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Add L3VPN Service Site Details

An L3VPN service is provisioned on a collection of sites to exchange network traffic over a shared IP infrastructure. Use the Site Settings section of the Add L3VPN Service page to enter details of sites that you want to connect to the VPN.

You configure the following in the Site Settings section:

Add L3VPN Site


Before adding the L3VPN service site details, you must create a new L3VPN service instance and enter general details about the service. Follow steps 1 to 4 of the Add an L3VPN Service Instance procedure to create a new instance and add L3VPN service general details.

An L3VPN site refers to the geographical area where the VPN service spans. To add an L3VPN service site in the Site Settings section:

  1. Click the add (+) icon on the top-right corner of the Sites section.

    The Add Site page appears.

  2. Enter site ID, location, and device values by referring to Table 1.
  3. Enter maximum routes value:
    1. Expand Maximum Routes and click the add (+) icon on the top-right corner of the Address Family section.
      The Address Family page appears.
    2. Enter the maximum routes value.

      Enter a value in the range 0 through 4,294,967,295.

      This value indicates the number of routes that the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) table can accept for the IPv4 and IPv6 address families.


      Configuring IPv6 addresses is a Beta feature this release.

    3. Click OK.
      The details you entered are listed in the Address Family table.
    4. (Optional) To edit or delete an entry, use the edit or delete options present above the Address Family table.
  4. Do any of the following:
    • Click Cancel to exit the Add Site page without saving the changes you made.

    • Click OK to save the site details you added. The site you added is listed in the Sites table.

    You can view the configured properties and the number of maximum routes by expanding Properties.
Table 1: Fields on the Add Site Page (L3VPN)



Site ID

Enter a unique site ID to identify the site in the network.

The site ID can be a set of alphanumeric characters, space, and special character hyphen (-). The maximum number of characters allowed is 64.


Location ID

Enter a unique ID for a location in the site. For example, MAN for Manhattan and BRO for Brooklyn in the New York site.


Enter the address (number and street) of the location in a site.


Enter the city where the site is located.

Country Code

Enter the ISO alpha-2 code of the country where the site is located. For example, ZA for South Africa and CH for Switzerland,

Postal Code

Enter the postal code of the location in the site.


Enter the state in which the site is located. If the country doesn't have states, enter the region in which the site is located.



Enter or select the CE devices to be used for the L3VPN service at the site.

This parameter allows the customer to request for devices from the service provider to be installed at the site.

Add L3VPN Site Network Access Parameters


Add L3VPN Site.

After you add a site for the L3VPN service, you must configure the parameters for the network access (connection) between the site and the service provider network. A site network access defines how a site is connected to the service provider network.

To set site network access parameters:

  1. Select and expand the site name in the Sites table.
  2. Click the add (+) icon above the Site Network Access table.
    The Add Connection page appears.
  3. Enter the site network access ID and device reference values by referring to the following table:



    Site Network Access ID

    Enter a unique ID for the connection between the site and the service provider network.

    Device Reference

    Click the drop-down list to select a CE device for the connection.

    The drop-down list displays the devices that you specified on the Add Sites page.

  4. Expand Access Diversity and add the access diversity parameters. See Add Access Diversity Parameters for L3VPN Site Network Access.
  5. Expand Bearer and add the bearer parameters by referring to the following table:
    Table 2: Bearer Parameters (L3VPN)



    Bearer Reference

    Enter the ID of an existing connection or bearer (access media and other L2 properties) between a service provider and customer, which the customer wants to reuse for the L3VPN service.

    Requested Type

    Select the access media type that the customer prefers to use.

    Ethernet is the only supported media type in this release.


    Set to True if the requested access type is a strict requirement.

    If the requested access type is a strict requirement, the service provider cannot connect the site using any other media. The default setting is False.

  6. Expand IP Connection > Ipv4 and add the connection parameters by referring to the following table:
    Table 3: IPv4 Connection Parameters (L3VPN)



    Address Allocation Type

    Define how to allocate IP addresses when you configure IPv4 subnet. The only supported type is static address, where IP addresses are assigned manually.


    Ensure that the provider and customer addresses are in the same subnet. Also, if you select the static address allocation type, you must enter the provider and customer addresses with the prefix length.

    Provider Address

    Enter the IPv4 address of the service provider for the customer network to connect, in the dotted decimal notation. For example,

    Customer Address

    Enter the IPv4 address of the customer network to connect with the service provider network, in the dotted decimal notation. For example,

    Prefix Length

    Enter the subnet prefix length expressed in number of bits. The same prefix length is applied to both customer and provider IPv4 addresses. For example, 20.

  7. Expand IP Connection > Ipv6 and add the connection parameters by referring to the following table:
    Table 4: IPv6 Connection Parameters (L3VPN)



    Address Allocation Type

    Define how to allocate IP addresses when you configure IPv6 subnet. The only supported type is static address, where IP addresses are assigned manually.


    Ensure that the provider and customer addresses are in the same subnet. Also, if you select the static address allocation type, you must enter the provider and customer addresses with the prefix length.

    Provider Address

    Enter the IPv6 address of the service provider for the customer network to connect, in the hexadecimal format. For example, 2001:db8::1.

    Customer Address

    Enter the IPv6 address of the customer network to connect with the service provider network, in the hexadecimal format. For example, 2001:db8::1::2.

    Prefix Length

    Enter the subnet prefix length expressed in number of bits. The same prefix length is applied to both customer and provider IPv6 addresses. For example, 127.

    You can configure only IPv4 or only IPv6 connection parameters or both.


    Configuring IPv6 addresses is a Beta feature this release.

  8. Expand Routing Protocols and add the routing protocols. See Add Routing Protocol for L3VPN Site Network Access.
  9. Expand Service and add the service parameters by referring to the following table:
    Table 5: Service Parameters (L3VPN)



    Service Input Bandwidth

    Enter the download bandwidth (in bps) for the site from the provider network.

    Enter a value from 0 to 9,223,372,036,854,766,000 bps.

    Service MTU

    Enter the maximum packet size (in bytes) allowed through the connection for the L3VPN service.

    Enter a value from 0 to 65,535 bytes.

    Service Output Bandwidth

    Enter the upload bandwidth (in bps) from the site to the service provider network.

    Enter a value from 0 to 9,223,372,036,854,766,000 bps.

  10. Expand VPN Attachment > Attachment Flavor and click the Site Role drop-down to select the role of the site in the VPN topology:
    • Any-to-any role—In this role, all VPN sites can communicate with each other.

    • Hub role—The site has a hub role in a hub-and-spoke VPN service topology.

    • Spoke role—The site has a spoke role in a hub-and-spoke VPN service topology.


    The any-to-any role is supported if you select the any-to-any VPN service topology for the L3VPN service. The hub-and-spoke roles are supported if you select the hub-spoke service topology for the L3VPN service.

  11. Configure placement parameters for the service instance:
    1. Click the Update Placements button on top of the page and click Yes when prompted to confirm.
      The service instance is saved to the Paragon Automation database. The saved instance is listed in the Service Instances table on the Service Instances page.

      Service orchestration automatically assigns possible placement options such as PE devices and interfaces, CE devices, and VLANs for the service instance. After placement options are assigned, you see a message that placement was successfully updated.

    2. Proceed to the Site Settings section, select the site network access for which you want to configure placement, and click the edit icon.
      The Edit Connection page appears and the Placement option is displayed on the page.
    3. Expand Placement and configure the placement parameters by referring to the following table:
      Table 6: Placement Parameters



      CE Node

      Click the CE Node drop-down and select the CE device that you want to connect to the PE device for the VPN service.

      PE Node

      Click the PE Node drop-down and select the PE device that you want to allocate for the VPN service.

      PE Interface

      Click the PE Interface drop-down and select the PE interface name that you want to assign for the VPN service.


      Enter a VLAN ID (based on a VLAN Range) to which you want to assign the VPN service.


      Managing placement configurations to provision an L3VPN service is a Beta feature in this release.

  12. Do any of the following:
    • Click Cancel to exit the Add Connection page without saving the changes you made.

    • Click OK to save the connection details you added.

      You are returned to the Add L3VPN Service page and the connection you added is listed in the Site Network Access table.

Add Access Diversity Parameters for L3VPN Site Network Access


Complete steps 1 to 3 of the Add L3VPN Site Network Access Parameters procedure.

A Network Admin can group the connections from a site to the service provider network, assign group ID to each connection group, and apply certain constraints to all the connections included in a group. You can assign one or more group IDs for a connection, specify constraint types, and select the target group ID that the constraint must be applied to, in the Access Diversity section.

To assign group IDs to a connection and apply constraints to target group IDs:

  1. Expand Access Diversity on the Add Connection page.
  2. Add IDs of groups that the connection is to be a part of:
    1. Expand Groups and click the add (+) icon.
      The Group page appears.
    2. Enter one or more IDs of the groups to which the connection must be assigned and click OK.
      The group ID entries are listed in the Group ID table.
    3. (Optional) Use the edit or delete options above the Group table to edit or delete the entries.
  3. Expand Constraints and click the add (+) icon above the Constraints table.
    The Constraint page appears.
  4. Add the following parameters on the Constraints page:
    1. Click the Constraint Type drop-down and select the constraint type from the following supported options:.
      • pe-diverse—The site network access must not be connected to the same PE router as the target connections from the site.

      • same-pe—The site network access must be connected to the same PE router as the target connections from the site.

      • pop-diverse—The site network access must not use the same point-of-presence (POP) as the target connections from the site.

    2. Expand Target and click the add (+) icon above the Group ID table.
      The Group page appears.
    3. Click the Group ID drop-down to select the group to which you want to apply the constraint and click OK.

      The ID you enter is displayed in the Group ID table.

      You can add multiple group IDs as target groups to apply the access constraint.

    4. (Optional) Use the edit or delete options above the Constraints table to edit or delete the entries.
    5. Click OK on the Constraint page.
      The constraint types and target group IDs are listed in the Constraint table.
  5. Proceed to step 5 of the Add L3VPN Site Network Access Parameters procedure to add the remaining site network access parameters.

Add Routing Protocol for L3VPN Site Network Access


Complete steps 1 to 6 of the Add L3VPN Site Network Access Parameters procedure.

The Routing Protocols section defines the routing protocol to be used between the PE and CE routers.

In a customer-managed site, the routing protocol that you define here is used between the PE router and CE router that the customer manages. In a service provider-managed site, the routing protocol that you define here is used between the provider-managed CE router and the customer-managed LAN or router. Paragon Automation supports the static route, direct, OSPF, and BGP protocols for L3VPN service provisioning.

To set routing protocols:

  1. Expand Routing Protocols on the Add Connection page.
  2. Click the Add button present above the Routing Protocols table and set the routing protocol from the supported options:

    The hub-and-spoke topology supports only the static route protocol.

    • Static route—To set the static route protocol:

      1. Expand Routing Protocols and click Add > Static Route on the Add Connection page.

        The Add Static Route page appears.

      2. Expand Cascaded LAN Prefixes and click the add (+) icon next to Ipv4 LAN Prefixes.

        The IPv4 LAN Prefixes page appears.

      3. Enter the values as described in the following table:

        Table 7: IPv4 Static Route Parameters (L3VPN)




        Enter the IPv4 address with prefix from the customer LAN to be routed through the L3VPN connection. For example,

        Next Hop

        Enter the IPv4 address of the next hop router to be used for forwarding packets in the static route. For example,


        In the L3VPN hub-and-spoke topology, by default, the spokes cannot communicate with each other and they can only reach the hub CE device. To ensure that spokes communicate with each other through the hub CE device, add a LAN interface with the customer device interface IP address as the next hop.

      4. Click OK.

        The static route details are listed in the IPv4 LAN Prefixes table.

      5. Expand Cascaded LAN Prefixes and click the add (+) icon next to Ipv6 LAN Prefixes.

        The IPv6 LAN Prefixes page appears.

      6. Enter the values as described in the following table:

        Table 8: IPv6 Static Route Parameters (L3VPN)




        Enter the IPv6 address with prefix from the customer LAN to be routed through the L3VPN connection. For example, 2001:db8::1:2/127.

        Next Hop

        Enter the IPv6 address of the next hop router to be used for forwarding packets in the static route. For example, 2001:db8::2:1.


        Configuring IPv6 addresses is a Beta feature this release.

      7. Click OK.

        The static route details are listed in the IPv6 LAN Prefixes table.

      8. (Optional) To edit or delete an entry, select the entry and click the edit or delete icons present above the IPv4 or IPv6 LAN Prefixes tables.

    • OSPF—To set the OSPF routing protocol:

      1. Expand Routing Protocols and click Add > OSPF on the Add Connection page.

        The Add OSPF page appears.

      2. Enter the values as described in the following table:

        Table 9: OSPF Parameters (L3VPN)



        Address Family

        Select the IP addressing protocol to be configured for the OSPF sessions. You can select either IPv4, IPv6, or both.

        Area Address

        Enter the OSPF area address to be used for the interface connecting to the service provider network. For example,


        Enter the cost of using the OSPF link to the service provider network.

        Enter a number in the range 1 through 65,535.


        Configuring IPv6 addresses is a Beta feature this release.

      3. Click OK.

        The OSPF details are listed in the Routing Protocols table.

    • BGP—To set the BGP routing protocol:

      1. Expand Routing Protocols and click Add > BGP on the Add Connection page.

        The Add BGP page appears.

      2. In the Address Family field, select the IP addressing protocol to be configured for the BGP sessions. You can select either IPv4, IPv6, or both.


        Configuring IPv6 addresses is a Beta feature this release.

      3. In the Autonomous System field, enter the autonomous system number of the network in which you want to configure the L3VPN service.

      4. Click OK.

        The BGP details are listed in the Routing Protocols table.

    • Direct—Use the direct routing protocol when a customer LAN at the site is directly connected to the service provider network.

      To use the direct routing, click Add > Direct. The entry is listed in the Routing Protocols table.

  3. (Optional) To edit or delete an entry, select the entry and click the edit or delete icons present above the Routing Protocols table.
  4. Proceed to step 9 of the Add L3VPN Site Network Access Parameters procedure to add the remaining site network access parameters.