then (HTTP Header Enrichment)
then { count; tag tag-name { encrypt { hash algorithm; prefix hash-prefix; } ipv4-mask ipv4-mask; ipv6-mask ipv6-mask; ipv4-or-value ipv4-or-value; ipv6-or-value ipv6-or-value; tag-attribute tag-attr-name; tag-header header; tag-separator separator; } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit services hcm tag-rule rule-name term term-number]
Specify the actions to be taken if the criteria for the tag rule are matched. For subscribers under static policy control, the matching conditions for a tag rule are determined by the PCC rule that uses the HCM profile specifying the tag rule. For subscribers under dynamic policy control, a message from the PCRF identifies the configured HCM profile to use for HTTP header enrichment.
You must configure this statement and include at least one action to be taken for the tag rule term.
The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.1.