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Modifying the Configuration on the Device

You modify the configuration on a device by using the Modify Configuration page. This topic describes the individual operations involved in modifying a device configuration after you have selected your device and the configuration perspective.


You can use this workflow to modify the configuration on modeled devices too.

To modify the device configuration:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface, select Devices > Device Management.

    The Device Management page is displayed.

  2. Right-click the device whose configuration you want to modify and select Device Configuration > Modify Configuration.

    The Modify Configuration page is displayed.

  3. You can use the Schema-based Configuration Editor or Configuration Guides to modify the device configuration.

    To modify the configuration by using the Schema-based Configuration Editor:

    1. Click the Schema-based Configuration Editor link to modify the configuration by using the schema-based editor.
    2. Select a configuration option from the hierarchy in the left pane.

      The contents of the right pane change to reflect your selection on the left, and the full name of the configuration option appears on the title bar on the right pane.

      The parameters of a configuration option that are displayed vary depending on the data type of the option. The data type is shown in a tooltip when you mouse over an option in the hierarchy. It is the data type that determines how the parameter is validated. The data type is in turn determined by the DMI schema .

      The options displayed in table rows can be manipulated as follows:

      • Edited by selecting a row and clicking the diagonal pencil icon

      • Added by clicking the plus icon

      • Deleted by selecting a row and clicking the minus icon

      The variety in the data presentation affects only how you arrive at the value you want to change, not the value itself.

      For more information about the correlation between data types and validation methods, see Creating a Template Definition.

      A parameter available for configuration is usually displayed as the View/Configure link.

    3. Click View/Configure until you arrive at the parameter that you want to change.
    4. Make your change.

      In the hierarchy on the left, the option you have changed is highlighted and the option label is set in bold. This distinguishes it from subsequent options that you simply visit, without making any changes. If you open the hierarchy, you see not only the name of the principal option, but also the name of the particular parameter that you have changed; for example, not only “SNMP,” but also “Description.”


      Your edits are saved when you click anywhere else on the Edit Device Configuration page (that is, another configuration option or any of the buttons).

    5. (Optional) For information about individual parameters, click the little blue information icons on the right of the configuration settings to display explanations.
    6. (Optional) To add comments about individual parameters, click the little yellow comment icons next to the configuration settings and enter your comments.
    7. (Optional) To activate or deactivate a configuration option, click the Activate or Deactivate link respectively.

      You can activate or deactivate a configuration option only if the configuration node exists.

    8. (Optional) In the Comments field, enter any remarks that you want to display when the consolidated configuration is reviewed. The remarks appear as a title for the configuration.

      If you do not enter anything in this field, the label for the configuration is something similar to Generated config change from: created by super at 2012-09-14 01:33:26.564 (1 Item).

    To modify the device configuration by using Configuration Guides:

    1. Click the Basic Setup link.

      The Basic Setup pop-up window is displayed.

    2. (Optional) In the Hostname field, enter the hostname of the device.
    3. (Optional) In the Domain name field, enter the domain name of the device.
    4. (Optional) In the Timezone field, enter the time zone of the device.
    5. (Optional) Select the Allow FTP file transfers check box if you want to allow FTP file transfers on the device.
    6. (Optional) Select the Allow ssh access check box if you want to allow accessing the device through SSH.
    7. (Optional) Select the Allow telnet login check box if you want to allow logging in to the device through Telnet.
    8. For NTP Server, click the Add NTP Server icon to add an NTP server to the device.

      The Add pop-up window is displayed.

      Enter the following details in this pop-up window:

      1. In the Name field, enter the name of the NTP server.

      2. (Optional) In the Key field, enter a value for the key.

      3. (Optional) From the Version drop-down list, select the appropriate version.

      4. (Optional) Select the Prefer check box.

      5. Click Create.

        Click the Edit NTP Server or Delete NTP Server icon to edit NTP server details or delete the NTP server.

    9. For User Management, click the Add User icon to add users for the device.

      The Add pop-up window is displayed.

      Enter the following details in this pop-up window:

      1. In the Name field, enter the name of the user.

      2. (Optional) Select an appropriate user ID from the User ID field.

        The minimum value for this field is 100.

      3. (Optional) In the Full Name field, enter the full name of the user.

      4. (Optional) In the Password field, enter the password for the user.

      5. (Optional) In the Re-enter Password field, re-enter the password for the user.

      6. From the Login Class drop-down list, select the appropriate login class for the user.

        The available login classes are super-user, operator, read-only, unauthorized, and wheel.

      7. Click Create.

        Click the Edit User or Delete User icon to edit user details or delete the user.

    10. For DNS Server, click the DNS NTP Server icon to add a DNS server to the device.

      The Add pop-up window is displayed.

      Enter the following details in this pop-up window:

      1. In the Name field, enter the name of the DNS server.

      2. Click Create.

        Click the Edit DNS Server or Delete DNS Server icon to edit the DNS server details or delete the DNS server.

    11. For SNMP, enter the following details:
      1. In the Location field, enter the location for SNMP.

      2. Click the Add SNMP Community icon.

        The Add pop-up window is displayed.

        For Community, enter the following details:

        1. In the Name field, enter the name of the SNMP community.

        2. (Optional) From the Authorization drop-down list, select the appropriate type of authorization.

        3. Click Create.

        Click the Edit SNMP Community or Delete SNMP Community icon to edit the SNMP Community details or delete the SNMP community.

      3. Click the Add Trap Group icon.

        The Add pop-up window is displayed.

        For Trap Group, enter the following details:

        1. In the Name field, enter the name of the trap group.

        2. (Optional) Select the check box next to the appropriate trap group category.

        3. Click Create.

    12. Click OK.

    If you have installed the Security Director application on your Junos Space Network Management Platform setup and are modifying the configuration on an SRX Series Firewall, you can use the additional Configuration Guides available on the Modify Configuration page. In this case, the Modify Configuration page lists the Configuration Guides to set up routing and security parameters on an SRX Series Firewall. For more information about using the Configuration Guides related to routing and security parameters on an SRX Series Firewall, see the Junos Space Security Director Application Guide.

  4. You can preview, save, or deploy the device configuration.
    • To preview the configuration before deploying it to the device, click Preview.

    • To save the configuration, click Save.

    • To deploy the configuration on the device, click Deploy.


You cannot validate or deploy the configuration on a modeled device (that is, a device in the Modeled state).