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DMI Schema Management Overview

Junos Space Network Management Platform interfaces with network devices using an open API called the Device Management Interface (DMI), which is a standard interface used by Juniper Networks devices. The DMI schema for a device describes the complete configuration and operational capabilities of the device OS version. DMI schemas are available at the Juniper Networks DMI schema repository, which you can access by going to and logging in using your Juniper Networks support credentials.

You must manage the DMI schemas in Junos Space Platform if you want to use the full functionality of configuration management features available. You manage DMI schemas in Junos Space Platform by using the DMI Schemas page (Administration > DMI Schemas). Using the DMI Schemas page, you can view the existing DMI schemas installed, update DMI schemas, view missing schemas, set a schema as the default for a specific device family, and delete unused schemas.


Because configuration management in Junos Space Platform is implemented using DMI schema, you can support most new device Junos OS versions by updating just the schema.

Each device type is described by a unique data model (DM) that contains all the configuration data for the device. The DMI schema lists all the possible fields and attributes for a type of device. The newer schemas describe the new features coming out with recent device releases. It is important that you load all your device schemas into Junos Space Platform; otherwise, only a default schema is applied when you try to edit a device configuration by using the device configuration edit action in the Devices workspace (see Modifying the Configuration on the Device). If Junos Space Platform has exactly the right DMI schema for each of your devices, you can access all configuration options specific to each device.

For every device family, one DMI schema is marked as the default schema. By default, the default schema is used when you create device templates. However, you can choose to use another schema when creating a template definition. In addition, when you modify a device configuration by using the Schema-based configuration editor, access to all configuration options for the device are available only if the DMI schema specific to the device is available in Junos Space Platform. If the schema version in use is close to the version of Junos OS running on the device, then most of the configurations options are still available.

  • You can update schemas directly from the Juniper Networks DMI schema repository or upload a compressed TAR file containing the DMI schemas into Junos Space Platform.

  • It is preferable that you install device schemas pertaining only to the devices that are currently managed from Junos Space Platform. When more devices are managed, you can install the device schemas that are relevant to the newly added devices.

  • Starting from Release 17.1R1, Junos Space Platform provides options to automatically download missing schemas or update outdated schemas during device synchronization. For information about downloading device schema automatically from the DMI schema repository, see Configuring Access to Juniper Networks DMI Schema Repository by Using the Configure Juniper Repository Action and Adding Missing DMI Schemas or Updating Outdated DMI Schemas in Junos Space Network Management Platform .

  • Before initiating any operation like configuration change, configlet or template push to the device, make sure that the nodes are not in Deploying / Parsing Schema state.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Starting from Release 17.1R1, Junos Space Platform provides options to automatically download missing schemas or update outdated schemas during device synchronization. For information about downloading device schema automatically from the DMI schema repository, see Configuring Access to Juniper Networks DMI Schema Repository by Using the Configure Juniper Repository Action and Adding Missing DMI Schemas or Updating Outdated DMI Schemas in Junos Space Network Management Platform