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Understanding the Normal Operation of Active and Standby Sites

During the normal operation of the active and standby sites, you use the virtual IP (VIP) address of the active site to access its GUI and API for all network management services. On the active site, a cron job is run based on the disaster recovery configuration. MySQL and PgSQL databases at the active site are asynchronously replicated at the standby site. This ensures that if the active site fails due to a disaster, the databases at the standby site contain the most recent data from the active site. Performance monitoring data in the RRD files and certain configuration files are periodically backed up at the active site and transferred to the standby site by using scripts that are configured to run as cron jobs.

To view the cron job to back up files at the active site, execute the crontab -l command at the active site. The following is a sample output:

The output shows the time you scheduled to run backups at the active site.

The backup is archived into a tgz file in the /var/cache/jmp-geo/backup/data directory. Only the most recent three backups (default value) or as configured in the disaster recovery configuration are retained in this directory. The older backups are purged. To view a log of all backups by using the script, see the backup.log file located at /var/cache/jmp-geo/backup.

To view the cron job to fetch files from the active site, execute the crontab -l command at the standby site. The following is a sample output:

The output shows the time you scheduled to restore the backups from the active site.

The script transfers the most recent backup file from the active site using SCP. The backup files are stored in the /var/cache/jmp-geo/restore/data directory. The script ensures that only the most recent three backups (default value) or as configured in the disaster recovery configuration are retained in this directory and older files are purged. To view a log of all backups from the active site by using the script, see the restore.log file located at /var/cache/jmp-geo/restore.

You cannot discover or manage any devices at the standby site during the normal operation of a disaster recovery setup.