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Configure and Monitor 400ZR and 400G OpenZR+ Coherent Optics

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy.
  2. Include the speed statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level to configure the speed.
  3. Configure speed and channelization.

    You must use [edit chassis fpc fpc-slot pic pic-number] set number-of-sub-ports number-of-sub-ports hierarchy to configure speed and channelization.

  4. Configure a different application for a speed.
    1. Change to the [edit interfaces interface-name optics-options].
    2. Execute the following command in this hierarchy.
  5. [Optional] Configure output power in the [edit interfaces interface-name optics-options] hierarchy level. If in channelized mode, you must use the first sub-port to configure output power.


  6. Specify the wavelength of optics in nm. If in channelized mode, you must use the first sub-port to configure wavelength.


  7. To view the current and historical performance metrics, use the show interfaces transport pm command. See show interfaces transport pm.