clear services web-filter statistics profile
clear services web-filter statistics profile profile-name <dns-filter-template template-name> <fpc-slot fpc-slot pic-slot pic-slot> <url-filter-template template-name>
Clear statistics for DNS request filtering or URL filtering for the specified filter profile.
dns-filter-template template-name | (Optional) Name of the DNS filter template for which statistics are cleared. |
fpc-slot fpc-slot pic-slot pic-slot | (Optional) Location of the services PIC for which statistics are cleared. |
profile profile-name | Name of the filter profile for which statistics are cleared. |
url-filter-template template-name | (Optional) Name of the URL filter template for which statistics are cleared. |
Required Privilege Level
Output Fields
When you enter this command, the statistics for DNS request filtering are cleared. There is no specific output.
Sample Output
clear services web-filter statistics profile
user@host> clear services web-filter statistics profile profile1
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 18.3R1.