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Configuring Dynamic CoS for an L2TP LNS Inline Service

Before you begin, configure the L2TP LNS inline service interface. See Configuring an L2TP LNS with Inline Service Interfaces.

You can configure hierarchical scheduling for an L2TP LNS inline service and manage the IP header values using rewrite rules and classifiers.

To configure CoS for an L2TP LNS inline service in a dynamic profile:

  1. Configure the hierarchical scheduler for the service interface (si) interface.
    Best Practice:

    To enable Level 3 nodes in the LNS scheduler hierarchy and to provide better scaling, we recommend that you also specify a maximum of two hierarchy levels.

  2. Configure the LNS to reflect the IP ToS value in the inner IP header to the outer IP header.
  3. Configure the classifier for egress traffic from the LAC.
    1. Define the fixed or behavior aggregate (BA) classifier.
      • To configure a fixed classifier:

      • To configure a BA classifier:

    2. Apply the classifier to the service interface.
      • To apply the classifier for the DSCP or DSCP IPv6 value:

      • To apply the classifier for the ToS value:

  4. Configure and apply a rewrite-rule to ingress traffic to the LAC:
    1. Configure the rewrite rule with the forwarding class and the loss priority value.
    2. Apply the rewrite rule to the service interface.
      • To apply the rewrite rule for the DSCP or DSCP IPv6 value:

      • To apply the rewrite rule for the ToS value:

  5. (Optional) Configure additional adjustments for downstream ATM traffic.

    By default, the shaping calculation on the service interface includes the L2TP encapsulation. If necessary, you can configure additional adjustments for downstream ATM traffic from the LAC or differences in Layer 2 protocols.

  6. Apply the traffic-control profile.