Add a Network Implementation Plan
You must be a user with the Network Admin or Super User role to add a network implementation plan.
After you create a network implementation plan, the devices included in the plan can be installed and onboarded to Paragon Automation.
Field | Description |
General | |
Upload JSON File |
Click Browse to import a pre-created network implementation plan in JSON format. The values in the pre-created plan are automatically populated in the Add Network Implementation Plan page. Click the Download this form into JSON file link to download and save the profile in its current state (for example, when you want to save the current configured values for later reference or for maintaining a record). |
Plan Name |
If you are creating a plan, enter a name for the plan. The plan name can contain alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9) and some special characters [period (.) and hyphen (-)], and cannot exceed 64 characters. If you are editing a plan, the name is already populated and cannot be edited. |
Description |
Enter a description for the plan. |
Default Device Profile |
Select one or more device profiles to be used in the plan. You can view only those device profiles that you associated with the plan while creating the profile. If you are editing an automatically generated implementation plan, the default interface and device profiles are already populated. Configurations in the default device profile are common to all devices and applied to all the devices included in the plan. Alternatively, click the Add new device profile link to create a device profile to be used as the default device profile. See Add a Device Profile. |
Default Interface Profiles |
Select one or more interface profiles to be used in the plan. You can view only those interface profiles that you associated with the plan while creating the profile. The configurations in the default interface profile are common to all interfaces and applied to all the interfaces configured in the plan. Alternatively, click the Add new interface profile link to create an interface profile to be used as the default interface profile. See Add an Interface Profile. |
Devices |
Add all devices that you want to configure while the device is onboarded to Paragon Automation. The plan can also be used to manage the configuration of the devices after the devices are onboarded. You can also edit and delete the devices added to the plan from here. To add devices:
You can add a device to only one network implementation plan. |
Links |
Add links between the devices added to the plan. Click the Add (+) to add links to other devices. The Add Link page appears from where you can configure the links. You can also edit and delete the links configured between devices included in the plan from here. See Table 3. |
Summary |
Displays a summary of the onboarding plan. Click the Edit link to edit the general information or the links added to the plan. |
Field | Description |
General | |
Name |
Enter a name for the device. Paragon Automation uses this name internally. The name can contain alphanumeric characters and some special characters [hyphen (-) and underscore (_)]. The name cannot exceed 64 characters. Alternatively, enter the hostname of the device and click the Search icon to populate the device values from the network inventory on this page. |
Hostname |
Enter a hostname for the device. The name can contain alphanumeric characters and some special characters [hyphen (-) and underscore (_)]. The hostname cannot exceed 64 characters. If you do not enter a hostname, Name is used as the hostname. |
IPv4 Loopback |
Enter an IPv4 loopback address for the device in the dotted decimal notation format. For example, The value that you enter here overrides the value that is configured in a device profile. |
IPv6 Loopback |
Enter an IPv6 loopback address for the device in the dotted decimal notation format. For example, 2001:db8:4136:e378:8000:63bf:3fff:fdd2. The value that you enter here overrides the value that is configured in a device profile. |
Site |
Select the site where you want to install the device. Alternatively, if you have the permissions to add a site, you can view the Add new site link next to the Site drop-down list. Click the link and add a new site on the Create Site page. See Add Sites. |
Serial Number |
Enter the serial number of the device that you want to associate with the plan. The serial number will be used to map the device to this profile when it is added to the inventory (during adoption which is described later), and the onboarding process is started. |
Vendor |
Select the vendor of the device. |
Model |
Select the model of the device from the drop-down list. For a list of supported devices, see Supported Devices and OS Versions. |
Software Image |
Select the software image to be installed on the device during onboarding from the drop-down list. All software images that are uploaded to Paragon Automation are listed here. |
Device Profiles |
Select one or more device profiles to be applied to the device from the drop-down list. The configurations in the device profiles are committed on the device in the order in which the profiles are added to the plan. Configurations present in both the default device profile and the specific profiles that you enter here are committed on the device. However, for configurations that are present in both the specific device profiles and the default device profile, the values in the specific device profiles override the configuration in the default device profile. |
Installation Duration |
Enter the time duration in minutes that the field technician can take to install the device, add pluggables, and connect cables. Paragon Automation checks the health of the device as soon as it pushes the configurations on the device. However, If the device installation is not complete by then, Paragon Automation notifies the device as unhealthy and executes the next task. To prevent reporting the device as unhealthy before installation is complete, Paragon Automation retries the device health checks every minute. The device health is checked until the device is detected as healthy or for the duration that you enter here, whichever is early. Default: 20 minutes Range: 0 through 20 |
Instructions |
Enter instructions or any additional information that you want to provide to a field technician who is onboarding the device. The field technician can view the instructions that you enter here. |
Placement Resources |
Bandwidth |
Enter the bandwidth (in bps) to be used for service provisioning. Note:
Configuring placement resources is a beta feature in this release. |
Physical Ports |
Displays the device's chassis view. You can perform the following tasks from here:
Configure Port |
Interface Name |
Enter a name for the interface as follows:
For ports in the ACX7204 devices, this field is populated if you select a port to be configured in the Physical Ports tab. |
Description |
Enter a description for the interface. |
IPv4 Address/Subnet Mask |
Enter the IPv4 address (in dotted decimal notation) with the subnet mask for the interface. For example, If you have disabled automatic IP address assignment in the interface profiles assigned to the interface, you can assign the IPv4 address for the interface here. |
IPv6 Address/Subnet Mask |
Enter the IPv6 address (in dotted decimal notation) with the subnet mask for the interface. For example, 2001:db8:4136:e378:8000:63bf:3fff:fdd2/48 If you have disabled automatic IP address assignment in the interface profiles assigned to the interface, you can assign the IPv6 address for the interface here. |
Interface Profiles |
Select one or more interface profiles to be applied to the interface from the drop-down list. The configurations in the device profiles are committed on the device in the order in which the profiles are added to the plan. Configurations present in both the default interface profile and the specific profiles that you enter here are committed on the device. However, for configurations that are present in both the specific interface profiles and the default interface profile, the values in the specific interface profiles override the configuration in the default interface profile. |
Pluggable |
Enter the type of pluggable to use in the port; for example, QOD-400G-FR4. A field technician can view the information that you enter here during device onboarding. |
Cabling Instructions |
Enter instructions to connect cables to the interfaces. A field technician can view and use this information that you enter here to connect cables to interfaces during device onboarding. We recommend that you use specific instructions that are known to the field technician, such as a reference number of the cable. |
Access Parameters Note:
Configuring Access Parameters is a beta feature in this release. |
Name |
Enter a reference name for the CE facing interface. |
VLAN Start |
Enter the starting number for the range of VLANs that can be configured on this port. Range: 1 through 4095 |
VLAN Size |
Enter the range of VLANs that can be used for service provisioning. A VLAN is assigned from this range during service provisioning. Range: 1 through 4095 |
Chassis | |
PSMs |
Enter the number of power supply modules (PSMs) in the device. This information is used for collecting analytics and health data from the PSMs. |
Fans |
Enter the number of fans in the device. This information is used for collecting analytics and health data from the fans. |
Linecards |
Enter the number of line cards in the device. This information is used for collecting analytics and health data from the line cards. |
Pluggables |
Enter the number of pluggables in the device. This information is used for collecting analytics and health data from the pluggables. |
Field | Description |
Link Name |
Enter a name for the link. The name can contain alphanumeric characters and some special characters [hyphen (-), underscore (_), period (.), and colon (:)] and cannot exceed 64 characters. You must enter the link name if you want to configure links between multiple devices in the same subnet. |
Device A | |
Device |
Select a source device to originate the link. |
Site |
Displays the site where the device that originates the link is installed. |
Interface |
Select the interface on the source device from which the link originates. |
Connection Instructions |
Enter instructions for the link. For example, the cables to be used to connect the device to the network or another device. |
Device Z | |
Device |
Select the destination device to terminate the link. You need not select a destination device if you want to connect to multiple devices from the same source device and interface. |
Site |
Displays the site where the destination device that terminates the link is installed. |
Interface | Select an interface on the destination device at which the link terminates. You need not select a destination interface if you want to connect to multiple devices from the same source device and interface. |
Connection Instructions |
Enter instructions for the link. For example, the cables to be used to connect the device to the network or another device. |