    [See PTP Profiles and Precision Time Protocol Overview.]

  • Support for Synchronous Ethernet (MX10004)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.4R1, we support Synchronous Ethernet over LAG ) with Ethernet Synchronization Message Channel (ESMC).

    [See Synchronous Ethernet and Ethernet synchronization Message Channel (ESMC).]

  • Support for PTP G.8275.1 over LAG (MX10008)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.4R1, we support the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) G.8275.1 profile over LAG interfaces.

    [See PTP Overview.]

  • Support for PTP G.8275.1 (MX10004)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.4R1, we support PTP G.8275.1 with or without LAG interfaces.

    [See PTP Overview.]