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Juniper Extension Toolkit (JET)

  • Use JET Interfaces Service API to reduce operational time of port bounces (EX Series, QFX Series, and SRX Series)—A port bounce is the act of disabling and re-enabling a physical interface. Starting in Junos OS Release 22.3R1, you can use the JET Interfaces Service API to perform a port bounce. To disable the port without using the CLI, set the disable attribute in the Interfaces Service RPC message to 1 for that port. To remove that configuration and re-enable the port, set disable to 0.

    When you set disable to 1 in the RPC message, the API disables the port regardless of the CLI or API configuration for that port. When you set disable to 0, the API deletes the setting of the disable attribute from the API configuration, so the configuration for the port reverts to the previous configuration.

    Details of the Interfaces Service API are in the jnx_interfaces_service.proto file in the JET package.

    [See Overview of JET APIs.]