Ethernet Switching and Bridging
Support for L2PT over VPLS networks (ACX710, ACX5448, ACX5448-D, and ACX5448-M)—Starting in Junos OS Release 21.2R1, we support Layer 2 protocol tunneling (L2PT) over virtual private LAN service (VPLS) networks. The device can use L2PT to transparently send packets across a VPLS network without interfering with protocol instances in the network. L2PT supports 802.1x, 802.3ah, CDP, E-LMI, MVRP, LACP, STP/RSTP/MSTP, LLDP, MMRP, and VTP Layer 2 control protocols.
[See Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling and Configuring VPLS Encapsulation on CE-Facing Interfaces.]
Support for Ethernet Ring Protection (ACX5448, ACX5448-M, and ACX5448-D)—Starting in Junos OS Release 21.2R1, you can use ERPS to reliably achieve carrier-class network requirements for Ethernet topologies forming a closed loop.
[See Understanding Ethernet Ring Protection Switching Functionality .]