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Additional Features

  • Check for AS matches in BGP policy AS paths without regular expressions (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, PTX10016, QFX5130-32CD, and QFX5200)

    [See Improve the Performance of AS Path Lookup in BGP Policy.]

  • Configure the ephemeral database using the NETCONF and Junos XML protocols (ACX7100-32C, ACX7100-48L, ACX7509, PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, PTX10016, QFX5130-32CD, and QFX5220)

    [See Understanding the Ephemeral Configuration Database.]

  • DHCP stateless relay over EVPN-VXLAN (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10004, PTX10008, PTX10016)

    Support for DHCP relay includes DHCPv4 and DHCPv6.

    [See DHCP Relay Agent over EVPN-VXLAN.]

  • Extend the configuration database size (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, PTX10016)—You can now increase the configuration database size up to 1305.99 MB. Use the extend-size configuration statement at the [edit system configuration-database] hierarchy level to extend the database size.

    [See configuration-database.]

  • Hybrid Mode (Synchronous Ethernet and PTP) over LAG with PTP over Ethernet (PTX10008 with LC1201-36CD)

    [See Hybrid Mode.]

  • Multicast support for Next-Generation MVPN (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)

    Support includes:

    • IR, RSVP-P2MP, and LDP-P2MP provider tunnel
    • Inclusive and Selective PMSI tunnel.

    [See Multiprotocol BGP MVPNs Overview and Understanding Next-Generation MVPN Concepts and Terminology.]

  • PCEP session over IPv6 (ACX7100-32C, ACX7100-48L, PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)

    [See destination-ipv6-address and local-ipv6-address.]

  • Per-PFE Restart Support (PTX10003)

    Support for disable, offline and restart of individual PFEs with error log and action, using request chassis pfe and set chassis fpccommands.

    [See request chassis pfe and fpc (M320, T320 and T640 Devices).]

  • SNMP support for interface-attached policers (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, and PTX10008)

    [See Enterprise-Specific MIBs for Junos OS Evolved.]

  • Support for configuring GRE tunnel encapsulation on FTIs (PTX10003)—You can configure encapsulation by using the tunnel encapsulation gre source address destination address command at the edit interfaces fti unit unit hierarchy level.

    Keep the following in mind when configuring this feature:

    • Adding tunnel-termination makes the tunnel a de-encapsulation-only tunnel, and encapsulation is disabled.
    • Specifying both the source and destination address is mandatory when you do not configure the tunnel-termination.
    • Configuring a variable prefix mask on the source address is not allowed.

    [See encapsulation.]

  • Support for configuring UDP tunnel encapsulation on FTIs (PTX10003)—You can configure encapsulation by using the tunnel encapsulation udp source address destination address command at the edit interfaces fti unit unit hierarchy level.

    Keep the following in mind when configuring this feature:

    • Adding tunnel-termination makes the tunnel a de-encapsulation-only tunnel, and encapsulation is disabled.
    • Specifying both the source and destination address is mandatory when you do not configure the tunnel-termination.
    • Configuring a variable prefix mask on the source address is not allowed.

    [See encapsulation.]

  • Support for FTI-based encapsulation and decapsulation of IPv4 and IPv6 packets (PTX10003)—You can configure IP-IP encapsulation and decapsulation on a flexible tunnel interface. The default mode is loopback encap mode.

    Use bypass-loopback statement at the [edit interfaces fti number unit logical-unit-number tunnel encapsulation ipip] hierarchy level to change into flattened encap mode to achieve line rate performance.

    [See encapsulation.]

  • Support for G.8275.1 Telecom profile (PTX10008 with PTX10K-LC1202-36MR line card)

    [See G.8275.1 Telecom Profile.]

  • Support for IEEE 802.1ag and ITU-T Y.1731 standard for Ethernet service OAM on PTX10001-36MR

    [See Introduction to OAM Connectivity Fault Management (CFM).]

  • Synchronous Ethernet over LAG with ESMC (PTX10008 with PTX10K-LC1201-36CD line card)

    [See Synchronous Ethernet and Ethernet Synchronization Message Channel (ESMC).]

  • Synchronous Ethernet with ESMC support (PTX10001-36MR)

    [See Synchronous Ethernet Overview and Ethernet Synchronization Message Channel (ESMC).]