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show chassis environment

Syntax (MX Series Routers)

Syntax (MX104 Universal Routing Platforms)

Syntax (MX150 Router Appliance)

Syntax (MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 Universal Routing Platforms)

Syntax (MX10003 and MX204 Universal Routing Platforms)

Syntax (EX8200 Switches)

Syntax (EX Series Switches except EX8200)

Syntax (QFX Series)

Syntax (OCX Series)

Syntax (PTX Series Packet Transport Routers)

Syntax (ACX Series Universal Metro Routers, ACX7509)

Syntax (ACX5048 and ACX5096 Routers)

Syntax (ACX500 Routers)

Syntax (Junos OS Evolved)


Display environmental information about the router or switch chassis, including the temperature and information about the fans, power supplies, and Routing Engine.

In addition, on ACX4000 routers, display temperature information about the different channels of a Modular Interface Card (MIC). The number of channels displayed depends on the type of MIC installed.

Starting with Junos OS Release 14.1, the show chassis environment cb cb-slot-number | ccg ccg-slot-number | fpc fpc-slot-number | fpm | monitored | pdu pdu-slot-number | routing-engine re-slot-number | sib sib-slot-number operational mode command output displays environmental information for the new DC power supply module (PSM) and power distribution unit (PDU) that are added to provide power to the high-density FPC (FPC2-PTX-P1A) and other components in a PTX5000 Packet Transport Router.



Display environmental information about the router or switch chassis.


(MX Series routers and EX Series switches only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for all the members of the Virtual Chassis configuration.

adc adc-slot-number

(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the adapter cards. For MX2020 routers, replace adc-slot-number with a value from 0 through 19. For MX2010 and MX2008 routers, replace adc-slot-number with a value from 0 through 9.

cb cb-slot-number

(ACX Series Universal Metro Routers, EX Series switches, MX Series routers, MX2020 routers, MX2010 routers, MX2008 routers, PTX Series Packet Transport Routers, and QFX Series only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the Control Board. On devices other than EX Series switches, replace cb-slot with 0 or 1.

feb feb-slot-number

(ACX Series Universal Metro Routers, ACX7509 routers, and QFX5700 switches only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the Forwarding Engine Board (FEB).

cb interconnect-device name

(QFabric systems only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the Control Board on an Interconnect device.

ccg ccg-slot-number

(PTX Series only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the Centralized Clock Generator. Replace cb-slot with a value of 0 or 1.

fan fantray-slot-number

(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the fan trays. Replace fantray-slot-number with a value from 0 through 3.

fpc fpc-slot

(EX Series switches, MX Series routers, MX2010 routers, MX2020 routers, MX2008 routers, PTX Series Packet Transport Routers, QFX Series, QFX3500 switches, and QFabric systems) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for a specified Flexible PIC Concentrator. For MX2010 and MX2008 routers, replace fpc-slot with a value from 0 through 9. For MX2020 routers, replace fpc-slot with a value from 0 through 19. For information about FPC numbering, see show chassis environment fpc. On a QFabric system, display chassis environmental information for a specified Flexible PIC Concentrator on an Interconnect device. On an EX Series switch, display chassis environmental information for a specified Flexible PIC Concentrator; see the hardware documentation for your switch for information on FPC numbering. .


(MX2010 routers, MX2020 routers, MX2008 routers, PTX Series, Packet Transport Routers, T Series routers, and TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the craft interface (FPM).

interconnect-device name

(QFabric systems only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the Interconnect device.


(MX Series routers and EX Series switches only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the local Virtual Chassis member.

member member-id

(MX Series routers and EX Series switches only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the specified member of the Virtual Chassis configuration. On MX Series routers, replace member-id with a value of 0 or 1. For EX Series switches, see member for member ID values.


(MX2020 routers and PTX Series Packet Transport Routers only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for monitored temperatures only. Temperatures that are not included in temperature alarm computations are not displayed.

node-device name

(QFabric systems only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the Node device.

pdu pdu-slot-number

(PTX Series only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the specified power distribution unit.


(QFX3500 switches and QFabric systems only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the Power Entry Module on the specified Interconnect device or Node device.

pem pem-slot-number

(ACX Series Universal Metro Routers, M120, M320, and M40e routers, MX Series routers, MX104 routers, QFX Series, and T Series routers only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the Power Entry Module on the specified Power Entry Module. For information about the options, see show chassis environment pem.

psm psm-slot-number

(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the power supply module. For MX2020 routers, replace psm-slot-number with a value from 0 through 17. For MX2010 and MX2008 routers, replace psm-slot-number with a value from 0 through 8.

psu psu-slot-number

(EX Series switches only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for a specified power supply.


(QFX3500 switches and QFabric systems only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the Routing Engine on the specified Interconnect device. For QFX5700 with Junos OS Evolved, details about CPU and memory utilization are also displayed for RCB slot 0 and slot 1.

routing-engine re-slot-number

(Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the specified Routing Engine. For information about the options, see show chassis environment routing-engine.

satellite [fpc-slot slot-id | device-alias alias-name]

(Junos Fusion only)(Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the specified satellite device in a Junos Fusion, or for all satellite devices in the Junos Fusion if no satellite devices are specified.


(T Series routers only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information about the SONET Clock Generator.

sfb sfb-slot-number

(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 routers only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information for the switch fabric board. Replace sfb-slot-number with a value from 0 through 7.

sib sib-slot-number

(M320 routers, PTX Series Packet Transport Routers, and T Series routers only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information about the specified switch interface board. For information about the options, see show chassis environment sib.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis environment command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis environment Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Information about the category or class of chassis component:

  • Power: Power information:

    • (M5, M10, M20, and M40 routers and EX Series switches only) Power supply status: OK, Testing, (during initial power-on), Failed, or Absent.

    • (M7i, M10i, M40e, M120, M160, M320, and T Series routers and EX Series switches only) Power Entry Modules status: OK, Testing, (during initial power-on), Check, Failed, or Absent.

    • (PTX Series only) Power information is reported in PDU or PSM combinations. The status is: OK, Testing, (during initial power-on), Check, Failed, or Absent.

  • Temp: Temperature of air flowing through the chassis in degrees Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F).

    • On PTX Series Packet Transport Routers and MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 Routers, multiple cooling zones are supported. FRU temperatures in each zone are coordinated with the fan speed of fan trays in those zones.

    • EX2200 switches have a side-to-rear cooling system. The Local Intake temperature is measured by the sensor on the right side of the chassis, and the Remote Intake temperature is measured by the sensor on the left side of the chassis.

  • Pic: On ACX4000 routers, multiple temperature channels on a MIC. The status is: OK and the Measurement is in degrees Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F).

  • Fan: Fan status: OK, Testing (during initial power-on), Failed, or Absent.

    On PTX Series Packet Transport Routers and MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 Routers, multiple fan trays are supported. Fan status is reported in Fan Tray or Fan combinations. Measurement indicates actual fan RPM (PTX and MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 Routers only).

  • Misc: Information about other components of the chassis.

    • On some routers, this field indicates the status of one or more additional components.

    • On the M40e, M160, and M320 router, Misc includes CIP (Connector Interface Panel). OK indicates that the CIP is present. Absent indicates that the CIP is not present.

    • On T Series routers, Misc includes CIP and SPMB (Switch Processor Mezzanine Board). OK indicates that the CIP or SPMB is present. Absent indicates that the CIP or SPMB is not present.

    • On PTX Series Packet Transport Routers, Misc includes the SPMB (Switch Processor Mezzanine Board). The SPMB is located on the control boards. OK indicates that the control board is present. Absent indicates that the control board is not present.


(MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 Routers) Information about the chassis component: Routing Engines, Controls Boards (CBs), Switch Fabric Boards (SFBs), PICs, Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs), and Adapter Cards (ADCs).

(MX104 Routers) Information about the chassis components: Routing Engines, Control Board (CB), Power Entry Module (PEM), and Compact Forwarding Engine Board (AFEB).

(QFabric Systems) Information about the chassis component: Control Boards, Routing Engines, Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs), and Power Entry Modules (PEMs), Node Devices, and Interconnect Devices.

(QFX Series) Information about the chassis component: Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs), and Power Entry Modules (PEMs).

(Device with optic modules connected) When optic modules are connected to the device, the output displays transceiver name instead of the interface name.


Status of the specified chassis component. For example, if the Class is Fan, the fan status can be:

  • OK: The fans are operational.

  • Testing: The fans are being tested during initial power-on.

  • Failed: The fans have failed or the fans are not spinning.

  • Absent: The fan tray is not installed.

If the Class is Power, the power supply status can be:

  • OK: The power component is operational.

  • Testing: The power component is being tested during initial power-on.

  • Check: There is insufficient power---that is, fewer than the minimum required feeds are connected.

  • Failed: The inputs leads have failed.

  • Absent: The power component is not installed.


(MX104, MX2010, MX2020, and MX2008 Routers) Dependant on the Class. For example, if the Class is Temp, indicates the temperature in degree Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit. If the Class is Fan, indicates actual fan RPM.

Sample Output

show chassis environment (M5 Router)

show chassis environment (M7i Router)

show chassis environment (M10 Router)

show chassis environment (M10i Router)

show chassis environment (M20 Router)

show chassis environment (M40 Router)

show chassis environment (M40e Router)

show chassis environment (M120 Router)

show chassis environment (M160 Router)

show chassis environment (M320 Router)

show chassis environment (MX150)

show chassis environment (MX104 Router)

show chassis environment (MX240 Router)

show chassis environment (MX240 Router with SCBE)

show chassis environment (MX480 Router)

show chassis environment (MX480 Router with SCBE)

show chassis environment (MX960 Router)

show chassis environment (MX960 Router with SCBE)

show chassis environment (MX960 Router with MPC5EQ)

show chassis environment (MX2020 Router)

show chassis environment (MX2020 Router with MPC5EQ and MPC6E)

show chassis environment (MX2010 Router)

show chassis environment (MX2008 Router)

show chassis environment (T320 Router)

show chassis environment (MX10003 Router)

show chassis environment (MX10008 Router)

show chassis environment (MX204 Router)

show chassis environment (T640 Router)

show chassis environment (T4000 Router)

show chassis environment (TX Matrix Router)

show chassis environment (T1600 Router)

show chassis environment (TX Matrix Plus Router)

show chassis environment (TX Matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs)

show chassis environment (EX4000-12MP)

show chassis environment (EX4200 Standalone Switch)

show chassis environment (EX8216 Switch)

show chassis environment (EX9200 Switch)

show chassis environment (EX9251 Switch)

show chassis environment (EX9253 Switch)

show chassis environment (QFX Series and OCX Series)

show chassis environment interconnect-device (QFabric System)

show chassis environment node-device (QFabric System)

show chassis environment pem node-device (QFabric System)

show chassis environment (PTX5000 Packet Transport Router)

show chassis environment (PTX5000 Packet Transport Router with FPC2-PTX-P1A)

show chassis environment (PTX1000 Packet Transport Router)

show chassis environment (PTX10008 Router)

show chassis environment (PTX10016 Router)

show chassis environment (PTX device with third-generation power supply modules)

On a PTX device with third-generation power supply, the system displays actual temperature sensor names in the output.

show chassis environment (ACX2000 Universal Metro Router)

show chassis environment (ACX4000 Universal Metro Router)

On the ACX4000 router, the MIC output of the show chassis environment command varies depending on the number of temperature channels present in the installed MIC.

show chassis environment (ACX5048 Router)

show chassis environment (ACX5096 Router)

show chassis environment (QFX5700 Switch)

show chassis environment (ACX7509)

show chassis environment (ACX500 Router)

show chassis environment (Junos OS Evolved)

show chassis environment feb (ACX7509, ACX7348, ACX 7332)

show chassis environment (Device with Optic Modules)

When optics are connected to the device, the output displays transceiver name instead of the interface name.

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

sfc option introduced for the TX Matrix Plus router in Junos OS Release 9.6.

monitored option added in Junos OS Release 12.1x48 for PTX Series Packet Transport Routers.

pem option introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3 for ACX4000 Universal Metro Routers.

satellite option introduced in Junos OS Release 14.2R3.

all-members, local, and member member-id options introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1 for MX2010 and MX2020 routers.